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On this episode of Tabletop Escapades, Law desperately tries to escape from prison while the rest of the crew is still on the run. Will they manage to triumphantly regroup or will the divide between the party get even worse?

As a DM, it's fun seeing the stakes get so high. And this is just the beginning! The next few episodes are some of the most intense we've ever shot.

SoundCloud Link (Will be on iTunes soon) - https://soundcloud.com/tabletop-escapades/tabletop-escapades-episode-13



Tabletop Escapades - Episode 13

On this episode of Tabletop Adventures, Law desperately tries to escape from prison while the rest of the crew is still on the run. Will they manage to triumphantly regroup or will the divide between the party get even worse?



Oh gosh they're all gonna die


Oh God I'm so hyped! Don't pump the brakes Ben! If they kill themselves that's just how things go!


24:30 "I fight in my sleep." XD


Favorite EZA show! Can't wait for next week! The RP is so great!


This is the best series on the internet. :)


13 Episodes, all of them gold!


This show is a treasure


The RP was SO GOOD this week!!! Love it.

Gan Khef

Hilarious episode! Damn I love this show. Just wish it was a bit longer! So good.


Great show!!! Thx


As much as I love this show and love this guys and I accept that it's not a Game of Thrones style fantasy drama, its more Always Sunny in Philadelphia but.....can we please have a bit more consistency! Its kinda hard to buy Law as a monk, a 300lbs of pure muscle monk who couldn't break a door because of some roll. These guys are RPing their faces off (at least Ian and Brad) and Ben hasn't given any of them inspiration in how many episodes. Huber got insipration just for his Boswer the Bear story on TTA yet his Pepe story got nothing.


The guards in this universe are dumber than the ones in Assassins Creed.


This show just keeps getting better and better (which is great, since it was pretty good from the beginning). It seems as if all of the guys are growing into their characters, figuring out their quirks, motivations and personality in greater detail, at the RP is getting stronger as a result. Also Ben, I really like how you seem to have found a balance between you controlling the situation, and your players having agency. Many DMs would have gotten impatient at this point, you know, like "I've spent many hours writing this specific adventure, and they're just staying in town this whole time." and then somehow force the group down a certain path. You don't do this, which is great, because with players like these, it seems goofy adventures happen on their own. (Don't misunderstand me. It is actually sometimes a good thing when a DM forces through a quest or something, if you've only got a short playsession for example. Also, some players get bored if they spent to much time, not out on some epic adventure). I feel like I'm rambling a bit, so here's the short of it: I really really appreciate this show. It started out somewhat funny and interesting, but ever since the party arrived in town, I've been laughing my ass off every episode! So thank you for the great laughs! Love & respect.


So many gloriously butchered English accents


This weeks hijinks would make for the funniest episode of any tv show.


"I fight in my sleep" should replace the "Lars had grain" t-shirt


Not sure why the dart would hit Law on a 2 roll though, that's not a critical miss where it would hit a different target.


Everytime you think it cannot get any worse they somehow accomplish just that. I hope they catch a break and get "safe" passage on the ship. But does this mean they leave Kuo & Moof behind? PS: Why is this episode so much shorter! Normally we have about 1 hour and 10 minutes of length, a little bit more would have been nice. Now I have to wait a few more days again just to see if they can get free of the guards.


I've got a plan...Kobayashi!

Gan Khef

"Sometimes I wish my feet were fins.."

Gan Khef

Also, I need a "Wizards need naps!" shirt.