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Leah won the heavyweight class of this year's contest. This called for a solo shooting, and Leah lifts a little something to truly show off her body in all its glory. It's a little on the dark side, so watch it full screen for full effect.


leah compressed.mp4



Look at that! Super Leah! I love you little girl <3


I'll always be a big fan of these shots in the dark, gives it something realistic and intriguing~


Really nice video. She's a gorgeous model. Too bad the last shots were zoomed out so much though. 🙂




What a physique wow..but not showing enough of her body.eg back,calves butt .the camera seemed to only show her frontage,and didn't try to go around that fantastic physique. also ,it would be good to see the camera angle from above looking downards.i'm sure it would also had to the sense of her body density..thx


Right you are! Mental note made :) Camera angle from above... like this? <a href="https://gyazo.com/c03be92a9b087666665d17196fa08f32" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/c03be92a9b087666665d17196fa08f32</a> It's from an video I am working on for Rhaelyn (who may have had a growth spurt).

Jacob East

+1 for Yin’s comment. Would love to see more legs, glutes, back in these vids. Love the posing but there’s always so much more to explore :)


Uh oh. Looks like this got removed