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Questions, questions, and more questions! Pulling comments from the last four episodes of Cup of Jones, I spend most of this episode catching up on pre and post-E3 chatter. As we look to the future, it's also time to start talking about ways Cup of Jones will have to evolve to make sure we have time for the important stuff. Thanks to everyone who posted a question!

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - 07/11/16

Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Howdy Brandon! I have been using the forums for the last month which has been great! Shout out to Brent for the amazing set up! Are there some plans for the future to use the forums in some different ways for community engagement for shows and ally involvement in shows moving forward?


Kaylee can be considered a member of EZA already, guy is amazing, congrats to him!


Holy moley, the amount of Allies named Ben is quite a lot. My question was late on the VO episode, so I won't submit a new one. Thanks for the show!


Ricoardo man, Kaylee's a girl.


That's my comment! Thank you so so so so so much Brandon! EZA


I'm totally ok with this being Patreon-only, and I still think patreons should get some perks like seeing videos 1 or 2 days earlier than the public youtube channel.


I like that people want Easy Allies content to be accessible to everyone, however I personally don’t think it is the right time for that to happen or actually even should happen. As it is Easy Allies still have goals they haven’t reached as yet. Right now we don’t have many Patron only content, I’m not complaining but merely highlighting that people outside of Patreon do get access to the vast majority of content as it is, so podcasts, reviews, community videos, tabletop escapades etc. Cup of Jones surely should be patron exclusive content and hopefully we get more awesome stuff down the line. Don’t get me wrong I am by no means a person who only wants Patreon supporters to get Easy Allies content, but I do feel there are many viewers out there who financially can support Easy Allies but have no intentions of doing it and are just happy to get their free content and have others pay for it. If you look at the amount of support like subscribers on Youtube and then compare it to the number of Patrons on Patreon it just isn’t right, there surely should be a higher percentage/ratio matching the support for their Patreon. I just want Easy Allies to firstly be able to achieve all their goals and then new ideas can be seriously looked at to be implemented.

Calvin Delaney

Honestly I have been a Patron from the Start, I think without Exclusive content new people might not Give money to the Monthly Fund ! Its not a Bummer. I love the Fact that Not only am i supporting you guys but i feel special when we are the only ones who get Cup of Jones!


Good stuff Jones. I don't have any question right now but thanks for all the updates.


Yo, fine with Cup of Jones not being weekly, but you need to get that $1 tier description changed ASAP so no-one gets it wrong


I like the little investor meetings we have here Jones, i'd love to have them every week, but it's not a priority over different shows. Just keep doing what you are doing and get back to work ;-)


You read every comment, huh? Did you read this one? Well, did you? Jones? JONES?!


I like having Cup of Jones as a special thing for patrons (and, at the $1 tier, it's not some elitist cutoff either). Have you ever thought of providing it in non-video form when time is an issue, e.g. a blog on the website? Certainly I have no problems with you skipping episodes or cutting down the q&a because of time constraints, just wondering how open you are to streamlining the process when the schedule demands. Regarding other content, I do think it's better to minimize barriers to new views, so minimize exclusives as much as possible. I think you all are doing great with that so far, no complaints here. Only thing I would say is some of your behind-the-scenes stuff on previous cups of jones would be cool to release the public later on, if you have time to make whatever cuts you'd want for relevance. Getting non-patrons to see your VO process would be cool and probably would spur interest.


Anyone who watched GT back in the day knows what it's like to have all that EXCLUSIVE CONTENT (everything) suddenly taken away. If we want anything from you guys, as patrons it's our responsibility to give you the funds to make it possible. So thank you for standing your ground, Jones.


I think keeping cup of jones on patreon only makes it special


I think Cup of Jones should stay patreon only.


If in the future you would like your content translated to Spanish, count me in!


Jones, don't worry about missing a week with Cup of Jones or doing different stuff with these episodes, I'd much rather you get your rest and do Cup of Jones relaxed than think you absolutely need to answer our questions every single week. In my point of view, this is supposed to be a conversation between patrons and you and it would lose charm if it felt forced. By the way, I think the current format of Cup of Jones wouldn't work if it was open to everyone on Youtube or other channels. Maybe some free episodes every once in a while so people who aren't patrons can get excited to pledge some money and participate?


I absolutely think that the content is special because we are vested in it I would watch it anyway it's served to me, but knowing that my contribution is helping you guys out is what makes me feel closer to the content.


Just became a patron recently, this show feels special - like a nice acknowledgement.


Question: Would you guys ever consider setting up a Facebook fan group, as well as your normal page, like those that Kinda Funny, The Comedy Button, VideogamerUK and The Jimquisition have? I think it would be a great way for fans to connect with each other in a less formal way outside of the forums.


Cup of Jones is how I evangelize the Patreon to non-members. It's the best thing they're not seeing, and worth chipping in for.


I'm struggling to understand where the person who made the "don't gate content" comment is coming from, especially if it's reffering to Cup Of Jones. I mean I do understand not liking content being gated off, like if EZA had Patreon exclusive episodes of podcasts or something then it would be different but that's not the case. Maybe the person is reffering to the monthly community Q&A video, even though that does go public later or maybe they are simply asking for it not to happen in the future. I personally think you guys are doing a really good job with the patreon and when it's compared to the way some other Patreons are structured, like Kinda funny's for example. I actually applaud you for not trying to rinse fans for all they have, because you don't do things like charging double to see a video version of a podcast etc.. There has to be a least one show gated off to give people a reason to support you and in fairness you guys made that the smallest possible gate to climb over by only having it be a single $1 and COJ is the perfect show to put behind that gate for the reasons you just mentioned.


Brandon, while cup of Jones is probably my favorite EZA show, I completely understand the shift away from once a week. Thank you for being upfront with us!


Keep cup of jones on patreon please! BTW DisneyWORLD is better!


I became a patron because I didn't want to miss out on Cup of Jones. I'm so glad I'm contributing to you guys now, but I'm not sure I would have thought to make the jump without the little carrot on the stick, so to speak. Please keep it exclusive, more patron only content equals more patrons!


Brilliant episode again Brandon! Keep up all the good work, but don't over work yourself! Also the camera angle and set up was excellent this week :D


Cup of Jones rationalized as an investors meeting is a really good way of looking at it. It should def stay Patron exclusive, but I agree that any future shows shouldn't be gated unless the format is more oriented to paying viewers such the way CoJ is.


Thank you for continuing with Cup of Jones, it is the main reason I am a Patron and I don't mind that you'll just be doing it when you can!


As a patron, I'd rather see you alive and well than having a documentary of a slow death by exhaustion on a weekly Cup of Jones. Just do it at your own pace. I guess the majority of us patrons support that notion. Should I leave a question? Feels like I should ask a question. Well, consider that ^ the question. Love & Respect. César.


Great episode as always Jones! Don't worry too much about meeting the weekly deadlines or anything like that. I think the vast majority of patrons just appreciate getting all of these amazing shows in general. I know I can at least speak for myself in saying that i'd rather see you guys take your time and create quality stuff rather than you rushing and overworking to meet an arbitrary deadline. Love and Respect!


Happy to see Cup of Jones whenever it happens, in whatever format. :) Question: given the current sad state of Disney's relationship to games (RIP Infinity), are there any Disney properties you've always been interested in seeing adapted to game format? Or any other ways you'd have liked to see the company blend some of the other things they do with the game world?


Wow that was almost 53 minutes? Don't know why Cup of Jones speeds up time for me but I clearly have no problem with these being long. It's just jolly getting answers in this casual fashion.


Love CoJ but I'm fine it transitioning into something that isn't weekly. On the CoJ patron exclusive thing, I'm part of the people that would have wished for it to be a timed exclusive maybe. After reflecting seeing some of the comments here + hearing Jones' feelings on it I totally also get why I should remain exclusive. That said the reason for why these feelings came up in the first place were related to some CoJ topics that I feel like every EZA fan should hear about because I think they would generate excitement and encourage more people to chime into patreon. For example the whole studio thing I still get the feeling that lots of people do not understand the implications of that goal and I think it would be good to have a public video on why a studio would be a totally rad thing for EZA. Although I understand that talking about it could be very tricky given that you don't want to promise on anything + it going into the territory of selling/self promotion which always has its own problems. L&R!


There was just one other thing I wanted to say. While it does not bother me personally if you miss a week here and there with COJ. I can understand if people who may be new to you guys or your Patreon, might feel a little hard done by if they were not getting what they were promised. So I just wondered if a good compromise would be, when you have time maybe shoot an editorial only mini episode of COJ, with a topic that maybe only needs 5-6 minutes and then just keep that episode there as a backup for a busy week like Gamescom or when you are on vacation etc. maybe you could even call it a "sip of Jones". :)


Do gate content. I can't afford much, but I like the premium access feeling from patron only videos.


I don't want to be negative, but it is a thought I think many have. What if you never reach 50k? Related, Do you spend all of your existing revenue, or are you saving up a portion of that patreon money?


One last thing, I know you like Funhaus, but I really think they're doing stuff with the idea of making views instead of making great content. I'd really hate to see EZA become that kind of "goofy click baiting thumbnail" videos. I know you won't cause you are all concentrated on making great content, not empty let's plays, or just "let's shoot ourselves playing the worst game and laugh at it"etc... Just keep being as you are and don't try to become the most likeable, funny or lesson-giving (talkin' bout Colin Moriarty there). You're the best cause you're the most sincere, passionate (as in, goin deep in the gaming talk, not just saying "it's awesome", "it sucks") and nuanced videogame channel. That's also why this community is so great, everyone plays different platforms and different genres of games, we're all gaming agnostics. Anyway, my comment is too long, hope you read it someday, thank you again for Cup Of Jones and the quality of all EZA do.


Brandon, if at the time of death you could upload your subconscious into any game world for eternity, what world would that be? Thank you for another great Cup of Jones!


Cup of Jones doesn't feel like a show created to incentivize new patrons, it feels like a show created to reward existing patrons. I think it's wonderful that you have a show just for us. It solidifies the feeling that my monthly subscription is an agreement between us rather than some addiction I'm begrudgingly paying for each month. Your continuing endeavor to improve EZA by listening and reacting to the community that funds it is what this show is all about in my eyes. Keep it up! That being said, I feel like Michael Huber still owes us a clarinet performance for some reason. I might have remembered that wrong though...


Have you been approached by investors or any form of outside funding? Do you imagine a situation where you would make a deal like that?


Great episode (and longer than expected), I just think the tier should be rewritten if it is in fact not going to be weekly on a consistent basis. Keep up the great work. Cheers. Edit: I see this was directly addressed by the end of the episode. Absolutely no issues then; love the transparency. :)

Adam Mullany

Jones!, you can't just say you've been to Wales and not say which part!. Do you know what your Welsh heritage is? (Grandparents, etc). Also I know you're not a football (soccer) fan, but Wales did brilliantly in Euro 2016 getting to the semi finals 💪🏻


One of the really cool things about EZA to me, and you have mentioned this multiple times before, is that you guys are now off the leash and are free to do pretty much whatever you want. Personally the main reason I frequent EZA, and GT before, is because of the Allies opinions. Not just opinions on video games, but everything (books, comics, movies, RP games, music, life in general etc.). So now that you guys are of the leash, have any of the Allies expressed interest in creating content about interests other than video games? Such as Tabletop Escapades.


In relation to gating content, I agree in the logic for Cup of Jones in speaking to patrons but I don't like it for the podcast and think delaying a news based show is harmful to the show and for eza appealing to new people. With Giant Bomb for example who operate a premium model, it has always been the podcast thats been the free part to get outsiders and get them hooked.


Hi Jones, What do you do to step away from games completely to recharge so you keep your passion for games alive allowing you to then come back to work/play ready to go?


Hey Brandon! Great show as always. I just wanted to say that if the allies ever need anything translated to Spanish, I'd be happy to help.


Deus Ex Retrospective? The hype is real!!!


Hey, I would like to join the Easy Allies Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Guild. Friend Code: 999-292-161


Hi Brandon,


Sorry, about the double comment, guess enter isn't for new line. Thanks for the cup of jones this week. I'm glad you keep it reserved for patrons. I like it that way too. Thanks for keeping EasyAllies running. It's awesome what you guys are doing.


What are your favorite plants?


Great episode! I am glad that Cup of Jones will be remaining Patreon only, keep up the good work!

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones. Great to see a new episode! I just wanted to give my personal input (And I will TRY to keep each brief) on some of the stuff you answer here: 1.) As a patron, I feel that if there is something exclusive, then it should be exclusive. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it could be that way permanently (think Call of Duty's DLC but for EZA Patreon content like this show or the $20 Q&A EZA posts a couple of weeks after.) 2.) I'm totally fine (again, can only speak personally) if you can't make an episode. As I said when you pulled my comment for the community video, with the Cup of Jones on VO, I now have a proper understanding on how long it takes for you to work on just ONE video, so take all the time you need, make all the edits you need to make. I get how overly buried you are in production. 3.) Present opening is awesome. Its my favorite part of group stream night. And like when I up my pledge, one day, I WILL send something to the Allies. It just pains me that's going to be a LONG ways off. 4.) Thank you so much for taking my question! Wasn't really expecting it and I take your word that you read all the comments (I am REALLY SORRY for this novel) but its still a jolt to see you take my question. 5.) Please take any question, or none if at all, that you feel is relevant. With that being said: The trial (to date) has been my favorite piece of EZA content which got me to thinking: What is the one episode, stream, or video you have enjoyed most, making, editing, or watching since EZA's inception? 6.) It dawns on me that you read ALL the comments, so when do you and other Allies read them? A day after a video posts? Just curious about how often you go back to a comment bank. AND FINALLY (Whew) 7.) Original EZA-scope question before I watched the episode: Cup of Jones originally was a great source of exactly WHAT videos were on the way and now with the website's calendar, I can see the ballpark times for shows like the podcast, Huber Syndrome and Easy Update are coming BUT: Is there a post you or another Ally can make on Patreon, Facebook, Twitter (Or hey, even an area on the website itself that ISN'T a video) every week doing a nice roundup of the shows? I know Mr. Bloodworth did that for a little bit but its dropped off. Since Cup of Jones isn't expected to be weekly (And I don't blame you with the workload you've got), I thought it would be really neat to have something timely saying, "Hey, Brandon Plays Pokemon comes on X, these reviews we're working on should be here by Y, and other announcements (like the next Game Sleuth and the Retrospective) will be on Z. I again am SO SORRY for something so long. Thank you so much for reading and taking my input. It really means a lot. Stay Easy fellow Ally.


This show is awesome, Brandon is awesome and I am proud that CoJ is exclusive to us. Keep the good work up Mr. Jones!


Hi Brandon. I fully support the idea that this show shouldn't be forced into a weekly show necessarily for all the reasons you gave. And besides, it’s your own show, do the heck you want and enjoy it the best you can! ^^


I really respect and appriciate the investor meeting approach for the second question. Makes me feel like we're in it together.


1. Mr. Jones, you gate and withhold whatever content you want. This is a business and it costs money to produce content. You smelly hippies out there, with your lava lamps and your love beads, cannot have everything for free. If you get 4 Cups of Jones for $1 in a month, that's a quarter per episode. Cough it up. 2. Take your time, Jones. If we want more content faster, we need to up our pledges. 3. I like sharks.


Hi Brandon, I have an idea that may or may not work. If possible, when No Man's Sky drops, EZA should group stream it, discover and name a planet, announce the coordinates and mark that planet as an Easy Allies Universal meeting spot for fellow Allies to hunt down and meet at. I'm not aure how it all works in NMS but I think we would enjoy that on many levels. Love and Respect, Darren Mifsud.


BRANDON JONES: You are BATMAN EASY ALLIES: Is the JUSTICE LEAGUE SOPHIE: Is ACE THE BAT-HOUND Please highlight the other Allies pets, and say what super hero/pet you think they would be in your Justice League.


When is Sophie streaming Nintendogs???


Hmm, strange I would like more content "gated". If I am paying to support EZA I want to know my money's wroth the content that I am paying for. For it being hot in the studio, ever think about getting one of those ductless air conditioners? They can be put anywhere on a wall that has room for it. They also don't use a lot of energy.


I absolutely love cup of jones! That being said I much prefer jones playes pokemon! Silver was my fav by far id love to see you play it!


(If I am remembering right you went to film school in Boston) Why did you go to film school and why did you not go local to places like UCLA?


Are you guys all happy? Well rested, paid well, etc. I am sure more money would be ideal but I just hope that the allies are content and want to keep producing as much content as you all have. If I had a buttload of money I would donate a huge chunk of it to you because I love each and every one of you so much. Sorry if I am worrying too much.


If you hadn't of started Easy Allies what would you have done? Would you have gone to work for a company like IGN, gone solo or just have left the game industry?


Hey Brandon, I recently started a new job marketing personal and business benefits that I think could help you and EZA. If I'm successful in the job and if you like the service, I'm thinking of being a $500 sponsor for a month. It would only take about 15 minutes to explain. Do you have any time available this Wednesday at 4pm or Thursday at 1pm PST? You can email me at dustin.mcnab@gmail.com or text/call me at 907-205-8813.


it would've been better if they increase their 500 tiers from 5 to 6 or 7. so much demanding from big investors. :)


this is 4 months old and im sure they will reach 50K by having more potential PATRONS who is willing to donate them out of passion in a LONG RUN so i wouldnt worry if i were you. :)


what is your favorite Disney character of all time? :)


Have you ever thought of having a collections of MUGS that is placed on glass shelf in the order from earliest to latest CUP OF JONES episodes? it feels like you can look at these mugs(around 40 mugs?) one year from now where you can look back and reminisce the good JOLLY old days. :)


Yay! My question was first! :D Your answer makes me feel a little better about the prospect of more EA Star Wars. Thanks, Jones!




Any patrons here know what mic Brandon is using?


@Brandon, I'll gladly help with Cantonese(spoken)/Traditional Chinese (Written) for Easy Allies Content.


man; that was a bad answer on the E3 budget question, i lolled my peanuts off; i know it's not like that, i know; but it sounded as if you guys spend 45.000 $ on drapes and wires.


Great episode Brandon. Thank you so much. Have you considered a show called "The Bosman Complex" (or something along those lines). A show within the same vein as the Final Bosman & Bosman at Home. I understand that it was something the you and the allies talked about at the start, and even here on "Cup Of Jones". But I think it would make an amazing 50k milestone, and I genuinely believe that it would be a powerful incentive for patrons to push us over that 45-50k goal. It wouldn't matter whether it was weekly, fortnightly or even monthly; just a little of Bosman is enough. As the Final Bosman was my gateway to what was GT, and is now; the beautiful EZA. Much love & much respect, from your ally; Don. Ally#2743.


Woooaa Jones! I didn't know you had norwegian relatives. So cool! As you've probably already guessed, I'm norwegian too. Could I ask from wich region in Norway (north/west/south or east) your relatives come from? Me myself is from Hamar, 120km north of Oslo. - L&R from a fellow norwegian:-)


People are too touchy, jeez. I love Cup of Jones, it's one of my favorite shows on EZA and it's a bummer when we have a week or two without it, but I'll never "get mad" at Brandon because of that. Also, I don't really care about content being exclusive to patrons like myself. I pay $25 a month to SUPPORT my favorite creators of gaming content on the internet. Support is the key word here, I don't imagine me as "buying" content from them, so I don't get mad if other people are getting this content "for free".


Hey Brandon, I remember that a few episodes ago you talked about „possibilities for new reward tiers” and I am wondering if there was any progress made. I am a 25$ dollar patron and I certainly could give the allies additional 10$ a month, however the stupid reward-hungry system in my brain tells me that I would not “get more out of the deal”. (I know that this is a really selfish way of thinking, but that’s how brains work). I think it would be beneficial for the greater good if you could offer more “in between tiers” (e.g., a tier between 25$ and 40$; certainly one between 50$ and 200$). I have to admit that I don’t have a spontaneous brilliant idea what those additional reward tiers could be, but it shouldn’t be that hard to come up with something. Also it would be really interesting to see what the 50$ patrons got in the first few months (some kind of a sneak peek to bait 25$ patrons like me. Keep up the great work and take your time with the cup of jones episodes.


Would you be able to interview more people in the industry in the future? Seeing Ben's interview with Suda51 was great and, if possible, it would be brilliant to see the Allies interview more industry folk from all corners of the industry.


He spelled my name wrong... ( ; _ ; ) (笑)


Not really a question, but since you love Disney so much wondering if you've enjoyed these Mickey Shorts. You're probably all over them but just in case <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6qIbU1olyXQe1WOKt8UJ4hErx3D7qt8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6qIbU1olyXQe1WOKt8UJ4hErx3D7qt8</a>


No joke: I just made myself a cup of coffee to listen to this. Love the show!


Question: do you or any of the allies ever feel emotionally affected by negative or hateful reactions to your content? I'm a content creator myself and sometimes I find myself fixating on negative feedback even if I have much stronger positive feedback, as if the negative comments have much more weight and significance. How do you react when you see these kind of comments, and do you have any advice about not letting that affect your motivation or creative process?


Thanks for all the hard work you and the allies do. I am glad that you'll get air conditioning as well. The more comfortable you all can be during a show the better.


Brad, don't change I really like the cup of Jones is special for patrons only.


What's your take on the recent WB/YouTube-review controversy?


Nooo, don't change cup of Joness, add another show instead muahaha.


I really do want to see more reviews from the Allies. I weigh my game purchases based on various information points, but to a large degree on reviews (what the reviewers are saying, not necessarily review score) and I very much respect the work and opinions of the EA crew. I do really like that you guys take your time and put out quality reviews and aren't rushing to get your reviews out early for click rates, but I would really love it if you guys could do more reviews. There's nothing better than seeing a game review and purchasing a game that you didn't know about before and/or wouldn't have given a serious look at until you saw a great review!


That's true, I prefer you to rest, sorry Jones. You actually look very tired, go to sleep man!


If I won the lotto, could I buy Kyle Bosman off of you and how much would he cost? Does he come with his Pokeball and hoodies?


You talked about Huber and Ben learning to produce their own shows, and also sponsorships, how about teaming up with Lynda (they're an online tutorial website)? Lots of other youtubers have partnered up with them before, and having them learn how to cut videos could serve as a good promotion and as a time saver for yourself.




Speaking for myself only, I love exclusivity. It pleases me greatly to have something that others don't. I would also love to see you guys in a studio. So, do whatever you have to do to meet those stretch goals.


Playing videogames :)


Question: Is it hard to balance what you want to do creatively or from a business perspective for EZA with what the Patron's would prefer/expect? I know there were some comments on spending extra money on the graphics for Game Sleuth and whether that was needed. Or I know that I myself prefer content like the trial of Kyle Bosman, Brandon Loves Pokemon and Final Bets over game reviews. Would you ever do some kind of poll to get an opinion? In either case I do hope you get some rest and get another person, ally or not, to help with editing!


Question: I am an indie game videogame developer and love the content you do, was wondering if there ever is the possibility of making a game contest of making an Easy Allies game, at least for fun.


Question: Have you ever considered hiring a business manager like Penny Arcade did with Robert Khoo? Someone just focused on growing the Easy Allies brand and helping you get to the next milestones and fulltime for all allies quicker.


Dear Brandon, Huber has issued a challenge to all the allies for the Slusser cup. Since you are on a unstoppable betting winning streak on the EZA Weekly podcast, will you accept the challenge ?


Could you please please pretty pleasy bring rocco demaro in as a guest. He had the best gaming podcast ever. And I would love to see him interacting with you guys. Maybe as an guest at cup of jones or podcast?? Please????


Great episode. Love the show and the idea of a investment meeting. And for the love of god please take your time


I prefer that you're removing the weekly "promise" for Cup of Jones, in fact I think it's a bad idea to have a hard timetable like that on any of your shows. I think that having a set timetable like that puts undue pressure on you guys and I would rather not get an episode of something than get an episode that was half hearted or rushed to meet a deadline. I think you should remove timetable promise on all your shows and just have them come out as often as they're ready.


Why do you have a fire place in your garden?


Thanks for answering my question!!


I know you've answered questions like this so feel free to pass on this. I'm just interested in the kind of equipment that you and/or the team is trying to get. Would it be possible to get a semi detailed list of equipment wishes in the form of ministretch goals or just your opinion? Again I know you talk a lot about your equipment situation already, I'm just interested in what things you and the team are still hoping to get, and what it will take to get there, just in a more decisive way than has already been presented perhaps. Great video


I don't have a question, but I did want to express my appreciation for you and the other allies work. I have been running fan sites for 18 years now and over the last couple years I was finally able to do it for a living, and you and the other allies work at GT and now at EZA is an inspiration for me. I got to attend my first E3 this year to cover Breath of the Wild and it was fun being around others in the industry, including the EZA crew, though I was far too busy to even stop and say hi to anyone from EZA at the time (Saw bosman, damiani, ben, and bloodworth all at various points during the 3 days). I just wanted to let you folks know that as I just crossed the 30 year old threshold, the work you continue to do inspires me to continue doing the work I do at Zelda Informer, as well as my plans to expand into more moving forward. I just wanted to say thanks for the entertainment and insight you provide. It means a lot.


Jones, Star Wars Galaxies Guild, join I must! Suedes MaelStrom 368-543-228


Hi Brandon, I love animals and I love Sophie. Can we get some more cute animals on streams? Two capybaras sitting on each end of the couch would be adorable and guarentee higher Twitch Views.


"Play video games :)))))))))))" Love it Jones! Wouldn't have imagined I'd enjoy these videos this much. I think restricting some content to Patreons only makes it feel more intimate.


Can't wait to see your reaction when Rockstar reveals the new game. Hope it's on Huber levels of hype.


I loved you guys on gametrailers and needed to hear more reviews read by Mr Jones in those reassuring and calm tones!I love how honest and truthful this is: to have the content - support the making of the content.


You guys have always had the best reviews in the business, and still do. But one change I'm seeing is that your reviews are now sometimes weeks past the release of the game. Do you worry that you are losing out on a bunch of new people who are looking for game reviews on release day? A star ocean review 3 weeks later probably isn't doing too much in terms of getting new subs. Just a thought. Keep up the great work.

James Post

There may be technical limitations at your end, but I was wondering if it's possible to upload gameplay video to YouTube at 1440p. I've seen a lot of demonstrations that the greater bandwidth allowance improves image quality, even when watching on a 1080p screen. The 1440p videos seem to give a better sense of the actual visuals.


whaaat, how did I somehow miss the website was up! This is great! congratulations!


What new plans/ideas for the rest of 2016 (near future) can we except for EZA?


I think having this show should always be exclusive.


With review season close, how will you survive Brandon Jones, Father of VO, Slayer of reviews.


Thanks for the Star Wars Galaxy recommendation I am really enjoying it love to join the guild. Jones and any other allies out there here is my Ally Code : 151-113-816 Keep playing and have fun.




Hey Brandon, I'm really loving what you're doing with Cup of Jones. It feels personal and meaningful. Question: could you tell us more about the day to day of managing EZA and how you distribute your time? Keep up the good work! Cheers


Going to Disney World in a few weeks, want me to pick you up something you would like?


Hey brandon. Are you or anyone from eza in town for gamescom??? I would love to meet you and show you my hometown!!


G'day Brandon - if you do another one of these Q&amp;A sessions I'd be interested to know: now you have freed yourself from corporate overlords, how are you avoiding now being rulled by a committee of thousands of Patrons? Do you ever feel constrained to try new things, or grow in a way you want to, because it might go against the will of the paid-up fans? Personally, I want you to do exactly whatever you feel is best. I'm invested in who you are and your self-proclaimed core philosophies, not specific pieces of content. I often feel that a feeling of entitlement is a cause of a lot of tension in online fanbases. There's an expectation that content - even free content - should be produced on time, and reflect some core preconception of what that content *should* be. I suppose you are in an interesting position where what you are doing is made possible by fans, but that these fans also now feel like they have a stake in what you produce and how you produce it going forwards. Occasionally, you see comments that reflect that: fans do or don't like a certain thing, and since they are a Patron of a certain level their opinion should be heeded. *Or Else*. Lots of love, and respect. James

Robert I.

Howdy, Brandon! You gave an interesting answer to my question for the June Q&amp;A about GTA IV taking a place in a different universe from GTA III. I wanted to get an elaborated answer. Since GTA III takes place at the end of that timeline, what developments would you have had happen in the story at that point? For me, I always thought it would’ve been interesting if Joey Leone reluctantly took over for Salvatore following his assassination. He didn’t seem that invested in the family business in III, but he is the ‘heir to the throne’ following his father’s death. I thought Toni Cipriani would do his best to be a mentor for him and help him survive the chaos ensuing after Claude’s mayhem across LC. Or maybe Tony and Joey would get into a mob war over Salvatore’s empire? I’m sure you have thought about these later events in this continuity too. I know this question is going to be too long to read on “Cup of Jones”, so short version is: “How would you have continued the story of the GTA III’s universe had GTA IV taken place in that same world?”


Hi Brandon! I'm glad those chocolates arrived safely and you guys enjoyed them. I thought I put a short letter &amp; list of content in the box, but apparently I forgot. Here is the letter I wanted to sent + full description of every piece of candy in the box: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jFmrmL781rQToY7NHSt4lyWyM58l5a10ecL1EApkJKE/pub" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jFmrmL781rQToY7NHSt4lyWyM58l5a10ecL1EApkJKE/pub</a>


Looking forward to that desk-building stream.