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Please choose one topic from each of the lists below, and reply with the respective letter and number of your chosen topics in the comments below.

Voting will go until December 21st, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).

Topics marked with the asterisk (*) have been chosen by backers at the $10-a-month tier. They will be available for voting this month only, unless they are suggested again for next February.

Please reply with your choices in the comments below.

A Soldier's Guide to the Infinite Sea

A) Garing, Gutierrez, and Truscott - A History: A brief history of GG&T, from its humble beginnings during the Petty Kingdoms era, through its establishment as a major armsmaking firm during the Wars of Unification, to its current status as the Unified Kingdom's largest gunmaker.

B) The Saintly Martyrs: An overview of the worship of the Saints in the Northern Kingdoms, including biographies of selected Sainted Martyrs, iconography, and cosmology.

C) Old Calligia - What We Know: The Kian poet J'eanne Lieux once said that "The only thing we know about Old Calligia are the lies". While not entirely true, very little of the long-gone northern realm has survived. This essay from the University of San'heu attempts to put together the pieces.

D) Warfare Then and Now: A relatively broad overview of the history of war and warfare in the Infinite Sea, taken from a part of a Callindrian children's book.

E) Edmund Garing, In His Own Words: An autobiographical account of the junior partner of GG&T, edited by the Countess of Welles for her report on the War in Antar.

F) Clerks and Commoners: Selections from a children's book written for the scions of the Tierran nobility, meant as their first real education in the classes and dynamics of the Baneless classes.

G) A Report on Tutors and Tutelage: Commissioned by the Royal University of Aetoria, this report investigates the education baneblooded children receive before they are admitted to the University itself.

H) A Call to Arms to the Faithful of the Tree: A religious tract summarising the worship of the Tree of Life, and calling for a renewed age of religious devotion in an age of Takaran secularism.

I) The Compleat Knight: A somewhat tongue-in-cheek guide to the behaviours expected of a Knight of the Red.

J) The Senior Service: A rather self-serving pamphlet extolling the virtues of the Royal Tierran Navy in the context of the army's new prominence following the Dozen Years' War.

L) Notes on a Crisis Pt 2: More collected notes from Queen Isobel's private correspondence, dealing with the fallout of her use of the royal veto.

*M) On the Adoption of the New Rifle: A GG&T memorandum following the Battle of Aetoria, regarding the prospects of introducing a revolutionary new infantry firelock.

*O) A Collection of Reports: A selection of after-action reports from the Dozen Years' War.

*P) Regarding the Disposition of the Fleet: A report regarding the force levels of the Royal Tierran Navy, prior to the outbreak of the civil war.

*Q) On the Treatment of the Blood: A brief overview of how Baneblood is regarded outside of the Northern Kingdoms.

*R) A Serf's Due: An internal report written by a baneless Seeker of the Order of Saint Ignacio, regarding the everyday life of the Antari serf.

An Adventurer's Guide to the Fledgling Realms

1) On Creeds and Cults Pt 3: Folk traditions, cults, and other "marginal" belief systems throughout the Concordat.

*2) Remember That Time We Killed a Dragon?: The story of how Leofric of Kendrickstone and Elaine of Sonnemerci once killed a dragon (probably).

A Creator's Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding

A1) Using Genre Conventions: Every genre comes with its own traditions and conventions. Some of them can be helpful, others... less so. How do you tell the former from the latter?

A2) Sizing Up an Army: When writing an army, how big should you make it? That depends on several things, which I'll be talking about in detail.

A3) Scale Modelling a City: The size of population centres are constrained by terrain, technology, societal norms, and the force of history, let me explain how you can use those things to make your fictional cities more realistically sized.

*A4) Indirect Wars: From Syracuse to Saxe-Weimar, Austria to Angola, the "Proxy War" has been a fixture of human conflict for thousands of years. How do you write one?



M, 2, A4

Paul Wang

New Rifles, Dragon-Slaying, and Sizing Armies