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I just read a disheartening post from a friend who apparently spent 100$ on a commission job where the 'artist' then ended up tracing the work of other artists and then sending him a shabby photoshop job of traced and copied bits of art. This isn't the first time people complained about being ripped off with commissions and it angers me every time that artists would betray their fans.

Until now, I generally stayed away from the commission game so far, though I did a handful for people who asked me privately.

But this just inspired me to give it a try. So I just introduced a new commission tier, currently limited to a single job per month. Did you ever want to see a girl lift an airplane`? Did you want to see a specific girl getting naughty or just tanning her nude body in the sun or even giving herself a little pleasure? Would you like to see a girl resembling a specific celebrity grow huge or donning a superhero costume and showing off? Then why not get your own commission`!

These videos take a long time to make, from creation to lighting to making, buying or arranging props, to editing, scoring and rendering. I don't want to compromise on the quality of videos, so I'm only offering a single job for now.

Be sure to contact me about your wishes before signing up for it! Animations are limited and since I don't own the copyright to all characters, so not every character is available for adult situations.
(Remember, the charge is non-refundable, so please confirm your ideas with me.)

PS: The commissions above would be posted to the patreon feed some weeks afterwards.However, since some people have asked for personal videos, I had the idea of a kind of "mini commission", where I'd offer private clips for roughly 50$. These could have any (legal) kink you like (From lifting to super size to sex. Or if you want a 2 minute clip of a girl's boobs, abs, feet, whatever). They wouldn't be scored with music. What do you think?

PPS: It's Alina and Christina in the picture above.




I should commission you, or at least get included or mentioned in a video :) When I do get back on SL, I should tell you of my crazy RL lately lol.


That's a really good idea GGP !

steve scibelli

love the idea and now am thinking of my custom request


cool, will prepare a request with some insane workouts!


It will be sad not to see animation.your site,as far as I'm concerned broke ground by giving us moving living muscle mass.I know that stills are better than nothing .but animation kinda brings life to those muscles.I also understand its not easy bringing it all together.but you did.and wow,what a treat..anyway i hope you won't do away with animation all together..I'll still be on your site.


U Will Still Be Posting Videos Here For Patrons, Right ? After All, That Is What We Are Paying For.


Can you give us a list of broken links and when they are expected to be fixed??? And if you can't find the content, maybe some people can help you out?


Of course, no changes herel. I'm just taking on one single commission per month where someone gets to tell me what I should make a video about.


I updated about 70-80% of the links. However, it seems that some links either reverted or some people are having trouble playing some of the videos which I replaced. There are a few videos which I'm having trouble finding and someone was already kind enough to send me some links. I have a surgery coming this week and the preparations and testing for that kinda threw me out of the loop. But during my recovery I hope I can fix all remaining links.


Huh? Oh no, I'm not replacing video updates with still images. I'll just add some extra galleries here and there, because making those has been fun lately. But as you said, nothing can replace muscles in motion :)

Joe Snuffy

I'm interested in making a video of my character "Aiefe McBride" as you know. If you want to charge for that then I'm ok with it, your work is very professional and if it helps you make more of it then that's a good thing.


Oh hi! Sure, contact me when i'm back in SL. I'm still in the hospital for a week, just had my operation. Everything went well it seems. Or you can send me a message already with what you have in mind :)


I love that muscle mass, really nice work ;)

