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Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG6srvtt1g4

It’s almost time for each ally to weep about what GOTY games we didn’t have time for because before this week is over we’ll have selected our multiple 2021 Awards including Game of the Year. Then Isla and I will be putting our Winner and Deliberation videos together over the weekend, respectively. They we all get to celebrate and argue about them on Tuesday, January 25 in our annual, multi-hour reveal stream. I have absolutely no idea what is going to win anything, truly. The other allies have been playing their cards close to their chests and I can’t wait to play them all and see what games get a straight flush.

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - January 17, 2022

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://store.roosterteeth.com/search?view=spring&query=easy+allies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Now that EZA is in the throws of GOTYs (So if I understood correctly, the Deliberations have already happened, and this past weekend was dedicated to getting the videos edited to be published tomorrow), what’s the next thing EZA will be focusing on? I’m sure it’ll be business as usual (well, as usual as it can be in an industry where Nintendo and/or Sony can shadowdrop a presentation in a given week), but is the Anniversary the next big thing on the horizon or is there something we can expect for February beyond regular coverage (which, honestly between JUST Elden Ring and Horizon: Forbidden West, it’s going to be a busy time regardless)? And how do you feel about events throughout the year being, for lack of a better term, “mile markers?” For example: GOTYs, the Anniversary, E3 (or Summer Games Fest now), Easy Chillin’, Holidays, etc.. Thanks as always for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: With GOTYs almost revealed and celebrated, what’s the next big thing for EZA? The Anniversary? Something else prior in February? And how do you feel about various events throughout the year being, for lack of a better term, “mile markers?


Thanks for answering my question last week and yes I do prefer detailed answers haha Continuing the question from last week! Are there like special rituals you guys do at the beginning of a meeting or something along those lines. Like really how do those meetings go down?


Hi Jones, first time I've asked a question on cup and I've been waiting a year to suggest this as I thought about it after last year's goty. Has it been suggested tweeting out your award winners and tagging the developers/publisher in the tweet? I've seen a lot of developers/publishers twitter pages retweet or quote any awards they have gotten on twitter and it seems like it be an great way to get the easy allies name out to people who may not be aware of easy allies but are fans of those games. Could wait a couple of days after you announce the winners to give people a chance to view your award videos in case there are concerns for allies being spoiled before checking out the videos. Cheers from Scotland, David Haddow (like Had-o or shadow without the s)


You (jokingly) made a comment about Kinda Funny being bigger than Easy Allies, so I'd just like to point out that the EZA Fantasy Critic League has 5-6x more followers than the Kinda Funny league. Chin up! You've got 'em where it counts.


Hey Jones, a bit of a personal question if that's okay, If not please skip me. I know you enjoy camping and the outadoors. But how do you feel about the Road Trip? I had an experience recently that's brought this to my mind because while there's a lot of different types of driving that I enjoy. The rolling forested hills along the Appalachian Mountains. The wide flats of the midwest where the horizon stretches on forever in all directions, and you can be the only person on the road for hours. The steep roads and sharp drops of winding roads through the Rockies that making a turn will leave a vista of mountain peaks and valleys. The awesome rock formations in South Utah where the dry arid landscape is punctuated by massive jutting rock arches. I have recently found a situation new to me, that I just want to share. I was in south Wyoming, I was on some state road, and listening to a podcast, which stopped, I had lost cell signal. No big, turn on the radio... static on all channels, flip to AM radio find only a very staticky local broadcast. I keep driving until even that is lost... now I round a small hill and I just have to pull over and stop. Because there's nothing, no houses, no fences, no telephone poles or lights, nothing made by humans except this stretch of road cutting through the utterly empty plains. There's no signals in the air for my phone or radio to find, there's no jet vapor trails spearing through the clouds. There's no mile marker signs even hinting of civilization over the horizon. Just me, the road, and nature spreading out until it was lost in the haze of the horizon.... I stopped there for a good 20 minutes just to bask in it. Anyways just thought I'd share. Wondering if you or anyone else enjoys the journey more than the destinations. L&R + Happy Birthday.

Jason I.

Hey Jones, I'm sorry if this is a bit of a negative post. One of my favorite streams every year is the Predictions stream, and while I enjoyed the one you guys just did, I noticed there were some things that were either missing or done half-heartedly. I was wondering if this was just due to lack of time, an intentional decision to change things up, or something else entirely. The two things I'm mainly thinking about are the Champs and Chumps segment, which seems to be missing this year (unless I just totally overlooked it) and Huber's segment. The Huber segment was always super entertaining to me, but this year it seemed rushed through, with no explanation and with the Allies not even understanding what they trying to guess. Again, I still really enjoyed this latest stream, but these things just stood out to me.


Hey Brandon, I am curious as to why Easy Allies implement the review style they do. I understand that your reviews are meant to be informative and easy to grasp, but is there any room for a sense of humor or something uncanny about the reviews you put out there? I always enjoyed how GT reviews had some excellently coherent shots that demonstrate the general opinion of the game like when something awkward or terrible happens that illustrate the game as terrible. You yourself have said you loved working on your GTA V review and at the end you put in a clip of Michael saying "Alright I think you've just made a sale," I find this cohesion between commentary and editing so tasty and I ponder how you'd define the general motif of EZA reviews.

Harrison Holt-McHale

Hi Jones, No questions from me today. Just wanted to feedback to you directly that this past weeks podcast, was, in my opinion, the best EZA podcast in the history of the company. It was absolute dynamite and you should be very proud of what you put together. It had also been a bit of a rough day in our house on friday and so to get such a high quality podcast full of joy and insight was a real gift, so Thank You. All the best, Harrison


Heya Jones, Well, I personally don't see any reason why not but you should probably double check anyway. But what would you say is the first thing people notice about Easy Allies: your swagger, your bearing, or the just right clothes you're wearing?


ps - Don't read this out loud but if you, at some point during this episode, say "Happy Birthday, Kyle" in the creepiest way you can, I'd really appreciate it.


Hey Jones, I'm usually fine and happy with all the content Easy Allies makes, but when you recently started to ask about how to grow the Patreon, I thought I'd throw my two cents in. You guys need to capitalise on your biggest asset and that is your personalities. The way I believe you can do this is through reactions. Now I know what you're thinking, but hear me out, you're always thinking about reactions to game events and trailers and such, and while that stuff is great, there's other markets you can tap into. The scope of what you react to should be a lot bigger, and it doesn't necessarily have to be recent content. You can react to educational videos, international sports, music videos or any other strange thing on YouTube. I've often found I've subscribed to, and even pledged to Patreons that have reacted to things I like outside of gaming, tv and movies. And most of these people are nowhere near as entertaining as you guys. And I know you're thinking how are we going to have time to do this? Well the solution would be to film these after shoots in the studio. It doesn't have to be all of you, maybe two or so allies, then react to a maybe 15 minute max video on YouTube. You could even stream the reaction so little to no editing would be required. You could have a constant list of suggestions from high tier patrons ready, and you can pick what interests you guys. Also I suggest high tier patrons because I bet the suggestions could get out of control if you make it a lower tier thing. Plus you have the opportunity of people upping their pledge because they have something they're dying for you to see. Anyway, I hope to see some positive growth for the Patreon. You could completely ignore my suggestion and I still would support you guys with my pledge. Love and Respect.