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Hi Allies!

   Brandon Plays Pokémon is back from its E3 hiatus, and this week's episode is downright chunky. If you still haven't seen an episode of this show, give the first ten minutes a shot. Basically Jones knew nothing about Pokémon coming in to this show, and by Part 6 he has kind of already become an expert. (An expert who still gets things hilariously wrong occasionally) The next episode will come much, much sooner, so keep lookin' out for more Trainer Jones as he approaches the end of this adventure. 

Love & Respect,



Brandon Plays Pokémon - Part 6

Brandon's trek to Fuscia City brings Safari Zone frustrations, two new HMs, and a formidable invisible labyrinth. http://easyallies.com/ Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Hahaha. Trainer Jones. I get it.


YAY! welcome back :)


Really? Right before I have to go to bed? Really?! (Internally chanting love and respect over and over...)


Nice haircut Bossy

Brandon K Gann

As always AWESOME EPISODE! Super happy its back! A thought just occurred to me: Do you think Mr. Jones would be okay compiling his Pokedex for us to let us know what he's seen and caught? If so, if we see what he has yet to find, IF he decides to spend an episode just tracking down Pokemon, we (or rather you Mr. Bosman) can direct him to where he needs to go and what evolution stones he needs to use and trades he needs to make.


Ha Kyle you gave him the Marsh badge... the Soul badge was already in the group you gave him with the box. The game puts them in that order though so I see why it happened.

Connor Rosine

That theory about the player character writing the Pokedex entries is a popular fan theory, actually!

Heru Muharrar

Real talk for a second...are you really going to let Haunter and Machoke stay Haunter and Machoke. Reveal the way you evolve those guys Kyle. Before the elite 4. Also I really wanted to see you tell Brandon about fishing in the safari zone for Dratini. Oh well.


Glad to have Pokémon back. Hilarious world observations lol.


Oh my gosh where can i buy these pins?


Enjoyed as always thanks. Brandon has to go back to the Safari Zone to get my favourite. Hes big, green and begins with S. :D


The NPCs being confused by you riding a Pokemon with surf makes sense if you're the only person to find the secret house.


If you throw bait you will miss %100, you need to throw a rock after you throw a bait to catch a pokemon in the safari zone.


That Ryhorn picture is a Rhydon.


I'm a little worried for Jones now that you guys have talked about skipping right to Sun/Moon when they come out. Obviously he wont have time to play all the games, but it's a shame that he won't be able to experience Gold/Silver right after playing Red/Blue. That game was an amazing iteration on the first generation games, and it would be cool to see Jones' reaction to them. Going straight to Sun/Moon is going to be a big change up from what Jones expects from Pokemon right now. There are so many changes made to the mechanics, as well as quality of life improvements, and new features, and hundreds of new Pokemon. I think it would make for a good series if Kyle gave Jones a crash course on all the important things he needs to know before going into Sun/Moon. It would make for a good mini series leading up to the new games, and Jones could learn some of the new necessities that we're all familiar with in the newer games. That way he wont be totally overwhelmed by all the new stuff he'll otherwise have to learn.


Gold/Silver before Sun and Moon.


Want to shoutout to the person that sent the badges whoever it was, what a cool idea! That gives and is going to give future episodes a bit of additional flair, well done!


Please trade?


I love how much Jones overthinks things!


No need to trade unless Brandon wants to


They should trade eventually because it's part of the experience.


Thanks for another great episode. It took my mind of the madness currently going on in my country (Apocalypse Land aka the UK). Thanks for letting me have a few laughs and experiencing the joy of talking about games.


Kyle should only tell Brandon about Machoke and Haunter if he gets stuck on the Elite 4, which he probably won't. If he beats the game he should also tell him about it. Also Brandon being eerily accurate about Giovani...


I was expecting Bossman to give Jones the Badges when he got all 8, but giving Jones the badges he's got now and slowly feeding him the rest is fine as well. btw Rhyhorn evolves into Rhydon. I know Jones plans to take a Break from the Bradon Plays "insert game here" series but I would really recommend Person 4/ P4 Golden as the next series to play if he plans to continue it in the future.


I've been thinking about this too after this episode. It would be awesome to see Brandon play through Gold/Silver especially because it is the first sequel in the pokemon series and would demonstrate the first steps they took to improve on the whole formula, and also just what it does with its region. Like you said it obviously wouldn't work because of the time it would require, also I would be worried about Brandon just burning out for Sun/Moon if he played yet another pokemon game inbetween. But if he doesn't I'd think it would almost be more interesting to see him go straight into Sun/Moon without any catchup, just to have the extreme comparison. PS: This series is amazing, love it.


Brandon's Ditto assumption was adorable. I never saw anybody think that way before. Damn, Jones with the Sleuth skills, predicting the future already. I agree on the Safari Zone part. It ain't right. I thought the Pokedex knew about most Pokemon through the collected findings of all trainers. That's why they have to be updated from time to time. It's like some futuristic encyclopedia with that future Pokemon technology. I think the TV show explained it. Rhyhorn is base. Rhydon is evolution. The picture on screen was Rhydon. I want as much of this series as possible so please go in order and do Gold/Silver next. It's nice to look back at specifics in each generation.


Kyle, you should really have Jones play Gold and Silver before Sun and Moon. I've seen people mention this in this comment section and youtube's, but it wouldn't hurt to reiterate. There were so many systems added to Gen 2 specifically that really flesh the out the future installments of the franchise, that it would be wrong to take the experience away from Jones and have him see it on the game's 7th iteration. Plus, Jones barely has an understanding of type match-ups as is it now, don't throw him into a post-Fairy Type game.


I love Pokemon as much as the next guy, but honestly I think listening to Kyle and Jones dive this deep into any topic would be fascinating. You guys are very thoughtful and great conversationalist.

Brandon K Gann

I love that fact that Mr. Bosman was stone faced when Mr. Jones said that about the last gym. If only he can put two and two together about the first gym he encountered...


Brandon plays Mega Man Legends 2. No huge time commitment like Mass Effect or Persona and it keeps the Kyle (fan)/Brandon (new) dynamic going.


gym trainers do get deactivated when you've beat the gym leader


Jones will never have a Machamp if you don't tell him Kyle


wasn't there a story reason to go too the power plant ?


Gah, drives me up the wall every time an episode goes by without him finding out about trading to evolve pokemon. But it's not something we all knew when we first played either, unless we had the strategy guide, or the school kids found out about it, least when I first got into pokemon. So in a way it's true to the experience.


Really enjoy this show. Probably my favorite EasyA show. I know it will eventually end, and Jones keeps saying how much work it is to do it, but have you guys considered, moving foward, to have other people do it? Like Don plays Persona. And Ben can host it. Or something like that? Just an idea. Keep up the great work.


I'd also recommend playing another game before hopping into X/Y or Sun/Moon, because of the addition of Fairy types!


soul and marsh badge swapped xD


Brandon Plays Pokemon Sun needs to happen guys, it NEEDS to.


Yeah I would really love if Jones played the next gen before Sun and Moon... it adds so much to the games and hearing him experience it in its original form is why I love this show to begin with! Please guys try to do this I think everyone would love it before playing Sun Moon. L&R


Like the new haircut Kyle!

Nut Kon

like many have said before me, you guys should really play gold and silver/heartgold soulsilver.. those are quite direct sequels, both gameplay and 'story' wise, so it think it would be great to see Brandon's reactions to how things change! :D


Did Brandon get a Rhyhorn or Rhydon (shown)?


Tell Brandon he can fish in safari zone without moving and fish in the sea


Show him the elemental type damage chart!!


To Kyle, or anyone interested, here's a really good example of a parasite that takes over the brain of its host as part of its life cycle: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dicrocoelium_dendriticum" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dicrocoelium_dendriticum</a> TL;DR: an infected cow poops out the parasite eggs, a snail eats the poop, the snail secretes the now juvenile parasites in the slime trail it leaves behind when it travels. Ants consume this slime trail, along with the parasites in it, and here is where the parasite controls the minds of the ant. The parasite drives the ant to find a tall blade of grass, get to the top of it, and clamp on with its mandibles. Why? This increases the chances the ant will be eaten by a cow, thus completing the life cycle.


Safari zone fishing


If he at one point has trouble with Seafome; maybe hint at surfing from the other side.


it'd be awesome if Jones catches a Dratini


14:52 Jones carries lots of balls. Lots and lots of balls. Sorry, I just had to.