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"We won't restore your channel."

What scumbags. But it matters not. I'm uploading everything again to new accounts and once d.tube accepts my application, I'll migrate to there.



Lol .... why persian women


They became too powerful, and can do whatever they want, without having to give any reason. Your content doesn't please the moderator. One click and they can apply their almighty power... Sad


A few months ago a Persian woman entered youtube headquarters because they demonetized her vegan / workout channel and shot up the place. It was a joke in poor taste, but i'm livid with anger right now.


Don't worry, I have just about everything backed up. And uploading 4 gigs per hour 24/7 until everything is back up.


Fuck YouTube.

Jacob East

It’s tricky - because there’s little alternative. YouTube is expensive to run and operates at a loss. There aren’t other free hosting sites popping up to challenge YouTube because there’s zero VC interest in that space. Right now, the only thing remotely close to YT in scale is PornHub.