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It's time to collect your submissions for Love & Respect and The Adventures of Dawn Romantica for this week's Easy Allies Podcast.

The Adventures of Dawn Romantica

Dawn's workouts are done; now she needs cash to fund her adventures. So this week we're going on a treasure hunt, looking for artifacts she can sell to buy some gear for her main quest.

Now keep in mind that we want relatively modest items. Don’t submit a priceless one of a kind artifact, like an Infinity Stone but think of recognizable things you’d pick up and sell off, or something worthwhile, but repeatable like a Mario Kart trophy.

The Allies will have to choose between several different locations to check, and each will contain either one of the treasures you submit or one that I've come up with. So you can choose to submit to all of these locations or just whichever ones speak to you.

We'll need treasures that can be found:
- In a crypt
- In a mine
- From bartering with a shady merchant
- In an old library
- And a large treasure behind a waterfall

Love & Respect

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

These submissions will be collected by 1 PM PT this Thursday. To make it into this week's podcast, please post before then.

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




Hello! Here's a game for Love & Respect! As we all know, the allies are huge fans of League of Legends, and with the release of the newest champion, K'Sante (KAY-SAWN-TAY), League has 164 playable champions in the game, or over 300 champions according to Isla. So, to test the allies League of Legends knowledge, I made a game called: CHAMP or CHUMP? Rules are simple, I'll give a name for a potential playable champion in League of Legends, you'll say CHAMP if they are indeed a playable champion, or CHUMP if they are a fake champion. If they are a CHAMP, I've included a small lore tidbit about them. One point for correct guesses, most points win. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll ace it 😉. (For Blood, I've included pronunciation guides in parentheses for some names that might be hard to pronounce and feel free to cut any champion to shorten it) LIST OF CHAMPS AND CHUMPS: 1) Lucian (LOO-shin) - CHAMP. Lucian, the Purifier, is a member of the Sentinels of Light, a group that is dedicated to stopping the Ruined King and his sea of undead ghouls. His wife, Senna, was killed by a servant of the Ruined King, Thresh, and Lucian dedicated his life to getting revenge on him. 2) Stigma - CHUMP. Mispronounced Sigma from Overwatch once and thought it sounded cool 3) Poppy - CHAMP. Poppy, the Keeper of the Hammer, is a Yordle who fights using a hammer of legend that's the size of her. She is trying to find the hero who is supposed to wield her hammer, not realizing that she is the hero she is searching for. She is also my main champion. 4) Lux (Lucks) - CHAMP. Lux, the Lady of Luminosity, is a mage who wields the power of light. As a noble from the nation of Demacia, a country with a strict "all mages are bad and evil" belief, she has to keep her magic hidden, or else be thrown into prison forever. 5) Fiddlesticks - CHAMP. Fiddlesticks, the Ancient Fear, is one of the 10 anicent demons of Runeterra who feeds on the fear of people. It hides in a scarecrow body and feeds on the fears of people and bursts out crows from its chest when it wants to attack. Fiddlesticks is not its real name, it's a name given to the demon from a children's tale, it's real name is unknown, if it even has one. 6) Starsign - CHUMP. A lot of characters in League have sky or star powers, so Starsign seems like fitting name 7) Graves - CHAMP. Graves is a cigar-smoking, shotgun-wielding, outlaw on the run with his partner-in-crime, and recently announced partner-in-love, Twisted Fate. Biggest Huber bait I've ever seen. 8) Banks - CHUMP. Banks sounds like a cool outlaw character like Graves, hoping to catch someone with this bait. 9) Silco (SILL-koh) - CHUMP. This is a trick question, Silco is a character in the League of Legends universe, appearing as an antagonist in Arcane, but is not a playable character in League of Legends. 10) Kingen (KING-in) - CHUMP. Kingen is username of one of the winner of this year's big Worlds Tournament for the Korean team DRX. Had a really great underdog story and watching them win was amazing. Shoutout to Kingen and the rest of DRX. 11) Teemo (TEE-mow) - CHAMP. Teemo, the Swift Scout, is a Yordle who follows the Scout's Code. He is known for being cheery and jovial, until he needs to fight, to which he switches off all emotions and fights with ruthless efficiency, just to turn around and be all carefree again. 12) Poro (POOR-oh) - CHUMP. Poros are creatures in League of Legends that hail from the snowy Freljord (FRAIL-yord). They are round, furry creatures that are absolutely adorable. There are no Poro champions in League of Legends, but there are skins for champions that include Poros in their design or animations. 13) Tahm Kench (TOM-kench (rhymes with bench)) - CHAMP. Tahm Kench, the River King, is a Cajun, catfish demon who feeds on the suffering of others. He tricks people into miserable situations, like through gambling, and then eats them. Delicious. 14) Jart (JART (rhymes with heart)) - CHUMP. My nickname for my friend Jarrett. Shoutout to Jarrett. 15) Nimbus - CHUMP. A cloud-based champion would be cool, but that doesn't exist in League of Legends yet. 16) Tenacity - CHUMP. Tenacity is a mechanic in League of Legends, which reduces the duration of crowd control effects. 17) Gwen - CHAMP. Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress, is a doll who has come to life through magic. She fights with a pair of oversized scissors and a magical power known as the Hallowed Mist. She desires to experience the world and the gift of life with childlike glee. 18) Pli (PLEE) - CHUMP. Based this name off of the Dota 2 hero Puck. 19 Jinx - CHAMP. Jinx, the Loose Cannon, is a criminal from the shady undercity of Zaun, who is completely unhinged and has an intense desire to watch the world burn. She is one of the main characters in Arcane, which fleshed out her backstory and characterization. 20) Aatrox (AY-TROCKS). Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, is one of the Darkin, immortal beings of immense power who were trapped in their weapons to stop their reign of terror. He now takes over people's bodies who try to wield the sword he is sealed in to continue his path of destruction. However, his desire to destroy the world is so that he can end his eternal suffering and cease to exist. Thanks for playing my game! All the Love & Respect in the world, Jack, AKA the_m4elstrom


Dear Allies, [!!! NOTE TO BLOOD !!!]: If you’ve already discussed this story you can skip the set up portion. [BEGIN SET UP] In a recent IGN interview with FF16 producer Naoki Yoshida was asked: “In regards to diversity in the game, can we expect to see Black characters in Final Fantasy XVI, or people of color (non-white characters) in general?” Yoshida’s reply was long, so I’ve paraphrased it a bit: “[…] Our design concept from the earliest stages of development has always heavily featured medieval Europe, incorporating [various] standards that were prevalent at the time. […] Ultimately, we felt that while incorporating ethnic diversity into Valisthea was important, an over-incorporation into this single corner of a much larger world could end up causing a violation of those narrative boundaries we originally set for ourselves. The story we are telling is fantasy, yes, but it is also rooted in reality. […] There is diversity in Valisthea. Diversity that, while not all-encompassing, is synergistic with the setting we’ve created and is true to the inspirations from which we are drawing.” [source 1] [END SET UP] [MY QUESTION] According to Square Enix’s corporate philosophy’s 2nd guideline: “By giving rise to new expressions and ideas and creating experiences like none ever encountered before, we will deliver contents and services that surpass the expectations of our customers.” [source 2] Yoshida claims that a story about an isolated region makes for an innovative and creative experience because it adheres to the standards prevalent in medieval Europe. Does the panel agree that the choice to minimize the representation of people of color makes for a more creative game? My personal opinion is that if they are unwilling to do the work to include basic representation in their fantasy worlds then they should not be considered creative or innovative as that should be a bare minimum. Love & Respect, Lynn [1] https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-16-square-enix-interview-lore [2] https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/company/philosophy.html