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It's time to collect your submissions for Love & Respect and Workout Buddies for this week's Easy Allies Podcast. This week we'll have Brad and Isla for sure. How that will work out is still TBD.

Workout Buddies

Welcome friends, it's time to get Dawn Romantica into shape. It's up to you to submit a video game character for us to work out with each week.

I'm looking for four things in particular:

1 - The name of an existing video game character to train with.
(If it's obscure include some context.)
2 - Which workout activity we'll be doing together.
3 - Which stat that activity will raise.
(Think strength, agility, mind, stealth, persuasion, etc. Feel free to go outside the box, but there may come a time that we'll end up combining similar stats. Also, please limit stat gains to +1 for a single stat. An associated -1 is cool too though.)
4 -  And of course, our workout buddy's encouraging catch phrase.

For our first few weeks, we will most likely go with choices that are a little more traditional to set the tone. So think about gyms and physical training. Then we can go nuts a bit later.

Last week we did squats with Jules from FF VII Remake, giving Dawn +1 Strength.

Love & Respect

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

These submissions will be collected by 1 PM PT this Thursday. To make it into this week's podcast, please post before then.

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




Love and Respect question: Do you keep a running list of "to-play" games on your backlog? Do you keep a list of games you've played / beaten?


Hi Allies, We seem to unfortunately live in a world where people are harassed, criticized and/or mocked for liking something that may be not popular or is under extreme scrutiny by a particular fanbase. No matter where you go on the internet, your positive opinion will upset someone who feels the opposite. They will go out of their way to attack your opinion and you personally as a way to not only justify their opinion, but to discredit your own. This happened recently to a Twitch streamer I watch named DeeBeeGeek. He did a sponsored stream for Saints Row and after the almost 4 hour stream, he genuinely enjoyed the game. He posted an edited version on Youtube and was instantly harassed and called out for being a sellout, paid to say he was having fun, mocking him for liking a "bad" game and demanding he release other videos they'd rather see instead. It got so bad, he made a separate video responding to it where he basically said he's given up on Youtube when it comes to creating a safe and loving community while detaching himself emotionally from his channel. Twitch isn't perfect but it seems to be a much more positive community than Youtube from what I can gather. The same can be said about The Rings of Power. As a legit Tolkien nerd, I'm nervous but also excited about the series. I know a number of things were altered or created to give a proper narrative to the Second Age and I could go into a lot of detail in my own opinion as to why they did what they did, but I have yet to see the show (and we would be here for A LONG TIME) so I cannot give my honest opinion on it. However, there are a number of people who have made it their mission since it was first announced to discredit the show in any way possible. It's the purest form of toxicity I've come across in many years. Even after reviews have come out and someone says something good about the show, fifty people will attack that person and explain why they’re wrong, sometimes in a rude or offensive manner. Some will hyperfocus on a single negative review, proving this whole time they were right while ignoring the majority of positive reviews. Is this why we can’t have nice things? How do the allies deal with toxic fans when your opinion or review of a game goes against what many others think? Is there a civil way we can have an informative and engaging conversation with these kinds of people? Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk, Hydelsius