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It's been a long wait, but The Last Guardian (and my review) is finally here. If you're already planning to play it, I'd suggest watching the review after you're done. Also, don't look at the trophy list. It has some spoilers for sure. In any case, I think it's safe enough to say, that despite control and performance issues in line with past Team Ico games, The Last Guardian is a monumental achievement that will stand the test of time. Enjoy!

Written by Daniel Bloodworth
Available on PlayStation 4

Our ratings: 5 Stars - Masterful, 4 Stars - Excellent, 3 Stars - Decent, 2 Stars - Inferior, 1 Star - Terrible 


The Last Guardian - Easy Allies Review

Building on the strengths of its predecessors, The Last Guardian presents a majestic and memorable adventure. Written by Daniel Bloodworth Available on PlayStation 4 Our ratings: 5 Stars - Masterful, 4 Stars - Excellent, 3 Stars - Decent, 2 Stars - Inferior, 1 Star - Terrible Review copy provided by PlayStation.



Wooah, that score coming from blood of all people has gotten me completely hyped!


Good guy blood warning us not to watch his own review because of spoilers.


Fantastic review Blood. You didn't address the looong development time and the impact this might have on expectations and different players' experience (like Ben talked about with FFXV). Did the long wait affect your meeting with the game in any way?


It's certainly easy to doubt yourself at times, especially early on, but there's a lot to the game to appreciate that was kept under wraps throughout all of that time. -Bloodworth


Modern ratings confuse me so often. So it's not a perfect game but it get's a perfect score? This is why i would rather have something like very bad/bad/mediocre/good/verygood. Half a star doesn't mean anything to me in this age where games scoring differs so much and for a lot of people a 7/10 or 3.5 stars would mean it's not good.


"The last guardian is not a perfect game..." Then gives it a perfect score!

Andreas Köther

It doesn't need to be a perfect game - it "just" needs to be Masterful and I think Blood made a very good case for that in his review.


5 stars doesn't mean perfect, it means masterful. Something can be masterful without being perfect.


5 stars doesn't mean perfect, it means masterful. Something can be masterful without being perfect


Wow. Wasn't expecting Masterful. Now I really want to play this game.


Weirdly proud of you guys with the "review copy provided by," bit. Amazes me that that wasn't an automatic thing given your pedigree. Despite being a different outlet its all the same fantastic people. Solid review. Kind of a fascinating game. Scores are all over the upper half of the spectrum, but everyone kind of has the same criticisms. Ico is one of the first games I played and went "whoa, THAT's art!" so I'll probably dig it. Can't wait to see it for myself.


Timely review! Too bad Blood wants me to wait to watch it :(


So we've been getting review copies from Sony from day one. The only reason that disclosure is there is because they have new guidelines forcing us to include them. I'm all for transparency, but these are overkill. -Bloodworth


You're very kind for treating us with so much love!!! Also thank you for respecting your audience and treating us like we should be treated!!! Thank you for this review guys. You are the best on the business!!!


I don't think it's mentioned in the review but have you played on PS4 Pro or classic? A lot of issues were raised regarding the performances but it didn't seem to bother you so I can't help but ask.


I played on a standard PS4. I did mention the framerate issues. I'd certainly like a better framerate, but it wasn't a major hindrance in my enjoyment of the game.


Whether one agrees fully with the review or not, it's always a treat to see when a game so deeply touches a reviewer to offer such incredible praise. I'm curious, Blood. If you were at GT, would you have broken your rule of not scoring a 10, or is this an adjustment of expression within the EZA scale?


Wow, the one review I was looking forward to did not disappoint! Great review with a surprise ending. Honestly, it's content like this that truly makes me grateful that I'm a Patron. Thanks EZA!


I watched 3 or 4 different reviews on this game and none have explained the game better than this review. Bloodworth, I commend you on your great writing. Now if you'll excuse me I need to pick up my pre-ordered copy.


Crap. I think I'm going to have to buy a PS4.


"...not a perfect game, but it is a mesmerizing adventure we'll never forget" So, essentially a Fumito Ueda game to a T.


Thank you EZA, Specially Bloodworth on this great writing.


My copy is set to arrive tomorrow. Went for the steelbook edition (it just looked too awesome!). Going to play through this together with my brother (we BOTH love team Ico and want to experience this TOGETHER). We'll meet at my place the day before Christmas and "celebrate" a Last Guardian gaming marathon right before we eventually drive to our parents to spent the holidays together with the rest of the family. Will be a hard time to wait until then, though - but given that rare rating from my favourite reviewer, I am absolutely sure that it will be worth it!


Proud of the Playststion disclaimer. Surprised at the score. Wonderful review.

Brandon K Gann

I really liked the beginning of touches of identifying where the review copy came from and the announcement of potential spoilers. This leads me to ask: Is this the first game to have a review copy provided? If not, this was a great idea. Great review Mr. Bloodworth!


Wow, great review!


It's certainly an adjustment to the new scale, and my final sentiment is as much a description of what 5 stars means as it's an assessment of the game. -Bloodworth


Almost all of our review copies have been provided by the publishers. Sony just has a new set of rules for disclosures that we're begrudgingly abiding by. -Bloodworth


Great review! Have been playing for about 6 hours now and can say that this is shaping up to be one of my favourite games of 2016 :)


This is a great review. I get the sense that Bloodworth and I have very different tastes and sensibilities when it comes to stuff like this, but I still see where he's coming from here.


I still cannot believe the score considering all the reported hiccups in this game, but in Blood we trust!


I was hesitant about getting this game but alas, the blood moon has risen.


Just finished the game (its 5 am, couldn't stop playing). 100% agree with the review, this ranks easily in my Top 10 games of all time, Absolutely magnificent, an incredible piece of videogames art. That bond with Trico is something no game has ever made me feel, wonderful.


Such a special game. Expected a 4.5 star rating from Bloodworth! The 5 star rating was most unexpected! But we'll deserved. I will patiently wait another 10 years for the next Team Ico game.