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Bloodworth here. While we’ve had our shoutout tiers for some time now as a way of showing appreciation to our most generous patrons, we know that some of you would be more interested in giving at a higher tier if you got the chance to share a personal message or promotional message. And while it’s been a big help to have some larger sponsors on the main podcast, we do miss the homegrown vibes of partnering with people in our community. So today we’re introducing three tiers for our patrons - Personal Messages, Reaction Shots Patron Sponsors, and Frame Trap Patron Sponsors.

At $100, the personal message tier consists of a one-time short message (no more than 200 words) to be read on one of our podcasts or group streams that isn’t tied to any sort of business promotion, such as wishing someone a Happy Birthday. Similar to the Golden Voice tier, submissions would be up to our discretion, so no, you can’t pay to have Bloodworth swear.

At $150, you can pay for a promotional message on our Reaction Shots movie podcast. Again, some restrictions will apply, as there are some types of products we aren’t comfortable promoting, but we’ll try to touch base and work out the details before your pledge is charged.

And at $350, you’ll be able to sponsor Frame Trap, with similar guidance as above. However, since Frame Trap is more frequent, you’ll generally have your promotion read twice in a given month.

Due to the nature of these benefits, messages won’t be read until after we’ve confirmed charges go through at the 1st of the month, and if we get larger advertisers on either of these shows, slots may be temporarily unavailable. In any case, we hope this presents a tangible and meaningful benefit for more members of our community. Thank you so much for your support.




I'm in two minds about this- but also just want you guys to succeed and prosper! Hopefully one day I'll be able to give this much.


How do you feel abt upping to the personal message tier for special events? I cannot afford to contribute at that tier monthly, but thinking of birthdays and anniversaries and such it could be a fun thing to bump up to a few times throughout the year. Is that something that would be ok? Or does that make planning more difficult for you guys?


Also, I really like these new options and hope they help a ton. You guys have been absolutely killing it lately and I hope that this can really help you guys!!


Yes, that's essentially the intent. You have an option for us to read a message you send, and then you can hop back down to your regular tier. -Bloodworth