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It's time to get your questions in for this week's podcast. Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon.

Note that Brad will be hosting this week as I'll be out at GDC.

Please submit your entries by Wednesday at 7:00 PM Pacific. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week. We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




What would you most like to see following the RE4 Remake? Code Veronica remake? RE5 remake? Whole new sequel to RE4 so the Remake continuity goes off in its own direction? Brand new games set prior to RE4? There's so many options!


What's the best way to convince someone to play a game/franchise you love without spoiling the good bits, when a simple "trust me, just play it" doesn't work?


As RE4 is coming out soon, remakes have seemingly become the norm these last few years, with Demon's Souls, Resident Evil series, The Last of US and KOTOR being some of the highlighted announcements and releases. Do you think that that the big dogs of the industry have been leaning on capturing that nostalgia rather than focus on new IPs and ideas, and also which remake announcement are you waiting for ? I personally would be over the moon if a DMC 3 remake gets announced! L&R


Game: Sequel or New IP? Oftentimes it's tough to decide if you'd prefer that a series continue on, or if it would be better to let it go and explore new ideas. In this game we need you to help make those tough decisions for each of these studios' next big project! With a sequel you have some idea of what to expect, while a new IP is a wildcard - you could end up loving or hating it. The Last of Us Part 3, or new Naughty Dog IP? Hi-Fi Rush 2, or new Tango Gameworks IP? Devil May Cry 6, or new Capcom IP? Elden Ring 2, or new FROM Software IP? Destiny 3, or new Bungie IP? Metroid Dread 2, or new Mercury Steam IP? No Man's Sky 2, or new Hello Games IP? Lastly a choice that isn't really a sequel... Metal Gear Solid Remake, or new Bluepoint Games IP?

Brandon K Gann

Hello everyone! This week marks the release of probably one of the most anticipated remakes, if not games in general, we've seen in awhile with Resident Evil 4. And seeing all of the glowing reviews for it (including a particular 10 I watched at youtube.com/easyallies) had me thinking: With the run of high quality remakes we've received over the last 4-5 years, do you think this consistent success will have many publishers greenlight more remakes of games as opposed to making new IP, or perhaps do you think remakes are much more likely to come from specific companies as it seems Capcom and Square-Enix have been leading the charge in both quality and quantity? And in general: What game, ANY game from any company, do you want to see a remake of next? Thanks for taking this submission if you do and stay Easy fellow Allies!


In anticipation of its sequel’s full release, I’ve started what is my THIRD annual play through of Darkest Dungeon. Thing is, I’ve never beaten it. This time I’ve gotten stuck on the second of 4 missions in the final dungeon. But I’m going to keep at it because despite its difficulty, the game stays fun and never feels unfair. My question to the allies is - what are some games you’ve felt pushed difficulty without being frustrating? Bonus points if they’re strategically difficult like Darkest Dungeon, not twitch-based like an action game. "Many Fall In The Face Of Chaos, But Not This One. Not Today." Steve G


Love and Respect: Hey Allies, Is there a game or a franchise that hasn't had an entry in a long while you wish to see again some day? Maybe from a lesser known series than your typical ones like Halo, final fantasy, etc. For me, a few games that are near and dear to me I would love to see another game for are Okami, Twisted Metal, a proper Castlevania (3D or 2D) and Spyro the dragon. These games had a huge impact on me growing up and I think deserve to come back. I know there are rumors for a potential new twisted metal and rumblings for a new Spyro so we will see but I hope they turn out to be true! Love and respect, Chris Eyerly


Hey Allies! I work as a career counselor at a large university. This past week I had the honor of helping host a panel for the video game industry, targeted at students whose majors were not directly in the computer sciences. I had been pegged as a resident nerd and video game expert so was asked to help, of course. We managed to get three alumni for our panel, each who played a different role in the video game industry. While this was considered a relative niche topic in the office, it turned out be a huge blowout! We had a total of 48 students sign up to attend, both online and in-person. Out of those who signed up, we had 24 show up online, and 19 show up in person! Far more than the half of total signees that we expected. I had to keep grabbing extra chairs as the panel went on! No question or game this week, I just wanted to share this awesome experience, that turned out to be way larger than anyone expected, much like the video game industry itself! As always, Love and Respect!


Hey Any And All Allies What’s some your favorite and Iconic start screens,some of my favorites are Call of Duty Black ops super Mario 64 and orcarina of time Thanks, L&R JDELVALLE21


Hey there Allies, This last weekend, I finished Threads of Fate on PS1. It’s a fun little Squaresoft gem, and it does one of my favorite things that I wish games did more often. After going through the final area and facing the last boss in a big showdown, you’d expect to be taken to a long cutscene and the end credits. Instead, you go back to town, and you’re able to say goodbyes to all the characters you’d met through the course of the game’s story one more time before the journey ends. This is one of my favorite things a game story can do, but I’ve only seen it in a handful of titles. There are countless times where I’ve gotten through a heavy action segment, the gold Playstation trophy will pop-up in a cutscene, and it just anticlimactically ends. Games like Earthbound and Persona 5 though have this little slice of bittersweet resolution after the climax that allows you to talk to the people you previously interacted with at your own pace, and have them remember you and recount the impact you made through the course of your adventure. Why don’t more games do this, and what are some of your favorite games that have had fulfilling ways of resolving? Or what are some that left you wanting? Love and Respect, Brian from Happy Gaming


Hi Allies, There are many cheesy lines of dialogue in RE4, but which lines are your favorite?


Hi Allies, my brother bought PSVR 2 and I am really enjoying RE Village and I played through Before Your Eyes in one sitting. However it's clear that there are imperfections almost intrinsic to VR that need solutions before it becomes even more popular and accessible. Things like Chromatic Abhoration, the Mura effect (and OLED problem apparently), sweat, and the amount of light you need to be trackable all made me think I was doing something wrong until Reddit told me that's just how it is. Do these imperfections bother you as much as they do me or can you look past them? Are errors and shortcomings in image quality due to a specific type of TV or VR headset brother you in general as a gamer? L&R


Hi Allies, How long do you intend to spend on Tears of the Kingdom before beating the final boss? Do you want to savor everything as long as possible, or be a part of the immediate conversation? Love and Respect, Rahul


Hello Allies, I just pulled up my spotify playlist with my favorite video game music that I just collect over the years and I stumbled across the awesome music by lena raine from chicory and that led me to a thought: thanks to the countless releases, games like chicory have such a short life in the light and it kinda made me sad for all the awesome little games, that are great, but probably forgotten by most people.  Some other examples I can think of that are fantastic and I feel probably not very high on most people's backlogs and no one talks about like Child of Light, Owlboy, Gorgoa or F.I.S.T. - sometimes even new games like Tchia give of the vibe they won't stay with most for too long unfortunately.  My question: Is there any smaller game you can think of that you wish more people would play and talk about? thanks for everything you do and L&R

Harrison Holt-McHale

Hi Allies, As a huge fan of Dead by Daylight, I've been keeping an eye on the upcoming Texas Chainsaw Massacre game from Sumo Digital, another horror themed asymmetrical multiplayer game. The trailers and previews that have been released so far look and sound really great, and I was delighted to see last week that they announced an upcoming technical test in May, followed by a release date of August 18th. Now I can't wait, but I couldn't help but notice the release date and smile! If you know your Texas Chainsaw lore, you'll know the events of the very first film take place on August 18th 1973, meaning that the game will release on the 50th Anniversary of the grisly, albeit fictional, events. Turning the games release into a momentous celebration of that franchise is just a really fun idea that I love. I was disappointed that Starfield didn't make its 2022 date, where it would have released exactly 11 years after Skyrim, but are there any other dates coming up that a game could be well suited for? I feel like October 2nd would be a great date for Alan Wake 2, the date the first episode of The Twilight Zone aired on CBS in 1959. Love and Respect, Harrison


Hi Alliez Let's turn on conspiracy movie. Do you think Kojima is trolling us again withthe DS2? It feels like he abandant his first plan with the game abandoned, because people attached to him quickly. So he made the DS2 trailer to distract us from his real game! What do you think? Regards from kuwait and sorry for my bad English


Love and respect allies. We all love good a good remaster and remake. And with resident evil 4 coming out on the 23rd, I still find love for the originals. Very specific question, I will be posting an example, is there a game that you wish you could still buy on its original hardware. An example is Square Enix is still selling PS2 copies of the final fantasy 10 greatest hits. https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/product/281274/final-fantasy-x-ps2


LET'S PLAY A GAME! After 7 years as Allies, it's time to test your social links! I'm going to give a short prompt to the panel, and without any discussion, everyone will say a response out loud. If everyone says the same thing, that's a point. If even one person is off (including the podcast host!), that's 0 points! Let's have the host give a moment for everyone to think, then count down from 3. For example, if I said "Best Platformer Franchise", the panel should think in a brief moment of silence... And then - 3, 2, 1, "MARIO"! Let's begin! Most memorable RE1 "One-Liner" Lamest Goldeneye 64 gun Cutest Gen 1 Starter Pokémon Coolest Zelda Item Hypest Video Game Movie The Sonic Game with the most attitude The Best Game of All Time


Greetings Allies! This week I am at a teacher’s conference and as usual I take my switch and connect to the hotel tv. This provides me an opportunity to game at night while the wife and kids are home and I get to catch up on switch games because most of my attention at home goes to my PS5 and XBSX. In my gaming this week I kindled a love for Metroid Prime which was unexpected. When it originally launched on the GameCube I went in without any prior Metroid experiences. This is because the internet was still antiquated and my friends at the time only cared about sports games. Therefore Metroid in early 2000 disinterested me and I quickly gave it up. Now I am loving it and I think it helped knowing what to expect and now having a community of Allies equally excited about the game. Therefore, my question finally is this, has this happened to you? Was there a game you gave a hard pass to and then 20 years later discovered the reason why it was praised? Thank you all, love and respect.