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Qwerty81 returns with another growth epic. Beware, very NSFW!!



Double Life



That was epic! Awesome story and transformation


With a title like that, you can see that twist coming, but wow this really went from 0 to 100 real fast. Almost as fast as she grew from nothing to beast :) Starting at working out for love and ended with seriously pumping with rage. And I honestly thought they'd just rip him apart in the end, I guess he got away easy ;)


Plus, I really liked the face/head of the gym instructor girl, she's very cute~


Wow thats a very cool story and a great clip. Thanks for creating !


Wow ! This is a masterpiece. :D The scenario was a very good idea. As said by WickedBust, this cheater gets a reward he doesn't deserve, but I she loves him too much... That's sad for the gym instructor, but let's say that it's life. ^^ And these bodies... They are real fantasies : physical power and sexiness. The muscle details are awesome. Seeing these women grow was a feast for the eye. I really love your work. Thank you :)

Jacob East

Just an FYI - Video will only playback through YouTube. Not sure if it was intended but playback isn’t possible through Patreon mobile app.


There was so much to take in I'm still processing some of the finer details. Its hard to choose where to start, the story was very well rounded with cause, action, and effect. The character interactions were enveloping, the way the relationship between trainer and client turned briefly to rivalry then friendly competition was splendid. The transitions in scenes and body growth was excellent as was using to the two distinct body style for each person was a great method to show difference in each individuals development. The story made be feel excited, angry, pumped with resolve, and affection for the characters. The music also had my heart beating at certain points adding well to the visual mood. I say this was a master full job of all involved and enjoyed every second. ♥

Jacob East

Just finished watching. Just, wow. Loved the hell out of it.


It is hosted on youtube. I chose that for convenience, since that seems to work for most people. I haven't used the patreon app yet, what kind of an error did you get?


I'm also struggling to put into words just how absolutely mind-melting this video is. After the astronomically-high bar set by the From Fat 2 Fit series, I hoped that this would be another awesome Qwerty vid. I was wrong. This things blows away every expectation I had. To me, it's a game-changer on every level. The quality and ambition of the story, the locations, the models - they're all a massive leap forward. But it's Qwerty's directing - the confident, rhythmic pace of edits, the incredible choice of angles mixed with dramatic lighting to accentuate the models' pumping, veiny physiques, the use of focus, the slow, skillful buildups that crescendo with each start of a new, even more aggressive music track - that makes the video so pulse-poundingly awesome. I swear to god, the moment the final pose-down between the two girls kicked-in, I just about had a heart attack of pure joy. Qwerty & GGP, you folks are on fire!

Dr. Whoopass

Fan fucking tastic! My only complaint= Blondie should have smushed The Cheater and made out with The Brunette instead :P


I was kinda hoping for that, too. I am working on a similar plotline though, in which a guy gets his deserved comeuppance :)

Dr. Whoopass

and here I had just finally gotten the UFC game menu music outta my head... :P


It's been some time since this was posted, I felt the need to say this: Water is NOT a lubricant. Nope. Quite the opposite actually. That was it ;)