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Kyle Jones and I try out Pokemon Go!  And I sing a song about Walking Simulators.  

I love you.



Go! Pokemon, Go! - EASY UPDATE 16

Ian takes a musical walk through a favorite genre; Ian, Bosman, and Jones run around TRYING to catch Pokemon; and then straight up like 12 minutes of fireworks.



Looking forward to watching this when I get a chance, maybe too much lol


This gon' be good.


Song gave me shivers, man. #masterpiece


How and why is everybody "sick", Elyse?! Subplot needs closure.


Oh. There was literally 13 minutes of fireworks. For some reason I thought that was a clever jab at Nintendo Land.


Nintendo Land HYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Best episode ever!


That was fucking delightful, start to finish


I love you and I love Charity


I still can't believe my mother is addicted to this.


When Elyse's text popped up.. feels


there are literally no pokemon in my town, it depresses me so much more than it should. Ow yeah, and i live in a relatively large town, no gym, no stops;.... i work in a reay little hick town.... 2 gyms.... i don't get it.


Fantastic episode! Really enjoyed watching you guys having fun with Pokémon GO. Also, loved Ian's track at the beginning.

Andrew Chalmers

It's pretty disappointing that Kyle went into Pokemon Go with such a negative mindset. Similar to him, I'm a long time Pokemon fan, but to me, this game is fantastic. The only 2 real negatives so far is the server issues (which I think is somewhat acceptable given the popularity of Pokemon + how early it is, and how people are downloading the APK outside of the delegated regions) and rural areas not getting enough Pokestops and gyms. Oh and the battery life too, so 3 things. Otherwise, the core game itself is quite cool. It actually manages to achieve some of Pokemon's core philosophies better than the handheld games. People can actually get together and go on Pokemon adventures together. Actively going outside to catch Pokemon brings such whimsy and the sense of adventure is so good. I don't know how long this game will last, but for now, it's really fun.


"No no no! This is against the rules!"


OH NO! Don't talk about Binghamton. I spent 1.5 years there getting my master's degree and it is a truly depressing place. The area is WAY too proud that Rod Serling (Twilight Zone creator) grew up there.


i'm with ian: pokemon go is really cool!


HOLY CRAP @11:00 minutes is Coeur d'Alene St.....that was the name of my hometown in Idaho :p


sorry i just had to take a second to acknowledge the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas references......thank you for that lol i swear i only knew because i'm a die hard huter s thompson fan lol side note: read The Rum Diaries....great novel, movie was alright but much better novel


Kyle yelling "no, no, no, no, this is against the rules!" was just outstandingly hilarious. Great episode. Easy Updates always put me in a great mood. That intro song was fucking incredible as well!

Gan Khef

Damn. Along with everyone else apparently, those fireworks were sick. That finale. Anyone who got stoned beforehand would be scraping their brains up off the ground. Also would really want to hear Kyle go more in depth with his opinion of Pokemon Go, now that it has likewise exploded. Awesome episode Ian!


Baby, you're a firework.


I am with Kyle on this one. Why change the fighting for experience to giving them "cocaine". This game is not for me to be honest.


A woman in Wyoming was looking for a water Pokemon near a river and found a dead body..... true story. Hows that for some trivia. source: <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36757858/pokemon-go-player-finds-dead-body-in-wyoming-river-while-searching-for-a-pokestop" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36757858/pokemon-go-player-finds-dead-body-in-wyoming-river-while-searching-for-a-pokestop</a>


People shouldn't focus on what Pokemon GO "Should have been" or even "could have been" and appreciate it for what it is.


I agree; i don't like it at all; but i appreciate Nintendo fanning out; getting kids to run around, Doing something new.


This episode was fantastic. I've never played a single Pokemon game, but I'm enjoying P:GO right now. We'll see how long that lasts though.


wow Ian, awesome introduction. Cool to see you all out and about to see the sights. I have been the 2 times, it is insanely big compared to where I live in Alberta, Canada. You guys make my day. hahaa.


really liked the episode, especialy the way you cut your musical intro.


Hey Ian, I just have to say I love the song and the...music video? Anyways it was all really awesome!