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It's time to collect your submissions for Love & Respect and Workout Buddies for this week's Easy Allies Podcast. On the desk this week will be Damiani and Huber.

Workout Buddies

It's time to get Dawn Romantica into shape. It's up to you to submit a video game character for us to work out with each week. Now her range of stats is locked in, so it's all about beefing up strengths or shoring up weaknesses.

Here is Dawn's current build.

+1 Strength
+3 Swordsmanship
+3 Flexibility
+2 Stealth
+1 Defense
-1 Speech
+1 Shapeshifting
+1 Navigation

For your submissions, I'm looking for four things in particular:

1 - The name of an existing video game character to train with. If it's obscure, please include some context.
2 - Which workout activity we'll be doing together.
3 - Our workout buddy's encouraging catch phrase.
4 - And which of the above stats that activity will raise.

Love & Respect

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

These submissions will be collected by 1 PM PT this Thursday. To make it into this week's podcast, please post before then.

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




My gaming time is a lot a severe premium. I work in the city taking care of a sweet little old lady, and my shift lasts from Thursday morning to Monday morning. And that’s on top of my various freelance writing jobs. I’ve been chipping away at Yakuza 5 since April and still haven’t finished it. Can you believe that? It’s October! I play fewer video games right now than at any prior period in my life. Have you ever had a job or responsibility where you had to put gaming on the back burner, not by choice, but because of other obligations?


1. Harrier "Harry" Du Bois (the main character from Disco Elysium) 2. Interrogating any and all people/objects within a four block radius of Dawn's home. 3. "Go away, necktie. You're just a figment of my imagination!" 4. +2 Speech (and in your own mind, plus 1,000 to Superstardom Yeaahhh Baby!)