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Hi Allies--

   We've got some interesting options for the Group Stream Night vote this week: E3 Game of the Show Awards and Live E3 Trailer Scores. The awards would represent several categories with a certain amount of time allotted to debate, after which we'll tally our raised hands and select winners. The live trailer scores would feature a rotating panel picking through the best (and worst) trailers from E3. And, of course, there's always playing Mighty No. 9 if you'd like to see a regular stream. Entire schedule below, and this week's poll beneath that!

Monday, June 20th

9PM PT - 11PM PT | Dumb Game Monday

PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

Kyle Bosman

Tuesday, June 21st

10AM PT - 12PM PT | Toy Box Tuesday

Disney Infinity 3.0

Brandon Jones

6PM PT - 8PM PT | Group Stream Night

E3 Awards/Live Trailer Scores/Mighty No. 9

Patrons' Pick!

Wednesday, June 22nd

3PM PT - 4PM PT | Phantasy Star Online 2

Ben Moore

4PM PT - 5PM PT | Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Ben Moore

Thursday, June 23rd

12PM PT - 3PM PT | Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom 

Full Playthrough Pt. 3

Daniel Bloodworth

6PM PT - 8PM PT | Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir

Brad Ellis

Friday, June 24th

1PM PT - 3PM PT | Phantom Hourglass

Mike Damiani

12AM PT - 1AM PT | Tetris 

Bosman v Wozniak Week 12

Kyle Bosman



Love & Respect,





I'm not going to put you guys through Mighty No. 9.


So Huber won't stream DQVIII this week? :(


You guys are evil! I want the trailer scores AND awards!!!


Would love E3 or trailer scores!!!


Also... This is no voting link


Why not both? :(


I want all of those, especially the E3 ones, darn


Awards and scores! Please :)


How can you make me choose between the Awards and Trailer Score? Both, please.


Awards and Trailer Scores!


Trailer Scores would be good (as awards are kinda pointless for E3 I think)




Voted for trailer scores, as we've already seen many of the games at the show discussed at length.


Speed round Game of the Show Awards then do the trailer scores.


Would it be possible to do e3 trailer scores and awards in separate videos? Both sound too good to choose between 😞


While it's sad that Bruce Lee is delayed again Pokepark is just so jolly that I don't mind at all. Also, Game of the Show aughta be fun. Trailers would be good too. Just please not MN9, nobody should be forced to play that... thing.


Lol, I don't care if it's unfair, I get a kick out of M#9 suffering so.


Voted for Trailer Scores.

Adam Mullany

It's got to be GOTS awards....even though everyone here knows that Resident Evil 7 will win everything! 😂 (deservedly so!)


Oh man... the dilemma, the dilemma...


I've always wanted to see the EZA debating hardcore! I was always interested in the process. Don't hold back!


I've got to go with the Game E3 awards.


Although I agree it would be great to get a trailer score as well... Why can't we have both!! :(


Trailer scores


E3 Game awards!!!


I love the creative options guys. More stuff like this please!


How about Trailer Scores this week and Awards next week? I voted for Trailer Scores this week.


I'll be honest, I'm all E3'd out, I want some Mighty No.9 debates.


Trailer scores gets my vote


Maybe not this week exactly but you guys should do a tournament like you did on the first group stream with Pokken. Maybe Last Blade 2, would love to see you start to grasp the core mechanics and get better.

Dennis M.

Damn. I pick Show Awards. Would also really love to see Trailer Scores, but oh well.


didn't they have a kind of game of the show talk at the end of the last day of e3 coverage?

Andrew Chalmers

Definitely keen for all of these, but first E3 Awards. Seems appropriate to do it sooner rather than later. Follow it up with the trailers, then if we still care, Mighty Number 9.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Allies. You torment us with making the difficult choice of awards vs. trailer scores? How devious. If one wins over the other, would you all still be willing to do the other in a separate video later this week or sometime next week? Thanks again for the great E3 coverage and looking forward to tomorrow night. Stay Easy fellow Allies.


Clearly you knew Mighty No. 9 would get picked if it was a choice between 3 games. So instead you give us more tempting options to avoid touching that game. Well played.

A Joker Fan

game E3 awards


poor Mighty No 9

Rory McGuire

EW Mighty Number 9. EEEWWWW


All three at some point?.. please :(


E3 Game Awards please...LET THEM FIGHT!!


Game of the show awards. If you vote for anything else you should be ashamed of yourself. (plus I bet if we spam chat for a trailer score at the end they will do one)


I want all three.... Loll


game of the show


Excellent news to see game of the show in the lead - here's hoping for an extremely cliche presentation, with a live audience, horrible script reads, and extremely flat one liners. And don't forget the classic dig at society from the perspective of a minority!


Man, I'd love 2 hours of trailer scores. But, seeing thats it's falling behind, a (presumably) lively debate will suffice.


I acutally kinda want trailer scores.... (game awards will be boring since we all know what the stand-out games were already - ie, Zelda, God of War, etc)


Man just got my No.9 steam code but the game is not out yet so I can't play it. what is the logic in that.


Awards vs Trailer Scores is like asking me to chose between my two dogs :c

Christian Thomas

A two hour E3 special !?!?. That seems like quite to wait to hear that Zelda killed it this year for best in show XD. Really appreciating the enthusiastic banter you guys have shared when you've reflected on the whole E3 "experience", so to me if there is more interesting perspectives to offer we shall be all be all the more lucky as viewers. (P.s. I'm not one to make to many suggestions for the stream but perhaps the discussion for the best/worst trailer awards could be slightly longer discussion to allow the best of both worlds between Awards/Trailer scores ? Either way we'll be jazzed to watch, L & R team.


Looks like E3 awards are gonna take it, I hope we at least get a Trailer of the Show category. Nominees: Death Stranding, Resident Evil 7, God of War. There were other good ones, but those are definitely the standouts.


I'm one of the people itching for trailer scores and I agree with entropy that it would be awesome if you could devote some time to a trailer of the show. You all could debate the merits of a few trailers for the category, with or without any actual scores.


Game of the show arguments plz!


As long as Mighty No. 9 doesn't win, we all win.


Trailer Score live would be fantastic! but I'm happy with anything. Like an anime fan on prom night. am i doing that right?


I need my trailer scores fix. Game of the Show is easy...Legend of Zelda...it had an entire booth devoted to it. Pretty hard to top that this year. There...trailer scores please! :)


But....I want all THREE of these things?!


Easy my butt! What about Horizon? Or Batman VR? or For Honor!? There are so many contenders -- it would be absolutely amazing to hear them all fight for their picks!


Game of Show awards!


Game of the Show! Don't let the E3 hype go away yet!


E3 awards FOR SURE.


Game of the show awards!


Game of the show awards fo sho~! I can wait til' the podcast for the juicy Mighty No. 9 bashing party.


Hi Allies! Considering the shortages Nintendo seems to constantly have such as the Wii, Amiibos, etc. Do you think the NX's will have similar shortages considering how well the new Zelda was received at E3? Love and Respect!