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If you were to have something you wanted to ask Adam Gubman, what would it be?

Hypothetically of course 😉



I have no idea if Mr. Gubman would be into this humour but here's my favourite podcast question: Imagine if your current toilet was replaced with two toilets that have the ability to speak. One of them wants you to use it. It gains pleasure in receiving your stool. It even praises while you do it. "You're a healthy boy!" and whatnot. The other does NOT want you to use it. It begs for mercy. If it had eyes it would be crying. It would rather have a lit firecracker in the bowl to end its suffering. Which toilet are you shitting in?


I would probably ask him how can a bedroom composer get better at making good sounding songs that clearly have a theme and almost every element supports the theme, the mood and the emotion, like which books, which courses, what instruments should he focus on, real or virtual, how should he practice making music in his DAW and so on. Really get some actionable tips from him LMAO