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Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfrkLciM3-U

It’s episode 300! Raise a glass! Our wonderful patrons give us memories and conversation starters to mark the milestone. All while feeling the intensity of Q1’s release schedule, the cheap-high-tech possibilities of PSVR2, and the long and lonely road of Days Gone.

00:00:57 - Corrections
00:02:59 - Madden Facts
00:05:40 - Q1 2022 Preview January
00:21:16 - Q1 2022 Preview February
00:50:29 - Q1 2022 Preview March
01:06:51 - PlayStation VR2
01:22:25 - Days Gone sales
01:32:00 - Podcast #300 Memories
01:36:15 - Upside That Frown
01:38:54 - Also This Week
01:41:31 - Game: Above or Below 300!
01:45:31 - L&R - Favourite celebration editions?
01:47:57 - L&R - Reviewing super long games
01:49:55 - L&R - What lived up to expectations?
01:51:19 - L&R - What are your “kids” gonna play?
01:54:55 - L&R - Why not more duologies?
02:01:10 - Or Wars
02:07:40 - Closing

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YouTube link still coming?


No youtube link?


1:06:55 Isla, you fucking killed me! XD


Oh dear, no youtube link for this festive 300th episode. Cheers to another 300!!


YouTube link added. Oops. Happy 300th, patrons! <3


Happy 300th!!!


Thanks for 300 weeks of news EZA. L&R!


Happy 300th to the EZA crew L&R


Correction-ish: Something to add for February, though it doesn't have a specific date, just the month: Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons expansion. What might get it most on your all's radar is that they're adding fishing, and also a two-player combat mount (the siege turtle). It should be a blast.


I was swapping those costumes left and right 😄. Enjoyed the podcast and enjoyed playing with the Allies during that stream. Here's to 300 more episodes 🥂.


man, that rap was something else. much love and respect!

Mikey "MyxeQ" Novak

01:51:19 - L&R - Why not more duologies? 01:54:55 - L&R - What are your “kids” gonna play? Time Stamps Should be Switched.


Just wanted to to follow up on the discussion regarding unit sales of Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima and perhaps put the “disappointment” aspect in a bit more context as it’s not just critical acclaim that played into the decisions made regarding a sequel. Comparing pure unit sales numbers between these two games is a bit deceptive without the context of revenue. When Days Gone released it was discounted heavily to $35 or less just over a month from launch according to online price tracking. Ghost of Tsushima, in comparison, sold the vast majority of its copies at full price and wasn’t discounted until almost 5 months from release. As more evidence of this having a large impact on what is considered a “success” or “disappointment”, Bend’s studio head John Garvin had this to say in a very candid interview after the news came out that Days Gone would not be getting a sequel: "I do have an opinion on something that your audience may find of interest, and it might piss some of them off, If you love a game, buy it at f***ing full price. I can't tell you how many times I've seen gamers say 'yeah, I got that on sale, I got it through PS Plus, whatever.'" "I'm just saying … don't complain if a game doesn't get a sequel if it wasn't supported at launch." "I think the uptick in engagement with the game is not as important as, did you buy the game at full price? Because if you did, then that's supporting the developers directly." Source: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/04/days_gone_director_on_skipped_sequel_if_you_love_a_game_buy_it_at_fing_full_price So, it’s very clear that while total number of units sold are comparable between these two titles the average sale price and consequently revenue is very very different. Another important element to consider is development time and downtime for the studio. By the time Days Gone came out Bend Studio had not released a game since 2012’s Uncharted Fight For Fortune. That’s a staggering 7 years without releasing a game and it’s widely known that Days Gone was heavily delayed. Both Bend Studio and Sucker Punch have roughly 150 employees so it seems likely Days Gone actually cost substantially more to make than Ghost of Tsushima given the extended development time. Finally it’s worth pointing out that Jeff Ross later clarified on twitter that it was specifically Bend Studio management that expressed disappointment with the game and went on to say that Sony was very supportive of the studio and the game with Shawn Layden being among their biggest advocates at the time. Hope this helps clarify things a bit when it comes to how the decisions on green lighting sequels are made. End of the day it’s still all about that ROI.


Clarification, Jones: at 52:57 you refer to Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous as an "action-rpg." And co sidering the earlier talk of Diablo vs. Divinity: Original Sin 2, I just have to say that Pathfinder is very much more on the Divinity side of traditional computer-role playing games, as opposed to more action heavy games like Diablo. And so hearing Wrath of the Wrighteous called an ARPG sounds strange to my ears.

Bogey Zero

I think you guys are underestimating the specs of the PSVR2. You were saying it’s better than the Quest 2. It’s in fact even better than the Valve Index. And that thing is $1000


Excellent 300th episode, you nailed it Jones! Thanks for all your work guys <3 Patron for life. L&R


In spite of shouldering some lofty expectations while also juggling raising a child, you've honestly been doing a fantastic job with the podcast Jones. You make a fine host, and the efforts you're putting into it produce fine shows. I know this isn't Cup, but cheers to many more.


Happy 300th Allies!


Jones! What a song!


Correction/clarification?! There is a subscription service called Warhammer+, which in turn gives you access to WarhammerTV, that has a few different animated shows. Almost no one seems to know about them, which is frustrating as I animated on one of them xD


That rap caught me off-guard but it was still kinda dope. Nicely done Jones.


The rap, Jones! Amazing!


I’m a week behind, only just now listening to this episode, but they do say “tit” in the movie.