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We finally get to roam the mountains and valleys of Horizon without interruption in a 4-hour demo. There are plenty of enemy camps to invade, mounts to re-program, and machines to rip apart, but what other mysteries are waiting at the center of this highly-anticipated action-RPG?


Horizon: Zero Dawn - Easy Allies Preview

We finally get to roam the mountains and valleys of Horizon without interruption in a 4-hour demo. There are plenty of enemy camps to invade, mounts to re-program, and machines to rip apart, but what other mysteries are waiting at the center of this highly-anticipated action-RPG?



That's my toaster strudel!


Definitely will be my game for the Spring/Summer.


I'm just hoping this is mediocre so I don't have to buy this and Nioh in Feb. Otherwise, this looks like a game I could get lost in. Great preview Brandon!


I loved the reveal of the game and I'm still excited about it, but with Nioh, For Honor and Zelda coming out soon this will have to wait. Hopefully, I'll remember it so I can get it some time this summer.

Brandon K Gann

This was the most substantial amount of information I've seen since the E3 demo and even though that sold me, this was an excellent affirmation of what I was hoping this game I was. I am so excited for this. Thanks a lot for the thoughts and coverage Mr. Jones!


Great preview. I wish it was coming out like 2/3 weeks earlier...I also will be prioritizing Zelda and will probably go with Mass Effect after that before I get into this since Horizon and Zelda have a similar vibe. It's a shame. I've been looking forward to it so much since the concept art leaked way back when and other games are stealing its thunder. Just not enough hours in a day. I'll get around to it eventually. Definitely want to support designers doing unique things with new IP.

Nut Kon

Thank you for not putting spoilers in the video Jones! I was watching another site's coverage on this and closed their video immediately when I saw something I wished I discovered myself haha. Then I thought to myself, I wish the Easy Allies went to the event and made a video about it too.. and here it is! Haha thanks! Preordered the game after watching this :D


Good job Brandon! I know you only pick a few games each year glad you picked Horizon and shared your thoughts!


I am not into crafting or gathering in the slightest, that being said I still preordered the game as I've played games with crafting/gathering before and although I didn't like it I still enjoyed the game overall.


I generally don't buy games on day 1 but this looks so cool.


I enjoy crafting weapons/items so that will not sway me, I can't really see the chatter being a game breaker (if it really is very annoying), still really looking forward to it.


Pre. Ordered. I've noticed I have similar tastes in games to Brandon, so if he's sold. I'm sold. Also, I love that you mention Greg Miller in your preview and Greg mentions you in his. We really need an EZA/Kinda Funny cross-over event.


I've just played A LOT of Rise of the Tomb Raider, and now seeing this, it's all just too similar gameplay-wise. I can't buy Horizon in a month's time, my brain needs something completely different for a change next. Didn't cross my mind when I bought RotTR a few weeks ago. :/

Gan Khef

Thanks Brandon, I really enjoy these on camera previews.


I was really intrigued by this game even back when I saw the original concept art before it had a name. Seems like it will be very solid and will incorporate elements I appreciate from many different games. One aside. Is there a reason the audio is so weird in this preview? When Brandon is speaking the audio pans left to right a lot, seemingly when he moves closer or further from the mic. Either way great preview, and thanks to EZA for all you do. Love and respect.


I just have a feeling this is going to review badly. Also was reading the youtube comments talk about 0 love and respect. Makes me sad.


This made me feel ok about giving priority to the new Zelda. Will certainly buy it later but I'm in no rush.


I know I tweeted this out to Mr. Brandon Jones already but it definitely needs to be said for anyone else browsing these comments. I had a clear image in my mind of what I thought Horizon was going to be based on the first reveal in 2015, and when it was shown again last year it confused the hell out of me. My first impression was already turned upside down, their focus on very specific things had me wondering just exactly what type of game this was going to be. I certainly had the FarCry vibe right from the start, but had no idea how disturbingly similar it actually was until I watched this video. I'm personally more a fan of first person in a game that demands perfect aim...but that's besides the point. Had I not seen this clip I would have NEVER given this game a look until it hit discount bins, and NOW you've at least made sure that once Zelda is over with and my schedule for streaming is clear that I will give this game a shot. Thank you brandon for clearing the air and standing by your anticipated title regardless of what anyone else thought. If they had just kept their presentations simple and described the game instead of showing off a boss encounter or main showcase features like hacking, it would've helped sell the game a HELL of a lot more to people who'd never heard of it prior. L&R