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Hey everyone!

The panel will be Brad, Damiani, and Isla. 

Please let us know if you'd rather be addressed by a different name rather than your Patreon name in the question. 

Every post is appreciated and we'll try to get to most of them if possible. 

L&R Brad



Hey Allies, Hope you're all doing well! First time writing in, long time listener. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on Torrent. While I loved the double jump, the launch pads, and his general use throughout the game, I was surprised - and in the late game areas, kind of frustrated - at how he became a bit more of a hindrance than a help in some of the open world boss fights, purely in terms of his abilities (or rather, lack thereof). How would you like to see From improve if we see another mount from them in a future game? Personally, I'd like to see some sort of upgrade path or skill tree with some new abilities to become more useful in combat: a charge attack, a dodge (or dash but with i-frames?), or heck, how about a triple jump? Look forward to hearing your thoughts; stay easy fellow Tarnished.


Don't know if you recorded this yet. Haven't played Elden Ring yet because Russia invaded Ukraine the day before it was supposed to come out. Will watch it in the future whenever that may be. Wish future Whoaj congratulations on Ukraine's victory.