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Thank you to everyone who submitted your picks! We've collected over 600 submissions, but it's come down to this top ten. You can now vote in the poll below. We'll award the Patron GOTY as part of our Personal Picks stream following the EZA awards this coming Tuesday, January 25 at 6pm PT on Twitch.tv/easyallies





Shame SMTV didn't make it, but happy to throw a vote in for Endwalker


So many great options this year


What a glorious year of gaming. Hope you all had a fun GOTY talk, can't wait to watch it on Tuesday.


Dread babyyy


Returnal is the only choice from those who have beat it.


Mine is Guardians of the Galaxy, lots of fun, lots of laughs!


Village for me, but I haven't played most of these


Don't Skip Death's Door!


Voted for Village. We are at a point where Village was just taken for granted it feels like. It’s insane to me lol. I hope Huber fights for it a bit at least…… Also why is Endwalker here. Kinda not fair IMO. Idk :). L&R!


surprised by all the village votes, didnt think it was that popular


Let’s gooooooooo Metroid!


Hard to choose just one, but Metroid for me!


Village, and it really is by the biggest possible margin. I put it right up there with Remake 1 & 2 for best RE period, personally.


Psychonauts 2 is a tutorial on how to make a meaningful sequel, addressing the shortcomings of the previous game while also dealing with some heavy subjects without ever deviating from being a straight up fun videogame.


Definitely Returnal


Is there no way to hide the poll results ? Feel sad knowing the winners already or that the one I voted for doesn't count.


Can we all just agree that if nobody breaks the tie between RE Village and Metroid Dread, Nintendo and Capcom are legally obligated to collaborate on some kind of Resident Evil Metroidvania?


The real answer is clearly Endwalker but just not enough people know that yet.


Well, without Death Loop, I move to my next favourite time loop game. Let’s go Returnal!


anything but Returnal is a lie.




Instead of being sad that Endwalker won't win, I'm just gonna celebrate that an MMO is in the too half of the votes.


This list is wrong, because no matter how good or bad Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is, and <b>expansion</b> should not be eligible for <b>game</b> of the year award.


Sorry, we've ruled otherwise. It's one of the most phenomenal and significant releases of the year, and a weird technicality shouldn't keep that from being recognized. -Bloodworth


Seriously? Where’s Pokémon snap? Jk jk


I agree, endwalker shouldn’t be here.


It’s not my pick for goty but I feel like most people saying endwalker doesn’t belong probably don’t understand how significant the expansions are there is more high quality content in endwalker then any other game on this list. I still voted for inscryption though 😂


Returnal all day! The movement feels crips, great dash, fun guns, great stompsher and story. Also some of the best audio design &amp; music I've experienced in a game ( approaching biome 4 boss). It Takes Two would be my 2 probably, very good coop game, had a really good time with that one.

Lik Chan



Well, I have literally not played any of these. I do own 2 of them and would have bought a 3rd one if they didn't up the askingprice to 80 euro, so I didn't buy it out of principle until it's a least 50% off. I don't really care about any of the others personally. I at least expected Forza or something on there (even though I did not vote for it myself). It does look like a list of good games though from what I hear., so may the best game win. I haven't decided yet if I will vote or not and if that's not fair or not.


I feel the bigger games are going to weed the smaller games out but that's usually what happens with GOTYs anyway. Endwalker, Resident Evil: Village, Metroid Dread and Returnal have the greatest chances of winning here. Not that any of them don't deserve to win but they all seem ripe for the picking whereas It Takes 2, Psychonauts 2 and Rift Apart really have to fight tooth and nail to get even one vote. Not all games were created equal.

David Kenyon

Too many sleeping on SMT V


Rift Apart for all the fun I had.


As I feared - Tales of Arise is in the snubbed zone, so my vote goes to VIllage.


Us patreons have good taste


Vote goes to one of my favorite games of all time: RE Village!


I remember the first leaks years ago about "werewolves, witches and ghosts in a snowy village"... time flies. I watched that announcement trailer at least hundreds of times. Went media blackout after the 2nd trailer and my journey from the exploring the Maiden Demo to about getting my 2nd platinum trophy after 150 hours of playtime so far (and more content coming this year) have to be an indication that this is one of my faves ever. Not perfect, but to me ALMOST a masterpiece! But yeah there are so many good games on this list and still got to catch up on some!


I am surprised forza didn't make it, the hype was big with all the game pass benefit and talk. But in my case i have to admit horizon 5 is inferior to horizon 3 and 4. Maybe the WOW! - Effect is just gone but to me it felt like copy and paste just in a new place with less features than FH4...


The answer for me is so unequivocally Endwalker that the rest of this list isn't even a consideration. It might be an expansion, but it's larger than a lot of the other games on this list, and I see MMO expansions like this more as direct sequels than something that can be grouped together with stuff like Far Cry getting a single additional mission.


Returnal doing as well as it does is amazing considering its miniscule install base.


Surprised to not see SMT V or Tales of Arise. My vote goes to Returnal.


Returnal was the only one that truly immersed me and I played all of them other than FF.


If more people had PS5s, Returnal would win this easily.


Yo, where is Tales of Arise?!?

Brandon K Gann

At least my GOTY made the list, but in no way do I think it had a chance.


Kinda sucks that it shows the current results before you vote. Incentivises strategic voting rather than just picking your actual favourite.


I have to agree don’t think endwalker should be on it so every expansion game of the year. And if that was the case every game with a large expansion should now be eligible weird.

Branden Baisden

I wonder how many typed in No More Heroes 3?


Shout out to Resident Evil 4 VR!


I don't really have any GOTY for a game that came out in 2021. So I'll go with The Pathless, as it came to Steam a few months ago, where I played it for the first time.


REV could have been Perfect if not for that section near the end. MD was just a well polished and still mostly ok old school style MV with that annoying mechanic. FFXIVEW Was still just more MMO fetch quests, walls, with a great story, told very well at points. But still just a refinement on a 20+ year old MMO grind. With that said REV Come out way ahead of the other 2 In story telling, (Not a better story than EW, but better told thanks to being shorter and not stretched over side/fetch quests, grinding, and leveling walls.) With a few minor issues here and there, mostly it's only real big pain point being the final level. One of the worst levels in gaming history. Top 20 Horrid game levels of all time. So excited to see who wins no matter who. This is just my opinion and opinion is not fact. I wish I enjoyed MED more and I wish FFEW could have found a way to make MMOs better vs just refining what an MMO is.


The only 2021 releases I played this year were DLC expansions (Intergrade and Iki island) so I’m sitting this one out lol.


I like how the polls are looking. A good mix of picks.


Hitman 3 for creating in my opinion the best PSVR Game to date (including the whole Trilogy)&lt;3


It's Guardians for me. Such a joy to play through, smile on my face the whole journey. :)

Mikey "MyxeQ" Novak

I really just don't get why dread is so popular. the boss recycling just was not goty


across the industry so far village is actually second with 53 goty wins behind it takes two with 77. https://www.gameawards.net/


shame it shows the current votes also a little sad Deathloop(my goty) and SMT5 missed. though to be honest village and ratchet were also right up there.


Those were like miniboss encounters that get progressively harder, and there's a bunch of sick bosses outside them.

Nut Kon

nintendo fans together strong


I voted from my email, which doesn't show the results, so I guess that's the most objective non-biased way to do it apparently.


Shame I only could play It Takes Two and Metroid Dread this year (both very fun games), but I hope to play most of these other games in the near future. Returnal is the biggest miss though, it's currently my #1 reason to get PS5

Andrew Mowbray

Inscryption fans, we will lose this vote, but we know, we know what others don't, the sacrifices that must be made, others will learn, soon enough.


Wanted to vote for Deathloop but it wasn’t an option…..


Not the best year for me, but my votes were Metroid Dread, RE Village and Guardians of the Galaxy. Before the year began I anticipated Village being in my top 3, but the other two were very pleasant surprises


Metroid Dread is my GOTY. I finished it like 7 times, 100%'ed it twice. It was everything I wanted in a new 2D Metroid and I think it's right there at the top of my favorite Metroid Games (just underneath Super Metroid and Metroid Prime.) Love all the praise it's got and the great sales. Really hope this shows Nintendo that there is a player base for these games and this series. I don't want to wait 19 years for a proper new 2D Metroid ever again!


Psychonauts 2 for me. Absolutely exceeded any expectation I had for a sequel that began as a Kickstarter and took so many years to finally come out, but it's actually better than the first game and just bursting with so much creativity and personality, moreso than any other game for me this year.


Hello Allies. I absolutely fell in love with Kena. Really appreciated the storytelling, the world and the PS2 like gameplay of it all. It is probably not the best game as far as gameplay goes but it has heart and, you know, hats. Lots of hats. It is the one gaming experience that I keep getting back to when I think about 2021, and I can't say that for any other game this year - and it has been a pretty good year as far as gaming goes!


Forza Horizon 5.


CP2077. Bearing in mind I played haven't played any of the games listed above.


EZA Patrons coming in hot with what should have won GOTY at TGA. Love to see it.


cmon hitman 3 you can still make it to the top


Overall, it's a strong top 10, except for RE8. It was fine, but I thought 7 was better. I'm disappointed Death's Door didn't make the list, especially over RE8.


I haven't completed Psychonauts 2 or R&amp;C but for me, I'm going with Inscryption followed by ITT. Both felt familiar and entirely inventive in it's genre blending and overall pace across the play time.


I still think Metroid Dread should win but damn how Kena not even on the list.


Returnal was my first choice.... But yeah, Inscription was awesome and in my top 3 of the year. 2nd best I think...


"Returnal" is my GOTY- in terms of overall polish, gameplay experience, narrative execution, and presentation; there is simply nothing else like it; its the best game of the year.... However closely behind "returnal" is "Inscription", and what a super cool game it is... "Inscription is just a great design of a game that's is executed so well... Basic but brilliant (similar to "Returnal").... Then there are a bunch of other great things for me are tied for 3rd, most notably Ratchet &amp; Clank, Village, and FIST... Especially "FIST" .... I really enjoyed this game, honestly- more than "Village" and "R/C".... "FIST" is a really unique action platforming (Metroid esque), that gives you a beautifully realized world to explore, with substantially compelling story, and characters... ...Ironically, "FIST" is the best "metroid" game of the year in my opinion... ...Which reminds how funny this is because I remember being in the middle of "FIST" when "Dread" came out, started playing that...got honestly bored (and frustrated), when back to "FIST", finished that first, then went back to "Dread" and then slowly, and eventually finished it earlier this month... "FIST" is a experience well worth your time, I highly recommend it.... that and all the other games mentioned above...