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Bloodworth here! We have a lot of ground to cover, so bear with me. This Wednesday, we'll be shooting three episodes of the podcast including the finale of Workout Buddies / The Adventures of Dawn Romantica. Since there's a lot to prep, please try to get your entries in as soon as possible, but let's say Tuesday at 2 PM PT for the final deadline.

Love & Respect

We're collecting topics for three episodes here:
1. This week's regular episode.
2. An all Love & Respect episode
3. A year in review episode.

Please make it clear if you'd prefer to have your submission in one episode or another. We're also collecting additional submissions for the L&R episode in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/submissions-for-75646305

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

The Adventures of Dawn Romantica

Previously, the panel chose which quest Dawn will be embarking on:
Lady Boyle’s Last Party (from Dishonored)
Location: Boyle Mansion in the Estate District of Dunwall.
Dawn and Wrex must sneak into the Boyle Mansion and eliminate [a high value target.]

I'm working on fleshing out Dawn's options, but I need your help filling in the following details by inserting elements from other video games.

1. Dawn's Assassination Target
2. An informant who works in the mansion
3. Disposable guards patrolling the mansion grounds
4. A ballroom guest
5. A close friend of the target, taking a bath
6. An out of town guest, snoozing in the bedroom
7. Someone Dawn has secretly been waiting to avenge
8. A mini-boss with a blunt weapon
9. How Dawn and Wrex Should Celebrate After

This is the end of Dawn's quest, so I'm really hoping for a lot of options to choose from. Thanks for all your contributions to this crazy journey. (I've probably gone a bit overboard here.)

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




Love and respect Allies do you remember the time when Bravia TVs had PS Now build in. It started around 2013 and ended as far as the internet tells me in August of 2017. Why should this be any different with Xbox Cloud Gaming and Samsung TV’s Gaming Hub. If we compare the time of Bravia TVs and PS3 games to nowadays much has changed indeed, but were the games and/or the service the problem or is the real the challenge to get people to actually use it and this is still true today? What do you think? Is the massive library of Xbox Cloud Gaming the attracting factor that solves all of the 2013 problems or what could drive user numbers to use Gaming via their smart TVs? L&R Snaqe


Completely confused the deadline so I understand if this one is being submitted too late to make it into either show but here goes nothing L&R any episode is fine Hello Allies! As we all know, Fortnite has become one of the biggest crossovers in gaming history (if not history altogether). Combining franchises such as The Walking Dead, Dragon Ball, Alien, Marvel, The Matrix, the NFL and many many more, it's gotten me thinking about old licensed games. It used to be that whenever a big franchise had a release of any sort, a tie-in video game was something we could expect to see released simultaneously. Now? We get a Fortnite skin (not necessarily complaining since I myself can't wait to purchase some of the upcoming My Hero Academia skins). So, the question is: are there any old tie-in games that you remember fondly or unkindly not necessarily takimg quality into account? I will always remember having the time of my life playing the original Xbox version of Superman Returns simply for the fact that I was playing as one of my favorite superheroes. Thank you for a year full of laughs and wonderful conversations allies! As always, Love & Respect Diego Cobos