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Embrace the path of light in an outfit that will make even the most vile of fiends beg for mercy.  This set consists of a top and bottom for male and female, it uses tnf m upper and bb lower for female as well as tb2 for male.

Edit 1.1: Pulled out the male flap a bit to fix clipping on elzen and midlander, many thanks to
ignis and finalay for noticing ♥

Replaces: High houseBustle, Bridesmaid Tights for female; Highhouse Justaucorps, High house breeches for male

Colorset info top Female: Texure B main fabric row 1; latex straps row 3;
                                                  Texture C white neck part row 1; gold cross row 3

Colorset info bottom Female: Main fabric row 1; Latex row 3

Colorset info top Male: Texure B main fabric row 1; Latex straps row 6
                                              Texture C Neck fabric row 1; neck white row 3; gold small beads row
                                               and cross 5; Gold big beads row 7

Colorset info bottom Male: Texture B  Panty main fabric row 1; latex seams row 3
                                                      Texture C Socks main fabric row 1; latex seams row 3
Download Female Top
Download Female Bottom

Download Male Top
Download Male Bottom




Woahhhh <3 I love this! Can't wait to use it! Where do you get those gloves on the male I love those!


The gloves are made by Westlake and are currently in their kofi shop for early access - here https://ko-fi.com/s/0b9152a2c9 :D I love em too xD

Shay Bailey

*looks at his files... looks at Mimi.. looks at his files again. Realize most all of his files are of three peoples...* I have a mimi mod addiction. *adds too more files* lol


this is amazing!!! perfect for one of my characters, can't wait to put him in it! do you mind me asking where the hair on the girl model in the first picture is from? :O

Rhys Mikaelson

This is amazing! If you don't mind me asking if the lace blindfold a public mod somewhere?