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Hello everyone!

This weeks panel will feature Blood and Huber. 

Topics this week include The Callisto Protocol, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Need for Speed Unbound, Citizen Sleeper and more!    

-I'm always looking for interesting topics or news to talk about so if you have any suggestions send them in. Also taking Sort It Out! and Keep It Up! suggestions as always.

-Please keep your questions, thoughts, or ideas focused and brief. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon.

Thank You!




Sort it out! Hello Allie’s, I get excited for the GOTY season mainly because it puts a spotlight on games that shine within a specific genre. One genre that doesn’t seem to get enough focus is rogue-lites. With the past couple years of largely well received games like Hades, dead cells, returnal and more. I would have hoped to see it earn its own category to showcase the stand outs of this year which I would say there is quite a few. I genuinely believe it’s overdue for rogue lites to get its own category. A small gripe, but nevertheless sort it out! Please.


Sort It Out! 3D Sonic games and their combat mechanics. I love and grew-up with Sonic, but after finishing Sonic Frontiers the other day, I just couldn't stop thinking about the boss battles... like, what the fuck was happening during those encounters!? Why does it seem so difficult to make competent combat mechanics in a 3D Sonic title? There's something sort of nostalgic about how janky/messy Sonic Frontiers feels (especially during the boss encounters), but it can obviously be better. As an arm-chair/wannabe game designer and fan, I really don't have the answers. Sort It Out, Sonic Team!