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I'm really sorry for posting these so late, with the constant doctor's visits I've been having to do on top of a lot of mental stress from them and other health issues I've had to address and deal with on top of that, my art outputs been super struggling lately. Thankfully I think my new meds are finally helping me get right on track with everything and has been helping me feel not terrible so hey, progress..!

Also would you believe me the hardest thing about this month was the dialogue for Lina's request? For those not versed in Spanish, it basically says "AAA How was I supposed to know that guy was there?!" and "And we also gotta worry about the other team getting the others? What the hell..." 

Thank you again for your support and patience, I'm hoping I can keep recovering and getting back to posting more actively again with everything going on, stay safe! 


Sketch: Ara's (Pasteldaemon@twitter) OC, Watermelon
COLOR: Zyii and Adelaine Fusion
COLOR: OC feeling pleasure via seals
Sketch: Ara's (Pasteldaemon@twitter) OC, Watermelon
Sketch: Chirbl VS Squish
Sketch: Zyii but .hack//GU styled



you did a heckin' great job on these! and i believe you'll continue to do the best you can! many wishes of good vibes and good times for you~. (/ o v o)/ ✨🌟