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Case Closed.


The Trial of Kyle Bosman

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are assembled here today to determine whether Kyle Bosman has fulfilled the terms of the contract signed by him during the 2016 E3 Bets Showdown. http://easyallies.com/ Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/


Daniel Murray

Justice...sweet justice.




No spoilers but justice won today....


Cannot wait for a followup to all of this!


Wow I am grinning very hard right now. I love you all but.... team kyle






the bloodworth is strong though




Love it :-D


Wow, well suffice to say, I am absolutely gutted by this decision. Worry not, Bosman, I'll fight this thing alongside you through the very lengthy appeals process that is sure to come next. We'll beat this, bud! Hold strong!


ben moore... i am emotionally affected by your testimony and I may be changing sides


This is exactly why I so gladly support Easy Allies: The personalities, The passion, The Escalation! Don't ever stop producing unique videos like this. I laughed my ass off! #TeamChaos


I loved how Ben was clearly losing it with laughter inside but was trying to keep his composure so hard throughout the trial!


Oh for gods sake. What's going on with people taking this thing so seriously. Yes, Bosman is a weasel, but that's part of the fun. And we got this hilarious trial out of it. What more do you want, man? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? ;)


That was amazing! Someone mail a gavel, powdered robe and a judges robe to them for the next trial!


After this case, just remember Galileo was jailed by the church, Kyle. You're not the only one who has been wrongfully charged.


I can't wait for 10 years from now when this becomes a new season of Serial


I WAS ENTERTAINED #Jonesspeaksthetruth!


That was soo entertaining XD But it is with great pain that I must raise the possibility that the unthinkable happened. Huber and Kyle CONSPIRED behind the scenes, Huber FAKED all his discontent and conceded to Kyle's pressure to not play "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" , so that in the event a GUILTY veredict was found he would back down from his claim. #makekyleplaythelegendofzeldaalinktothepastthepeoplespokehuberisnotacertifiedjudge


That was fun to watch, well done allies ;)


Talking about Zelda makes me want to play Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time again


This was the single most entertaining video EZA has ever produced. Nicely done guys!


Justice has been served, but I fear the punishment may not be enough to prevent further misdemeanours from Mr. Bosman. #hangemhigh


Ha ha, guilty as charged. I saw the archived stream on Twitch and was going to watch it later (now I know not to bother), but what I'm wondering is, did Kyle ask permission from the speed runner (Mchan? Emchan?) to stream their play-through? If not, why wasn't that an issue that went on trial, as it's essentially using someone else's content without their permission?


I realize I would've agreed with any decision, guilty or not. do whatever you want, guys. But always do it this way.

Nut Kon

I love this, guys.. you've all done a really good job! All of your performances are top notch!! :D Increasing my pledge right now!!!


It's a moral dilemma. I love Kyle, but by looking for loopholes, he essentially declares all stakes and therefore the bets itself pointless.


He commented the youtube video and seemed honored, that his speedrun was chosen ;)


I definitely should not have checked my phone when I went to plug it in mid-sleep at 4 AM. Had to watch right then lol. Great trial! I can mirror Ben's testimony exactly.


I agree. It just felt like there's no point tallying the scores or making bets anymore.


This was amazing. All hail judge Brad. The Law? Brad is the LAW!


This was hilarious, but I still really want to see Kyle stream Link to the Past, as it's one of my favourite Zeldas and I'm intrigued to see why he doesn't like it so much. :/


Following you is like watching a series. you guys have so many recurrent themes its entertaining as f*ck. this trial was so hilarious, if brad would have been wearing a wig i would have totally lost it. love you guys. more from that :D


This was awesome!... But I wanted to see Kyle play the game! :D (even though I appreciate his choice since, the finding of loopholes has really been an integral part of the bets show )

Andrew Chalmers

This was so intense and hilarious. Thanks for the entertainment EZA. I prefer this over Kyle's play through of LttP anyway.


Great entertainment


Damn, a grumpy Kyle stream of a classic game would've been fun. I would suggest that since Mr Bosman cannot be trusted to fulfill the terms of his own bets, he should be removed from the next betting special and replaced with a new contender. Huber/Ellis bets special as punishment?


This has to be the best group video you've done since the start of Easy Allies. I didn't expect this, and I hate the fact I live in Europe and missed watching it live :( But this is some hilarious stuff. You're not even a comedy-driven channel, and you're way above the clowns of Funhaus and company (Putting aside Elyse) : )


Seems I am not able to format this poem properly in this comment section, here's a link to a picture with proper formatting <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmrci9eWIAAi2lL.jpg:large" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmrci9eWIAAi2lL.jpg:large</a> ◼ Kyle is forever a shining light, ◼ Justice was not served and thus the world weeps today, ◼ Huber conspired against you - that ain’t right, ◼ He procured a contract to allow you no leeway, ◼ But jury, if the intent is not to have fun, ◼ Then what is the purpose of play, ◼ Do you not see injustice was done, ◼ Kyle’s warm heart has repeatedly been put on display, ◼ As Kyle each and every Monday can be seen exclaim, ◼ That he loves lesser known games and gives them a grand entrée, ◼ So why force Kyle to play a popular game, ◼ When his passion is games that have been stowed away, ◼ People of EZA can you not see, ◼ That Kyle is the victim and that justice was not served today.

Casper Andersen

Amazing ! One of the greatest moments ever in GT/EZA Lore. Kyle lost be the slimmest of margins (51 % - 49 %). I personally still believe he is innocent!. #FreeBosman


I've never clicked on a video so fast.


This was one of the most entertaining things I have ever watched. Even though I am a huge fan of Kyle Bosman, I find the ruling of the court to be correct.


So good


This was a grave miscarriage of justice! I would submit that Huber, knowing full well of Kyle's inclinations to for lack of a better term "troll", had the onus of drafting an ironclad contract. That Huber felt the need to even draft a contract in the first place is proof of Huber's prior knowledge in this regard.


This whole stream was fantastic. Super fun.


He looks so innocent in that picture though :p


As Mr. Bosman is now a proven man of dishonor in a court of law, I do not think he can in any way be trusted to select or tally the weekly bets on the Easy Allies Podcast. It is necessary for the Allies to choose a new betting quartermaster.


Does Kyle now have a criminal record?


Kyle Bosman is innocent! The terms and conditions of the contract as transcribed by Micheal Huber were agreed upon during a time were E3 Hype took over Kyle Bosmans emotions. For that reason alone, I believe Kyle Bosman was drunk....drunk on Hype during the signing of the contract, which in turn is a breach of justice.


I demand a recount from the jury - how about those of us in other countries, where time differences mean our votes can't be counted? Leave it up for 24 hours, and see then how we go. Let the people truly speak, and the jury deliberate. #freebosman


Did not expect this. This was freaking amazing. I hope you guys do more trial videos.


Great idea! I enjoyed the whole ridiculous event in its entirety, but as much as I love Kyle, he did not uphold the spirit of the contract but I can't help laughing to myself about the lengths that he went to in order to avoid playing a game that he obviously dislikes. Who in their right mind plays games as punishment?


This is one of the best things you have done to date...which pains me since it came from a Bosman troll lol


This level of trolling is something special... Way to go EZA


Darn, I really wanted to see Bosman actually play this game. Has he ever even played it?


The jury has spoken! Guilty of tarnishing the sanctity of the Betting Showdown! Welchers should be banned from this sacred event!


I'm so glad I caught this live - this is what makes EZA special. I don't think Kyle's logic came through well in the trial, but it's clearer on the Zelda stream that he thinks writing the contract and especially consulting other allies beforehand really ruins the idea of the bets where everything is a surprise and based on teams. Even though Kyle may have trolled it somehow anyway, and the contract was funny at the time, I agree with that point. The time commitments on those bets were also really disproportionate, so they shouldn't have been agreed to in the first place. Oh well, one day true justice will come, and it will come in the form of an action figure play.


New guy here so glad I'm giving you money to see all this awesome here!


Brilliant! Wasn't expecting a trial and it turned out great. Thanks EZA!


Kyle followed the agreed upon terms only for others to decide later on that it "meant" something else, and that he did not follow the "spirit" of the contract. #BosmanWasRight


He shouldn't have signed it. They should've gone off-camera and discussed the issue if it bothered him so much. Obviously Huber did it because of Kyle's previous work at weaseling out of bets with loopholes.


I think Huber was probably hoping he'd discover the good aspects. And maybe do a better job articulating his dislikes. I know *I* wanted to see that. I'm really crestfallen that it'll never happen.


I believe this is correct. If we now know that Bosman will do anything he can to get out of whatever bet he makes if he loses, then there are no genuine stakes and the bets lose a lot of their fun.


The jury decided he was guilty just because they wanted to see that stream. Kyle fulfilled the terms of the contract and should be considered, from now on, a master troll. #BosmanWasRight


I feel inclined to point out that Kyle has honestly fulfilled the losing terms of his bets in the past on several lesser known occasions. The previous betting incident was also somewhat justified as 60 minutes of original stand up comedy was absolutely unreasonable and he tried to explain that during the recording but Huber forced it. When Kyle later took on a similar bet, except for 10 minutes, he delivered without any tricks, just honest dumb fun. It's clear Kyle was insulted by the addition of a contract, so responded in turn to take it as literally as possible, that's all. I'm not unhappy with the outcome or how the team banded together to make great entertainment out of the troll, but the lesson here should be to ensure more reasonable consequences for the loser in the future, no contracts needed. Just honest dumb fun. Love &amp; Respect.


Justice! This perfectly highlights exactly what is wrong with the current judicial system and peoples willingness to bend the rules based on semantics. Kyle understood perfectly well the meaning of the contract, and instead of honoring that contract, chose to wiggle out of his responsibilities. But at least justice has been served, Bosman will have to live with that guilt until the end of time! I still think he should be strapped to a chair a la Clockwork Orange, and forced to play the game :)


Guilty. I'd never make another bet with Bosman. His initial intent is to never fulfill his obligations <b>"...I saw these holes..." </b>. Huber - you're guilty for insanity for ever trying to attempt it again. Find someone else because when you win bets from now on, the satisfaction will never be there. Kyle - just give him what he wants. Give him his Shenmue 3 please. Also, all of your defense arguments were leading. Overall entertaining - but oh so disappointing.


As saddened that I was by Kyle not actually playing through A Link to the Past, I actually felt like he did in fact meet the criteria set by the contract and believe that he should have been given a Not-Guilty verdict. #notguilty


I would point out that right before the straw poll, Brad stated that voting "No" would be finding Kyle not guilty. Voters were then told they had only 1 minute to cast their vote. I think it is not unreasonable to suggest that more than 10 of the over 1200 voters, having heard this statement and in a rush to cast their vote due to the steam delay, a poor internet connection, etc. may have cast their vote as No hoping to absolve Kyle of guilt, only to realize that the wording of the question had been changed in the actual poll. For this reason, and due to the very narrow margin of the decision, I think a re-vote is called for.


This may be the most entertaining video you guys have ever done.


wow...that was good!


I love you guys. This whole trial felt like a Southpark episode. I'm sad I wasn't able to vote on the outcome though. I LOVED watching Kyle's stream and as this is all for fun and games I think his interpretation should have been the one that mattered. Obviously part of the fun of the bet was finding out how Kyle would get out of doing what Huber wanted him to do. I think that he should have been pronounced NOT GUILTY. But again, the trial was very fun to watch so that is what really matters. :)


This was amazing, EZA bets are so intense. But it feels like some people are too harsh on Kyle. The man sat in a puddle for a bet he forgot everything about, give him some credit.


This is exactly why I hate the justice system. It is more than clear that Bossman tried to cheat the system. I'm glad the he was found guilty. I don't like the free pass Huber gave him though.


Damnit, Huber. Make Kyle watch you play LTTP clockwork orange style. Eyelids, eye drops, strapped down, etc. The whole nine yards!


love it; but guys; you keep forgetting your EU audience; don't we matter ???? :(


Some of us stream at times specifically aimed at European viewers, but there's only so much we can do about the rotation of the earth. Group streams are set up when they are because some people have day jobs and can only come after work. This whole thing was scrambled together in the hours before since the group stream was happening that night, and doing the whole event live and in one session was a big part of that energy. -Bloodworth


This is the best video I have ever witnessed on the Internet. I loved everything about this. Keep it up EZA.

Novus Operandi

Placing all technicalities aside, and focusing solely on the breach of good faith... (speaks in a sonorous Kryptonian voice) ...GUILTY!


I love Bosman but the bet trolling gets old when it's all he ever does. I agree with those that say the betting specials have lost something going forward. There's no stakes when there's an almost certainty that he won't actually go through if he loses. Fool me once...

Thore Dørup

Omg Damiani and Bosman killed it. So good.

Jonathan Olson

So many twists and turns! Please start a weekly courtroom drama to fill the hole that game of thrones has left.


This video is funny, the Bossman schtick with this sort of thing is old. Just do the damn bets you agree to instead of trying to be cool and smarter than everyone. As a fan I wanted to see Kyle's thoughts and experience just like Ben said. And the betting videos kind of suck now because the whole time you are left thinking "Kyle won't do it anyway so who cares"


agreed, it's just stupid now the whole thing and the betting means little.


Bloodworth and Damiani killed it! This is easily one of the best video's you ever made.


I agree! This video was great. But the the way Kyle went about this makes me a whole lot less excited for betting specials now :(


Went from face to heel. Nice job Bos! I agree with Ben though people really like you and want to know what you have to say. I've never played a Link to the Past and I would like to know why I never should. Here's to another Chappie. Always breaking my heart


It's pretty clear that Bosman purposely found a way to weasel out of the contract, which he himself acknowledges, albeit indirectly by avoiding Huber's last question. As Bloodworth points out the clause of "Good Faith and Fair Dealing", there is no denying that Bosman broke the rules of the contract. But the problem with this situation is this: it makes the future of "betting specials" that much less special if Bosman is just going to find loopholes. And let's be honest, Bosman's argument of paper contracts makes no sense since verbal contracts are even more muddled by interpretation. I get that Bosman has a reputation, and that's fine (you gotta respect the troll). Then don't hype up your betting specials, especially if you guys are not going to carry out punishments as intended and interpreted by majority of your viewers. Still, good videos and you guys are awesome. Keep up the great work.


Hey Easy Allies, thanks so much for this!! Isn't it kinda crazy how divisive this whole debate has been? Personally, I've got Zelda-fatigue from all the Zelda streams on EZA so I don't feel any kind of loss from not watching Kyle being forced to play aLttP. Still, this addition to the EZA meta has been nothing short of glorious so keep up the great work Allies! Love &amp; Respect.


So so awesome thanks guys, I'm so bumped i couldn't see this live. Surprising ending justice has been served lol. Brad you are an excellent judge👌🏻 hope to see more like this in the future


Absolute brilliance - bosman is scum


All this stream has taught me is one day, if I live long enough, Bosman will be the honourable one and Huber will slip into the darkside of technicalities.


i'm with ben moore :)


Love the Lee Harvey Oswald-esque picture of Kyle.


This trial was so hilarious it basically vindicates Kyles' welching. I share Ben's disappointment, but this video makes up for it. I'm glad Kyle tried to get out it, if only, just so we could see this nonsense.


Ben perfectly described the dissapointment. After this future "betting specials" will never be the same


Huber should wear a mask of Kyle's face while streaming the game! This will undo the damage


I totally agree with your assessment. This lessens my excitement for these betting specials by a mile, since the stakes got lowered by Kyle's behavior. Shame on you, Bosman!


I think Kyle found a valid loophole, but if Huber was going to offer to play himself, he should make Kyle watch and comment to make things more interesting.


This video is a parody on the reaction of the community to the bet. Brilliant!


Will it be shared where we can buy those pokeballs because I would love to buy some


This is the best thing I've ever seen!! ahahahha


Infinitely funny. Loved it


Kyle deserves a retrial with an impartial judge not the prosecutor's best friend


That was really great of Huber to let Bosman off the hook at the end. Way to keep it classy, Huber!


Best video to date!


Am I tripping, or did the funding drop off DRAMATICALLY (I think it was ~$43K and now it's $39K) recently??


to answer Ashley, I'm not sure if it's more than usual, but I think it's something like at the beginning of a month, because that's when the payments are made.


So it WAS in fact around $43,000 not long ago?


I thought it was all due to the Bosman Betrayal Mass Exodus.


It was $40150 in the end of June according to this <a href="https://graphtreon.com/creator/EasyAllies" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://graphtreon.com/creator/EasyAllies</a>


Alexander Ptashkin, thanks, cool link! I see a lot of Russians and Ukranians supporting the GameTrailers guys!


Shouldn't they not have the ads on YouTube, since they're already getting money from Patreon? Jim Sterling doesn't put ads on YouTube, as he thinks it would be unfair to his patrons.


Each creator decides what makes the most sense for them. We don't monetize patron-only videos for instance, and the podcast is ad-free until it goes public. Since we're still a long way from everyone being paid full time, it's important for us to make use of alternate revenue streams as well. -Bloodworth


OK, thanks, Blood. Then, I think, I would be fair to ask - does EZA make good money off YouTube?


Easy Allies, always grateful for all the effort and hard work you guys put into every stream. I always make sure to catch them when I can. Quality makes up for quantity, which is why there are so many more Allies fans out there! You have a forever supporter in me. Love &amp; Respect