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It finally happened. I broked down. It all got too much. First the old stomach issue flaring up, lack of sleep due to psychopathic neighbors banging the walls all day, my mom still reeling with her heart issues and me tackling too many projects at once. The battery ran out and needed to recharge. I'm terribly sorry about it, and while I'm not fully back on track yet, this break has helped. A lot. I hope you can forgive me.

The good news: I found someone to help me edit: Frederick Maus (some of you may be familiar with the name), and this video here marks a first coproduction, edited by both of us together.

Fred has adapted well to my style, and I'm looking forward to future projects.
The video features Sarah in her biggest appearance. She's a young Brazilian with a warm personality, a love of cosplay and a great passion for building muscle. Cameo appearance by Jessie.


Sarah 2024 1



I can not download it


Glad to know that you're doing better mentally . It's essential if one want to be able to face the other turmoils. Let's hope this collaboration with be fruitful. :)

Melissa Muscles

Does anyone know anything…is GGP dead alive what’s the deal?

Luis Rodriguez

I can't seem to be able to open the link to Vimeo. Anyone got any tips?