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Hello everyone!

This weeks panel will feature my co host Damiani, and Huber as our guest.

Topics this week include Chained Echoes, Dragon Quest VIII, Sifu, Vampire Survivor's DLC, Tunic and more! 

- Share your 2023 gaming resolutions! 

-I'm always looking for interesting topics or news to talk about so if you have any suggestions send them in. Also taking Sort It Out! and Keep It Up! suggestions as always.

-Please keep your questions, thoughts, or ideas focused and brief. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon.

Thank You!




Sort it out! The length of some games is too damn long! In preparation for Jedi survivor, I played through Jedi Fallen Order and loved how it came in at a cozy 16 hours. The Witcher 3 on ‘how long to beat’ is 51 hours which keeps me from going in and giving it a shot. What do you feel is a good length from start to credits?


Sort it out: This is a pet peeve but please stop having main characters talk and comment on artifacts and journal entries the second the user “picks them up.” So many games commit this sin, where the second you open or inspect an item, the main character gives a little quip like “Oh man, I hope they found each other.” Who are you talking about? Found who? Why do developers think I want commentary on an item before the user could possibly look at it, read it, or even digest what it is. This seems like an easy fix, just wait to run the “reaction” VO until after the user closes the diary etc. And exits back into the game world. First world problem but it’s an annoyance and feels like something developers know is stupid but do it anyway. Sort it out