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It's time to collect your submissions for Love & Respect for this week's Easy Allies Podcast. This week we'll have Damiani and Brad on the desk. Isla and Don will be in the control room.

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

These submissions will be collected by 1 PM PT this Thursday. To make it into this week's podcast, please post before then.

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




Hey, allies. When conversations around E3/SGF come up at various outlets, something that often gets thrown out there is how it makes sense for all these publishers, and sometimes individual games to have their own events, and to have them spread out because they get to have all the eyeballs on them, but do they though? When we had E3 and everything was consolidated into one week of events/coverage, I, like many others, would watch it all. However, now that things are so spread out, with some publishers even splintering their own content, it becomes a taller ask, and I feel people are becoming more picky about what they tune into v.s. what they will catch the highlights of on Twitter. A Plague Tale Requiem was shown during the Xbox showcase, which had an average of 2.2 million viewers. During this, they didn’t reveal their release date. Why? because Focus Entertainment is having their own event on Thursday where they plan to reveal it. An event which will likely draw a fraction of that viewership. Similarly, Capcom did the same thing with Dragon’s Dogma, and as Isla pointed out during your reactions, the Capcom event had 70K viewers on Twitch, while the Dragon’s Dogma event had 5k watching. Is splintering these events into oh so many pieces really benefiting these games? Is it benefiting the audience? Or is it merely what these companies have convinced themselves is the smart play? L&R BeatenDownBrian (sorry if this was a little long.)


Hi Allies, I know that next week will be Ben’s last week on the podcast, but I thought I’d put this out there now. Fighting games are my jam. (In fact, while attending EVO for the first time in 2019, I’m pretty sure I saw Ben, but didn’t have the guts to approach him.) Ben is clearly the “fighting game expert” of Easy Allies. With him leaving, I wonder if anyone will be able to fill that role. Which got me thinking… I know everyone brings something unique to the table at Easy Allies, but when it comes to “interest” or “expertise” or “that’s my jam,” which aspects/genres of video games are lacking at EZA? Damiani’s got Nintendo, Blood handles racing games, and it seems like you’ve got survival horror covered to the extreme. I’m not saying Easy Allies should make a shift toward covering EVERY aspect of gaming, but I just thought it would be interesting to hear where you feel the voids are. (For example, it doesn’t seem like anyone at EZA covers the sports genre.) Love and Respect, Eric