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Ok, so this is a bit annoying, but a bug with Patreon is causing the audio player to fail and show the Spoiler Mode as a text post. It seems to be doing ok if I split the file in half. So, unfortunately, I need to post this in two parts for now, and hope Patreon fixes that bug somehow. I am leaving up the original post though, both for them to troubleshoot and because that is correctly appearing in the RSS feed for anyone using that. Sorry for the duplicate posts on this one. -Bloodworth
Huber and Brad have both played through Naughty Dog's revisit to Joel and Ellie's harrowing journey. Find out how they feel about the remake's efforts, how the story lands today, and more in over two hours of conversation.  *Review Copy Provided by PlayStation

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3idRhLuv28



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