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**Voting Ends Saturday, 18th, at 9pm PT**

March Heya everyone, it's been awhile but it's finally time to resume Retro Game Sessions. I have to say I really enjoyed Xenogears and hope to return to my play through of it some day in the future, but I didn't want to be stuck on the same game for months on end when I already do full play throughs of games during my Friday stream slot.

Since we're going to be extremely busy the next two weeks geting prepped for our 1 Year Anniversary, I wanted to keep this coming Sunday's session to something I could do in a single sitting or at least within 2 sessions. So yes, this one is a bit of a cop out, but I'll make sure the following session has more diversity, not be all Nintendo games, and perhaps also stuff I haven't really played through before.

These three games, though, are IMO three of hte best games every made. I also own all three and can easily stream them without any issue, and I'm also very familiar with them all. I know I've streamed Super Mario 64 many times before, but I could seriously stream that game every week if I could just because it's so fun and endearing. But the other two picks are pretty good, too.

Love & Respect,

- Damiani



Extremely tough choices, but I would love to see some SMB 3 play


Wow, results are CLOSE so far.


As much as I love Super Mario World, I have never seen Mario 64 before. Please vote it up allies

Max Jahner

I love playing World and 3, but for some reason I've just never been able to enjoy 64. Would love to see it played!


The way I approached this one was to consider which game can drive the more interesting conversation, and to me that's 64. It's not just about what a revolution that game was at the time. 64 also is the more relevant game to what Nintendo's cooking up now with Odyssey.

David Sobiegraj

Voted SMB3 because it is the most difficult of the options. Would love to see it done.


SMW sans the star road short cut.


Easiest choice for me. SMW was near perfection when it came to the 2d Mario for me personally.




Mario 64, hat-less run (as soon as possible in the run)


64 is great, but you have all seen it so many times, and even gotten 120 stars. The other two are not seen often I feel, so I'll vote for one of them. Lets mix it up!


Super Mario Brothers 3 tops this list! :(


dang it. i want super mario bros 3 :/


dam I've already seen u play all of these


I'd love to see you take on the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy on SNES, the music alone would make it worth it. Hope this gets a future consideration, thanks L&R.


Mario 64 is definitely more interesting to watch in my opinion, that gets my vote.


SMW, mostly for having the best Athletic theme. :)


Mario 3 would be the most interesting to see Damiani play. World isn't really a challenge, and Damiani has played 64 a bunch of times like he said in his post.


Mario World, trying to finish all the star world level, like tubular etc


Mario World is still my favorite Mario game to date but I would like to see Mario Bros 3.