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The next Community Showcase featuring Brad will take place at 3pm PDT on Tuesday, January 10. Please remember if you're submitting multiple assets: Please use a Google drive with everything in one place, or a similar hosting service like Imgur for art/photos. Please do not use Twitter links or Twitch VODs if possible.

Send your submissions here: https://forms.gle/Btn6mNwg2HGSYCNa7

View submissions here: https://tinyurl.com/rynd47nd


No submissions will be accepted past January 10 at 7:00 AM PDT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream. You may submit a text entry, an image, or an audio/video file. Only one entry per month.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your description limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long description is a bit disrespectful of people who only submit text entries. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.


- Damiani



Hi Damiani - I tried to edit my text submission and there's a chance that there are now two from levelcapybara by mistake. My apologies - I was trying to swap out one for the other. The one I wanted to submit to the showcase is the longer one, timestamped 0:58:20. If possible, please use that one and disregard the earlier one. Sorry for the trouble!