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Vote for October's article in the comments below. One choice per patron, voting ends September 19th, at 11:59 PM.

A) Takara - A Brief History: An overview of the history of the Altrichs vam Takara, from its heavily contentious time of origin to its current status as a Great Power of the Infinite Sea.

B) Trade and Commerce: A description of the major trade routes in the Infinite Sea, as well as an overview of which power imports and exports what, and how this shapes their foreign policy.

C) Garing, Gutierrez, and Truscott - A History: A brief history of GG&T, from its humble beginnings during the Petty Kingdoms era, through its establishment as a major armsmaking firm during the Wars of Unification, to its current status as the Unified Kingdom's largest gunmaker.

D) Antagia's Rebellion: An overview of the last years of the Octovian Empire, the rising of the houses of Antagia and Khorobirit, and the final fall of the Heirs of Saint Stanislaus.

E) The Saintly Martyrs: An overview of the worship of the Saints in the Northern Kingdoms, including biographies of selected Sainted Martyrs, iconography, and cosmology.

F) The Curtain of Storms - A Primer: Very little is known about the Curtain of Storms, mostly because there have been no successful attempts to explore it. This pamphlet, printed by the Halford Foundation, ties together shards of fact with webs of speculation, but that is more than what most can offer.

G) Old Calligia - What We Know: The Kian poet J'eanne Lieux once said that "The only thing we know about Old Calligia are the lies". While not entirely true, very little of the long-gone northern realm has survived. This essay from the University of San'heu attempts to put together the pieces.

H) Warfare Then and Now: A relatively broad overview of the history of war and warfare in the Infinite Sea, taken from a part of a Callindrian children's book.

I) Edmund Garing, In His Own Words: An autobiographical account of the junior partner of GG&T, edited by the Countess of Welles for her report on the War in Antar.

J) Instructions to Traders and Travellers (Pt 2): The second part of a geopolitical primer by the Takaran Ministry of Barbarian Affairs. This segment covers the "Minor Powers" of Tierra, Butea, and Mersdon.

K) A Selection of the Unified Kingdom's Noble Houses: Consisting of entries from Fernandescourt's Great Armourial, this article would offer short histories and profiles of relatively minor baronial houses, much like that of the player character of the Dragoon Saga.

L) The Family Merger: A satirical engraving mocking the intricate and labyrinthine procedures behind the process of merging two powerful noble houses through marriage, complete with annotations.

M) Clerks and Commoners: Selections from a children's book written for the scions of the Tierran nobility, meant as their first real education in the classes and dynamics of the Baneless classes.

N) The Governance of the Unified Kingdom: An excerpt from a guidebook regarding the Tierran system of government, civil service, and the ways they differ from region to region.

O) The Confidential Notes of Karol of Loch: In his own words, a short history of his life up until the time of writing (614 OIE).

P) Intelligence Assessment - the 4th Duke of Cunaris: An Imperial Intelligence dossier collating basic information about Sir Johannes d'al Findlay, 4th Duke of Cunaris.

Q) Intelligence Dossier - Sir Caius d'al Cazarosta: A dossier from the files of Royal Tierran Intelligence, regarding the "Bastard of Leoniscourt".


Paul Wang

Alright, Q wins. Apparently Cazarosta is popular. Who knew, huh?