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And I'm being eaten alive by bugs!  Fireworks dispersed around this lake and discharging at random intervals.  The sounds of frogs.  None of these things are in this episode, but they are in spirit. 

I love you. 



H O M E sweet H O M E - EASY UPDATE 15

Ian cures the blues, goes on a bike ride with dad and sister, and shows you a bit of the Ol' Home Town!



I love you Ian

Eric Plunk

Maybe you're just actually playing Breath of the Wild in NX VR.


Super jolly, thanks for sharing Ian! L&R


Very relaxing video - reminds me some of my hometown but with more hills!


Your hometown looks incredibly beautiful and your family seem like very lovely people.... It is such a stark contrast compared to where I am from!

Brandon K Gann

Mr. Hinck. Allow me to say what you already know: Your musical talent is amazing, you're from a very beautiful place, and your family is awesome! Thank you very much for sharing this with all of us. Hands down, from start to finish, the best Easy Update you've done. Stay Easy fellow Ally.


DUDE. Love the vibe your family gives. I can kind of see why you are you. They are good peeps.


Celebrating Canada day!? :D


Dope, I love this! Great stuff as always!


Ian, I live like an hour away from your home town. I live in Stillwater MN, one of the many towns the St. Croix river flows through. I've also been on that same bike path you were on! Love all the work you guys do!


Thats was great, I smiled the whole time ❤️


that was fun Ian; thanks !

Gan Khef

I must say you are killing it with the music and variety. I was initially bummed about losing the ManUps format, but now I'm picking up what you're laying down. I can dig it.


Thanks for introducing your family, Ian! You're from a very beautiful place with all that nature. And I liked the opening song as well.


I guess this episode was way too healthy for FatBurger to be associated with.


The Brown Danube?


You and your sister should abseil down the rocks we saw other people descending in your video, while talking about video games (preferably rock / mountain related games!)


This was a really geeat episode. Your family seems very nice. Thanks Ian

Andreas Köther

Really great episode, usually I get hungry when I watch on Sunday morning in bed and people eat something, this time it makes me miss the summer because ours sucks this year. Lovely family and a really nice place to grow up in.


That was awesome. If I lived in a beautiful place like that, I would find it hard to move, although I'm more of a city guy myself. Anyway great episode. The game talk with your dad and sister was great!


Thanks for introducing us to your family Ian. They seem like a lovely bunch. Beautiful shots too of your hometown areas.


If you keep posting videos like this, you can kiss the Patreon money goodbye. Brandon how are you allowing this and previous videos to be up. I hate to criticize but every time I see a Easy Update I cringe. It's worst than Vlogs. If anybody else agrees please speak up.


Your father has the same hair as the microphone :-)


I disagree. The music videos alone make it worth it. The casual conversations show a different side of gaming. Would you rather have another show like the podcast, Frame Trap or some kind of let's play? There's plenty of those on EZA and youtube.


Love this episode, what a lovely place and cool family! Makes me want to go on a bike ride with my folks. When I seen the forest I was wondering if there were any wild bears in there. I love not knowing what Easy Update is going to do next, stops it from becoming stale and boring - long may it continue Ian!


Real life Stardew Valley. Did you already go into the mines Ian? Be careful for the slime monsters.


Ian, I love you too my man


I love you too, Ian. I love this episode, I want to see everyone's families now! Can you make that happen? Minnesota is adjacent to Iowa, do you anyone from there...? :P Also, I want to see you playing video games with your family, perhaps introducing them to the games you told them about. ♥ Wait, so the St. Croix River separates Minnesota from Wisconsin, so is there technically footage of Wisconsin in this video? Easy Allies Coast to Coast.

Robert I.

This episode was nothing short of heartwarming. Very well picked preview image too, because while watching that shot took my breath away.


I love this video - great vibes. This is why Easy Update is my favorite show on EZA; I never know what I'll get. Every episode is exciting. Also I wish I was half as creative as Ian.


My favorite episode so far. It was beautiful. Thanks for sharing your home Ian.


nothing but love and respect to Ian and his family on this episode.


Good man Ian


Did the math: You were doing about 21.12 Mph during the segment where you said "I bet we can calculate our speed" meaning you were going faster than the average of 12.4 mph cruising speed.


It's obviously a big give or take here with some rounding liberties


dude your dad is cool!


Is there a fatburger in your hometown????


my favourite episode so far


This was so awesome!


great episode Ian! :)


highly enjoyable! :D


HELLO, WISCONSIN!!! Ian, why didn't you tell me you'd be here? It's only like a 4 hour drive to my house. Maybe 3 and a half if you step on it.


I like how Wisconsin changes to Minnesota in the ending credits, and I'm guessing it's because the St Croix River is in both states :) One of the most relaxing episodes I've seen in a while. Thanks Ian


a lot of love for that episode x


Great episode! It made me miss bike riding.


What a beautiful town. Also your family looks really nice. Great episode.


Good episode Ian


Ya cool show, it was nice to see some of the family, to see that you are really real , in that you seem well grounded and in the moment. Looks really nice there. Thank you ,take care.