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It’s a new year, why don’t you pour yourself a fresh, live Cup? We got 3 episodes to catch up on, and while I’ll admit I was a tad fearful opening up those posts and counting the questions, you all have definitely taken as much of a break as I have. It’s the perfect time to talk about goals and dreams for 2022, and ways we can maybe change our Patreon so we don’t spoil you on stories that take hundreds of hours to finish. I have also, Scout’s honor, not seen our list of tiered Batman The Animated Series villains and will give it my honest assessment in today’s editorial.

00:08:17 - Business Questions
00:33:27 - Editorial: MY Top Tier Batman TAS Villain (Episode?) List

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes. The video version is typically posted just before this one, so scroll down our Patreon page to find it.




Hey Jones, from Jon (-es). You talk about a 2-dollar tier and what it can include, enter “My build”. Once pr. week, ONE Ally makes a shortish video (3-10 minutes), of showing of a game they are playing and their “build”, either character choices, strategy choices or the world they are currently inhabiting or building. This way the community can follow what the allies are playing without catching a stream, while also showing off something neat or interesting. It will garner community feedback and discussion (I would hope). My only fear would be the “your wrong!” mindset. But if advertised as casual and fun, and for only the 2 dollar Patreon tier, I think it would mitigate the worst of it. What do you think? An idea for the meeting in February perhaps 😊 L & R


Hi, Jon! This is the audio Cup post Jones takes his questions from the comments of the video post. You may want to copy and paste this there.