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As of late, I've considered changing up what races I offer for my custom hair releases. 

As you can imagine, it is time-consuming to refit every hair to every race, and may be a waste of time if these races are rarely used. 

As such I am considering changing from all race releases to 3-4 races.

So please vote on all of the races you mod the most and would use my hair with. Your opinion is vital to how I will proceed with future releases.



Incredibly heartbreaking to hear.


There is a vaccuum of elezen and femroe players that have to go through lengths to get hair conversions requested for by creators that only make hair for miqote, viera, aura and hyur players. Reasonably, these races are more popular, and I imagine it WOULD be less time consuming to detail less conversions. I absolutely understand your perspective because I do it myself in my freetime. It is disheartening to see a creator I enjoy supporting considering the option though. Like I said, I get it, it just makes me sad.


I see! I do understand that there is a lack of content for these races, and I will continue to do my best to push for all race releases when and where I can, especially for public releases. But the trade-off is a lot of time spent, which feels like a waste when I never see anyone wearing my mods on certain races. It becomes harder and harder to justify, and I've been doing this for years now. Hence a poll! Having said that, there is sadly no perfect solution, but I will do my best to consider all options so I can provide as much as I can to my supporters. If you have any ideas you'd like to share, you are perfectly welcome to do so here or in my DMs. Thanks for sharing your opinion!