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Thank you to everyone who joined us last weekend for Easy Chillin’! We spent three days playing games together, spinning wheels, wearing hats, writing haikus, and so much more. If you missed anything, be sure to check out the official playlist on Easy Allies Plays which will be updated with more archives throughout the rest of the week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX7CQOTnV_M0a53tW9BYoaiNi4ZiKucZT

This year’s Easy Chillin’ also served as a fundraiser to help keep our operations rolling. Every dollar matters, and thanks to all of you, we raised about $15,600, hitting all of this weekend’s fundraising goals, unlocking both fun rewards and practical necessities. Here’s what’s on the way as a result:

Release Don Food Reviews from the Vault
Don’s been recording food reviews every month for our $50 fan mail tier, and they are absolutely fantastic to watch, with mouth watering descriptions and storytelling like only Mr. Casanova can deliver. Now, we’re going to take a few of those out of the archives to share with everyone.

Brad Builds a Sick Gundam
A new Gundam stream is on the way, but first you’ll have a chance to guide Brad’s hand on what to build, with a little higher end model than usual.

RRR Commentary
If you’re not familiar with this Indian film, it is an absolutely wild delight. A group of us will record an audio commentary track as we watch, and some of us haven’t seen it before. So you’ll get raw takes on every twist and turn.

Gabby Plays Outlast with Huber
Gabby is a scaredy cat, but Huber will be there to guide her through one of the scariest games ever made.

Isla Synth Concert
Isla recently constructed a new recording space for her synths. So get ready for some new tunes.

Gabby Gaming Tattoo
Thanks to everyone who donated this weekend, Gabby will permanently mark her body with video game imagery. What is she getting? Shh… we won’t tell until it’s done.

A New Laptop For Bloodworth
Bloodworth’s laptop is more than 5 years old, and it’s been trouble from the start, needing repairs for bloated batteries practically once a year. A replacement is long past-due. He uses his laptop not only to keep the podcast on track each week, but also to do everything behind the scenes whenever he’s on the road, whether that means capturing footage, editing scripts, making thumbnails, updating schedules, or putting out whatever fires may come up.  

Damiani Zelda Fan Fiction
Damiani recently discovered a multi-chapter Zelda fan fiction that he wrote when he was about 13 and it is glorious. Unlocking this reward meant we got some Damiani storytime during Easy Chillin’ and we loved every minute of it.

Talent Show
Some night soon, we’re going to put on a showcase of the allies’ varied talents. What will each of us bring? What secret skills might some of us be hiding? We’ll find out soon.

An Arcade Travelogue
We’re going to head to an arcade together and record the adventure, putting together a fun documentary of our journey and whatever games we find there.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to everyone who supported us either through direct donations, telling friends to tune in, or just chillin’ with us and having a good time. We’ll get to work on all of these goodies and update this post as they’re completed.




I was there when Elthanis made history.


I read this whole post in Gabby's voice, then got to the signature at the end... Oops.