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Please choose one topic from each of the lists below, and reply with the respective letter and number of your two chosen topics in the comments below. 

I've had a bit of a late start this month, so I'm going to delay the end of voting for a few days, until 11:59 PM, Pacific Time on June 25th.

Topics marked with the asterisk (*) have been chosen by backers at the $10-a-month tier. They will be available for voting this month only, unless they are suggested again for August.

Please reply with your choices in the comments below.

A Soldier's Guide to the Infinite Sea

A) Garing, Gutierrez, and Truscott - A History: A brief history of GG&T, from its humble beginnings during the Petty Kingdoms era, through its establishment as a major armsmaking firm during the Wars of Unification, to its current status as the Unified Kingdom's largest gunmaker.

B) The Saintly Martyrs: An overview of the worship of the Saints in the Northern Kingdoms, including biographies of selected Sainted Martyrs, iconography, and cosmology.

C) Old Calligia - What We Know: The Kian poet J'eanne Lieux once said that "The only thing we know about Old Calligia are the lies". While not entirely true, very little of the long-gone northern realm has survived. This essay from the University of San'heu attempts to put together the pieces.

D) Warfare Then and Now: A relatively broad overview of the history of war and warfare in the Infinite Sea, taken from a part of a Callindrian children's book.

E) Edmund Garing, In His Own Words: An autobiographical account of the junior partner of GG&T, edited by the Countess of Welles for her report on the War in Antar.

F) Clerks and Commoners: Selections from a children's book written for the scions of the Tierran nobility, meant as their first real education in the classes and dynamics of the Baneless classes.

G) A Report on Tutors and Tutelage: Commissioned by the Royal University of Aetoria, this report investigates the education baneblooded children receive before they are admitted to the University itself.

H) A Call to Arms to the Faithful of the Tree: A religious tract summarising the worship of the Tree of Life, and calling for a renewed age of religious devotion in an age of Takaran secularism.

I) The Compleat Knight: A somewhat tongue-in-cheek guide to the behaviours expected of a Knight of the Red.

J) The Senior Service: A rather self-serving pamphlet extolling the virtues of the Royal Tierran Navy in the context of the army's new prominence following the Dozen Years' War.

*K) The Mersdonian Transcripts: Acquired by Royal Tierran Intelligence, these transcripts are records of Antar's attempt to render Tierra Pariah-Among-Nations.

*L) A Richshyr Memorandum: A report from Takaran Military Intelligence (not Imperial Intelligence) regarding developments in Tierran gunsmithing.

*M) A Register of Honours and Awards: A list of awards and medals given out by the Tierran Crown over the course of its history.

*N) On Military Banecasting: An overview of the military applications of Banecasting, and the organisation of Banecasters within the Tierran Army.

*O) The Warlords of Calligia Pt 2: A continuation of a report from an official of the Ministry of Planning, regarding the factions in post-war Antar.

*P) A Record of the Great War: A brief account of the last war between the Kian and the Takarans.

*Q) The 602 Campaign: An excerpt from the semi-official history of the elder Duke of Wulfram's first major campaign in Antar.

*R) The Clans and their Customs: Notes on major Kentauri clans, from an abortive scholarly project by Athelstan d'al Havenport, the youngest of the Duke of Havenport's brothers.

*S) The Oaths of the Oberlinder: A recounting of the obligations and rights of an Oberlinder household, and how it relates to the structure of their society.

An Adventurer's Guide to the Fledgling Realms

1) Festivals of the Fledgling Realms Pt 2:  Festivals from outside the Concordat's borders, like the Iron Marches and the Island-Cities.

2) On Creeds and Cults Pt 2: A description of the religious practises of the Island-Cities.

*3) A Land of Obscene Criminals (and also Bandits): An account of travels through the Iron Marches by someone who... wasn't particularly taken by its unique charms.

A Creator's Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding

A1) Using Genre Conventions: Every genre comes with its own traditions and conventions. Some of them can be helpful, others... less so. How do you tell the former from the latter?

A2) Adversaries Who Aren't: So we've covered the antagonists who are obvious, but what about the ones who aren't? How do you hide your antagonists' true intentions from your audience? And how do you tip them off if needed?



L, 1, A2


N, 1, A2


F, 2, A2


G; 3; A1


O, 3, A2


O, 2, A1


M, 3, A2

Paul Wang

Warlords Pt 2, A more... unvarnished look at the Iron Marches, and Adversaries who Aren't.


I don’t think anyone voted for Q?


Sorry, maybe I’m missing something, but looking at the votes it looks like The Warlords of Calligia Pt 2 won, not The 602 Campaign. I don’t even see any votes for The 602 Campaign