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Hey everyone,

My last day at Easy Allies will be July 1. Part of the reason I'm leaving is my wife got a new job which requires us to move back to Iowa. We've been talking about moving back home for a long time now. I think we're at a point in our marriage where we're ready to advance to the next stage in our lives. Neither of us have any family in California, so moving back will allow us to spend more quality time with loved ones, something that is important to both of us.

Joining GameTrailers and then eventually Easy Allies was truly a dream come true for me. I loved games so much and worked hard to share that passion with the world. There are many things I look back fondly on, but I'm particularly proud of Frame Trap, something that I feel became a core part of what Easy Allies is.

I've been working in games for roughly 10 years now and I'm excited to tackle something new. I want to see what other challenges are out there while also attempting to not devote quite as much mental energy solely to work. I still love games as much as I always have, so even with the huge change, I don't think I'm physically able to stop playing. After all this time, I'm still so happy that my passion for games remains intact.

I want to give a special shoutout to my coworkers, all of whom I deeply care for and admire. Of course, this absolutely includes Brandon Jones and Kyle Bosman, as well as the many past coworkers back at GameTrailers. All of their support and especially passion created something remarkable and I'm incredibly thankful to have been a part of it.

Finally, thank you to everyone who supports Easy Allies. Your enthusiasm is infectious and you allow us to spread our wings and follow our hearts. Not many people get that level of freedom, so sincerely, thank you.

Love & Respect,



Sad to see you go Ben. Way back during the gametrailers days you & co became introduction to d&d. Have been DMing myself for a few years now as a domino effect of that. On a selfish note, I really hope your future endeavors will lead back to the public space in some form. Would be sad to not hear from you again. Best wishes! ❤️+🫡


Your DMing and Homebrew in Tabletop inspired myself a large cohort of friends to become DnD regulars. Thank you for everything Ben best of luck in the next chapter.