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Here is an edit that’s been haunting me for weeks. Originally planned for February, things like Zelda, GDC, Easy Update, some new equipment, the Switch launch, and a tiny garage remodel kept pushing it back. While I keep kicking myself to get the Community Comments schedule in order, I do appreciate looking back a few months at where we were when 2017 began. Uncertainty around the Nintendo Switch was high. Concern over what games to play before other games came out was peaking. We had no idea that almost everything that’s launched since January 1st has been incredible. Our schedules are in danger now more than ever.

Community Comments has changed from something that I do when I have the time, to a multi-ally initiative to get the video posted on a regular schedule. Given the madness leading up to our one-year anniversary, we likely won’t get back on track until the beginning of May. That’s the goal. To relay the responsibility throughout the month so during the first week of each, you can look back at the moments and memories from the previous 30 or so days. My love for Community Comments grows as it continues to find an identity. It feels different from anything I’ve produced at GT, or now at EZA. It’s extremely beneficial to have so many wonderful perspectives, as it broadens my horizons and reminds me how unique we all are.

- Brandon


Community Comments - January 2017

We've been submerged in a tidal wave of incredible games since the year started. Here's a time capsule of the beginning of 2017. Our community had to make some tough decisions on what to play, often picking games from 2016 or earlier to check off their backlog.



Had to double-take on Doug S's comment. As my name is Doug S as well and have a 3 year old girl it was like I wrote the question myself. #gamingparentissues. Hello fellow EZA Doppelgänger.




I'm honored to have my comments be included in this video. Much Love & Respect :)


that short witcher impact is so wrong....

Max Jahner

Community Comments is the only video that EZA produces that I've never bothered to watch. I enjoy chatting with the community on Twitch, but I'm definitely here for the personalities of the Allies themselves. Then I read about how much you love this segment and how unique it is. Guess I'm checking it out this month! Y'all are absolutely dominating my free-time! Love and Respect!


Got my comment picked! I'd forgotten I'd submitted anything at all. Looking at my STILL unopened FFXV is making me realize I've got to ONLY buy games day one if I intend to play them on day one. Especially when so many great games keep getting released. I had planned on gettin Mass Effect Andromeda day one, but now I'm thinking I might wait.


I thought so too when I first heard about those videos. I thought that I don't care about random things from random people I don't know. I thought I am interested in the EZA crew, not their fans. However, I was wrong. Those videos are actually really interesting and sometimes even funny. Hearing so many different opinions and hearing them all read by Jones while seeing footage of what is being talked about is really cool.