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Huber recounts the first half of 2016 in the first episode of this two-part special!


Huber Syndrome - Episode 11: First Half of 2016 Anime Style

Huber recounts the first half of 2016 in the first episode of this two-part special! http://easyallies.com/ Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Hahaha that Hitman Huber thumbnail is great!

Brandon K Gann

Mr. Huber, I understand it may have not been the best game for you this year but I couldn't help but notice you forgot Ratchet & Clank from April! Saddens me to see that it must have gotten a more serious case of forgotten when finished like Dark Souls III but R&C was beautiful, fun, and a 4 Star game! ;-) But in all seriousness, I was hoping to get a three second shout-out for R&C in this episode and super bummed it didn't happen but hey, at the end of the day, great episode and stay Easy fellow Ally!

Gan Khef

Chūnin exams. XD


Huber you as Agent 47 is just plain creepy lol...


You show is getting better with each episode!!


Huber, one of my favorite streams with you guys this year was in between GT and EZA. Street Fighter 5 was a February release... despite all the Capcom Shenanigans I'm still playing that game, the CEO SF5 tournament last weekend was HYPE, story mode dropping in a couple of hours along with a couple new characters, EVO is just right around the corner. Great show as always, holla at me if you and or Ben want to go a round, haha. Peace!!!


Ronin really has one of the best action scenes in cinema history. Everyone should go see a movie featuring Robert De Niro & Jean Reno.


I imagine it's because of the GT shutdown, but I think you should take a look at Stardew Valley Huber. A jolly game released in February that manages to be a wonderful mix of Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing and Rune Factory. All created by one guy, it managed to have brilliant music, an intriguing world and is more inclusive than the games that inspired it due to allowing different romantic preferences based on the player, and branching dialogue scenes. Check it out!


Thanks Huber, I loved the episode. A bit upset you forgot the Witness though! Easily my game of the year so far, and I'm sure that I'm not alone in that. I got the impression a lot of Allies feel the same about it, hope it won't be forgotten at the Game of the Year awards. Sorry to complain, just wanted to mention it!


Huber, you don't need a "Gaming PC" to run Darkest Dungeon. It has really low system requirements.


Some indie love man, Hyper Light Drifter is goty contender for sure!


Love me some prime De Niro!


Huber you recommend so many movies to me which I thoroughly enjoy, have you seen 'Enter The Void' ? If not I hope you watch and enjoy this masterpiece! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy your recommendations (FYI my all time favorite director is Kubrick) Do you have one and why? :)

Andrew Chalmers

Hm. It's a pretty crap year if Overwatch and Uncharted 4 are the GOTY contenders. They're both good, but definitely don't feel like games worthy of GOTY. But, we don't really have much choice this year (so far). There are still the big holiday games coming at least.


All that and not even a mention of The Witness or Street Fighter V. 2016 has been a good year for games and it's only halfway done.

Robert I.

Hitman Huber is frightening.


Playing Dark Souls 3 right now. Didn't care for the spoilery footage. Yeah, it was press material from a trailer, but I haven't bothered watching most of the trailers to avoid ruining the surprise. Shame on me I guess for not being quick enough to look away. Loving the indie, well, love. Production values aside, indies as a whole are doing things we'd never see in the mainstream industry. Even something fresh like Doom 2016 owes tons to Brutal Doom.


I think Overwatch is pretty fun with friends but really boring alone. I like the fast paced nature, the level design is interesting for the most part, and each character feels unique enough, but only 2 game types just doesn't keep me wanting to come back unless friends are online. I also think that the game balance leaves me a bit wanting. Dark Souls 3 is easily my GotY so far. I loved almost every minute of it, and the ending felt appropriate for the series ( I got the marriage one)


STEAM WORLD HEIST! So much hype. Put 40 hours in on 3ds with multiple playthroughs. So glad it's out on ps4. I love that team. Love their games and can't wait for what's to come.


No Blood & Wine?! So many good changes and such a good story


Interesting perspective with Dark Souls 3, Huber. My experience with the game was the complete opposite. DS3 for me was the most challenging and annoying game in the series to play through. Still a masterpiece of a game and I love it, but I just got my ass kicked more than any other Souls game and too many damn swamp areas! But I just beat it last weekend and I'm STILL thinking about it, loved the ending. Beautiful end to a beautiful series.


Not really related but I just realised that that Micheal "Couch Co-op" Huber is missing out with the FIFA hate the allies have. FIFA has always been a perfect 6 player co-op "experience". Give it a chance, group stream, everyone plays, would be awesome IMHO.


Soccer is a game for children to play while parents socialize. And like all EA sports games, the ultimate teams are pay to win.


loved this episode Hubesy, it would be nice if it became a regular part of your show to look back on the past few months of gaming. Looking forward to hearing your excitement about whats left to come this year


Loot box complaints? We won't hear it!