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Today on Frame Trap, we have the former managing editor of GameTrailers on to chew the fat about Overwatch and Nioh. The panel also finds ample time to discuss Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Gravity Rush 2, and Final Fantasy XV. Plus, there's an in-depth chat about our hopes, fears, and dreams for the upcoming Nintendo Switch. Last but certainly not least, Kyle Bosman shares the joy of getting parents into videogames.

SoundCloud link - https://soundcloud.com/user-50492631/frame-trap-episode-21-ft-ryan-stevens-a-rush-of-games


Frame Trap - Episode 21 Ft. Ryan Stevens "A Rush of Games"

Today on Frame Trap, we have the former managing editor of GameTrailers on to chew the fat about Overwatch and Nioh. The panel also finds ample time to discuss Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Gravity Rush 2, and Final Fantasy XV. Plus, there's an in-depth chat about our hopes, fears, and dreams for the upcoming Nintendo Switch.



Stevens, wow! Awesome.


Seeing this just cheered us up. We love you Ben!


Oh my goodness Ryan! Miss hearing from and seeing that dude.


Whoa, another beefy episode!


Almost 4 hours :) can't wait


Whoah! Blast from the past Ryan Stevens, always liked that guy.


Ryan Stevens is a boss. Excited to watch this one. His podcast was so good, too bad he couldn't keep it going.


29:00 if you want to skip the guest's opening monologue. (He's a good guest overall, the podcast just gives him a long time to introduce himself.)


Sweet! Ryan isn't my favourite person in the world but he sure brings different types of conversation into the mix which is always good! Amazing podcast as usual!


I've liked what I've watched on Frame Trap in the past, but I've been cutting down on overly-long podcasts in general, so four hours is right out. That said, if other viewers like it, more power to them.

Nut Kon

Hey Allies, just wondering after your talk about mimics that if you knew that in Nioh, if you open a chest with a mimic, it will perform a gesture before becoming hostile. And the amazing thing is that if you return the gesture, it will give you another gesture and happily leave without you having to fight it! (dont remember if it dropped loot) also, I stumbled over this AMAZING video of how a true master uses the ki-blast and flux in Nioh... good god this guy is amazing! Hope you guys check it out <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QRnYeWb-Ko" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QRnYeWb-Ko</a>

Marcos C.

More 4 hour Frame Trap

Andrew Chalmers

Regarding Ben's comments about Splatoon. My partner, who is quite a casual gamer, actually got into Splatoon. And no, she didn't like the single player. She actually enjoyed going online and playing against other people. This was absolutely shocking to me, that she is essentially playing a competitive online multiplayer game. There are two reasons why this worked for her: 1. Turf war. You don't necessarily need to fight the enemy. Just paint the ground! If you happen upon others, then fight them, but it's not necessary! 2. The splat roller: You don't need to have precision aiming. Just roll around and have fun!


Please group stream Gang Beasts!!


Patrons, patrons, but would be great if you care a bit about marketing - it's bad, you just openely say, you don't care about it :P Just random though, amazing podcast anyway :)


I totally agree with you Kyle, don't pay to much attention to haters, love and respect always


I'm going to have to watch this in a few sittings I believe. Almost 4 hours! This is NOT a complaint by any stretch, I'm just blown away. Ben, and the panel, you spoil us! 🙂


Love the 4 hours and nice to see Ryan again! I just finished Gravity Rush 1 on ps4 2 days ago and immediately jumped into gravity rush 2 and its totally an amazing game every single aspect of GR1 was completely revamped and improved dramatically and I really love it, having way to much fun with it! Kat is an awesome protagonist and I hope to see more of her in the future


I have to say this, I am like kyle in that I hate reading books.


This made me so happy! More GT reunions please! :)


Kyle, it sounds like your mom would love Journey. No killing, clever puzzles, great music and atmosphere.


I don't believe Shantae is for creeps. It's a good 2D platformer that gets no love.


I remember only knowing Ryan and Bloodworth as disembodied cartoon heads on invisible walls... It's so cool to still be listening to these guys and all the beloved allies all these years later!


I keep wondering if you had a SNES growing up. 😀


If critics were more critical on their job maybe there would be less of the so called "haters". Uncharted 4 it's a good example. I enjoyed the game but seeing professional reviewers giving it perfect scores is mind blowing. When I realized that I couldn't drag\hide bodies as part of my stealthy gameplay I couldn't believe it. I had to go online because I was sure I was doing something wrong. And the climbing... What a filler, and unchallenging at that. It's not that I hate the game, more like the media created an expectation in me that was demolished due to the game having some very average core elements. Unfortunately it's hard to have a discussion about it without being quickly labelled as "hater" or "Xbox fanboy". It's OK to shit on the Battleborns of this world but god forbid if a stone is thrown to the mighty Uncharted.


Kyle you would love the sprites in Shantae and the Pirates Curse. Great game. Looks great on 3DS. I would say it's Zeldavania. Looking forward to playing Half Genie Hero.


Such a wonderful surprise to have Ryan Stevens back on as a guest. He fits so well with the group I feel like he's a missing piece of the Easy A team ( along with Elyse).


It was really fun and cool to see Ryan Stevens again. Thank you! Frame trap is just getting better and better! Good job Ben and the rest of the allies.


I gotta say, what Kyle said about reading is exactly why I've been reading less and less as I've grown older. To be perfectly honest, when I want entertainment I look for it in other mediums (games, TV, comic books, you name it), which I think are much better at grabbing my attention. I can't read fiction like I used to back when I was younger. What I do love though, and is basically the only kind of book I still read, are essays. Anything non-fictional that has a message and actually feels meaningful. I love a well-written piece. Written words are much better at conveying complex and important ideas than any other medium. So I do love the act of reading, I just don't do a lot of it, sadly, and I just don't like what most people will usually tell me to read.


Allies, I made a Mario Maker level inspired by Kyles concept for Waluigi Sneak-n-love a year or so ago, give it a try if you like F628-0000-01A1-F543


These beefy podcasts are great- although I have to break them in 2 hour segments. You guys cover so much ground and love when things go off topic. Special guest was breath of fresh air &amp; offered some interesting perspectives &amp; unique viewpoints. Great podcast!!!


Ben Moore, I too read Bag Of Bones years ago when i was a kid. My mother was (still is) a huge Stephen King fan, and i remember I snuck into her bedroom once so i can grab a book of hers so i can read. (She was always reading and i just wanted to read one of her books so i can have a closer bond with my mom) ... but yea, i shouldn't have done this, because I was way too young (maybe 11?) and that book scared the hell out of me. As you may remember in the beginning **SEMI SPOILERS**** his wife dies from an aneurysm and so he moves to some lake house, and on one of his first nights there, he drops something underneath his bed, and so when he looks underneath to pick it up, he sees his wife there, in a dress of hers that he always thought she looked best in. It was pretty scary to read this as a kid. I dont remember that much of the rest of the book. but yea. just wanted to share that with you.


Ryan! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 oh and great show as always :)


Hey Allies, since Ben liked Kyle parents-in-gaming stories, I'd thought I'd share a quick one: my dad, who is a licensed CPA and CFP and never had a gaming console growing up, has played (to my knowledge) one game in his life: Total Annihilation. And he played it for YEARS. I couldn't tell you how many times he played through both the Arm and Core campaigns for the original and expansion. He just saw my brother and me playing it on the family PC and took it up himself, playing this hardcore RTS long after we moved on to other things. I always thought that was pretty neat.

Gan Khef

Ben, I've said it before and I'll say it again: You really need to check out The Dark Tower. If you're into high concept epicness (a la Fullmetal and such) it with blow you away. I'd highly recommend taking a crack at it before Hollywood gets its' hands on it. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, if The Dark Tower series seems like too much of an undertaking, you should check out The Talisman, or my personal favorite, IT (humor me and read one chapter, you'll be hooked). If you appreciated On Writing and Bag of Bones, I think you'll love all of them.


"The Master &amp; Margarita" IS a great book! The talking cat is the best.


I agree with Kyle on books, especially now that I am older, books just don't do it for me as it did when I was a kid. Maybe we're all just cynical people with short attention spans.


I do think Kyle absolutely doesn't like to read but I must say his reasoning sounds made up. The beginning portion of it sounds accurate, little time and no attention span. The other parts sounds like a hard justification as to give it credibility where there isn't any needed. You hate books, so what? be proud of your opinion.


Kyle, give books another shot. Audiobooks might be a good route if you spend a lot of time commuting. If your main problem is legitimately the over-abundance of imagery, Hemingway is a no-bs writer you might really enjoy. Another (and this is an either love it or hate it scenario) is "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." Great show as always. Serious IW vibes with Ryan and Blood together. Glad to see you again, Ryan. Hope all is well!!


Though I haven't played the games myself, I don't think it's any secret that Shantae is meant to be both cute AND sexy as inspired by anime media, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure Kyle was not meaning to be contemptuous, especially when he clarifies that "we're all creeps at some point in our lives," but I don't think it was fair for him to so easily label people who like sexiness or sexual humor as "creeps" (or such content as being "creepy" and "for creeps"), even when it's in reference to cartoonish media. It's hard to see that term as anything other than a pejorative. Of course, there's plenty of people who are simply not into that kind of titillation, and that's fine, but it becomes a problem when they start to look down on those who do like it. As a result, I have a feeling that a lot of people get repelled by such media because they're too self-conscious and worry about what others would think of them for consuming it. It seems to me our society is plenty okay with sexiness when it comes from pop culture films and music, but then regard it with suspicion when it comes from more niche entertainment industries. We should all come to acknowledge, though, that it's okay to like anime, and that includes the sexy anime, too.


I love this podcast. I love you guys with all my heart and I'll always contribute to what you do because I love it. That being said...Kyle is wrong. His attitude towards reading is quite frankly abhorrent. He motivated me to go pick up a book and start reading right now out of fear of what he described. That being said I still love him and all the Allies.


I really really liked this podcast. One thing I want to throw in there is that I want the Allies (and Kyle in particular) to give the "Skulduggery Pleasant" books a chance. They're written with so much wit and have such great characters. And the style of writing makes it super easy to just devour them. Please please please give them a shot :)

Kravenar Games

Loved the podcast. Thank you!


Liked having a guest. It changes things up and I'm sure depending on who you get could offer some promotion for EZA.


Ryan has really spiced up this podcast, more guests like him!