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Rhaelyn is one of the sweetest people in the world. And on of the strongest. Her armor like muscles swell to incredible sizes when she flexes, her thick pecs all but obscuring her view forward.
She shares a deep bond with Elephants, and acts as their protector.

I am experimenting with the possibility of creating a story where she protects Elephants from poachers with a massive feat of strength, the animations for that should work.
Possibly with a small regular size wildlife photographer girl added in to highlight her massive size. I already prepared some footage where she literally outsizes an elephant. What do you think?

And next week will be Absence of Light Part 5 with another new girl: Naya





Awesome! Fantastic new girl! Thank you. Can't wait 2 part!


She made easy work of working out with that boulder.so...it would be nice to see her carry those elephants to safety.oh yes..


Wow she's impressive! It's neat how her hair physics give her a better sense of realism~ Aside from that, I'm just astounded by those clothes, they don't even tear under her enormous frame :D Looking forward to more!


Love her. Well done. And yes your idea for a next video with her is quite tempting. :)


She's not really flexing yet ;) I'm not sure how much strain those clothes can take. The hair physics are really nice. Sadly they glitch a bit, but I try to edit around that. I wish these hair physics were available for mesh hair. But I really love the flowing hair like this.