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Greetings, E3 fans! Thanks to all of you (get used to hearing this a lot) we got to do that E3 thing we love to do, the way we wanted to do it. Here’s a brief, behind-the-scenes look at how we setup the garage to create a scene of maximum hype. I promise you our coverage next year will look, sound, and run even better. Regular episodes of Cup of Jones resume next week. Get your post-E3 questions in now.

I hope all of your E3 dreams came true.

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - 06/19/16

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Thank you Jones for such a hard work!


Congratulations on getting over 60K subscribers and almost 40k on Patreon Mr.Jones , keep up the good work.


Have you ever thought that your garage will be the place for E3 coverage? :)


This is so cool! The magic place of E3-dreams! ;-) looking forward to the next "regular" CoJ.


It must get really hot in there when all the allies and equipment are in full swing.


That's one very cool garage.


Jones, the Easy Allies E3 experience has been my favourite ever, not only were the conference reactions incredibly jolly, but everyone got to go to the show floor and afterwards there were really long discussions about all of the playable games, presentations and funny stories. Typically you'd think that E3 ends when the conferences are over but this Easy Allies E3 kept on giving and giving. All of the opinions were informed and never overly cynical for the sake of being cynical, and the passion for video games the allies share is staggering. Bravo and I can't wait till next year!

Dennis M.

Is constant live feedback from the chat and NeoGAF always a good thing? I can imagine it gets pretty stressful at times. Soo many different opinions about stream volume, window sizes and so on.


It was a great E3 with you guys and chat, it must have been really hard live streaming everyday. Thank you for the pre-during and post streams. The only way to watch E3 is with EZA ! P.S the last 4 years I stopped watching E3 live , but because of video footage of Huber last year I decided to watch it with you guys, great times!


Woh, that's some DIY set right there, nice work Brandon and everyone who set this up. With this small set and low priced camera, you made the best e3 coverage we've seen in gaming journalism this year. That must say something about your talents !


Here's a non-E3 related question: Jones, now that Mighty No 9 has finally been released and early reviews have been fairly negative, do you think this will impact the viability and success of future crowd-funded titles? Love you and the crew, great job this E3.


As a former resident of So-Cal, I know how warm it can get in the Spring/Summer (especially with a room full of tech). I also know how ventilation and A/C can wreak havoc on audio levels. This may seem trivial, but I'm curious. What kind of cooling solution do you have besides the ceiling fan?


Non E3 question, have you had any further thoughts on a $100 and $150 pledge reward.... Loved E3


Loved the E3 coverage. The press conferences and daily recaps made it my favorite year watching E3 ever. Can you go into detail what equipment was purchased with the $40k tier milestone. I know last month there was talk of possibly acquiring a new camera? Also what improvements we can see from that in the Normal weekly content moving forward?


Jolly. Thanks for the insight Mr. Jones. I was there all the way, I took the week off work to incorporate every EZA stream that week. It was the only stream I watched besides Nintendo tree house for E3 ;) Thanks to all the allies giving us E3 and thanks to the allies that joined us on Twitch that aren't usually there. Much love from Australia xo


Next year will be even bigger, better and more bad ass.


No thank you Brandon and the Allies for your amazing E3 coverage. It was awesome! Good to hear that all the numbers are raising. Can't wait for all your future game event coverage.


Thanks for the fun E3 never enough chances to say that! I had a blast despite sacrificing sleep to follow along , always felt worth it ;). Hope everyone got some rest over the weekend as well! Also wanted to ask since there was a lot you didn't get to fully discuss from E3 is there any post E3 wrap up stuff you guys are still burning to do? I think Blood said something about Zelda footage and the betting special results are probably also coming? Anything beyond those two? Again thanks for everything looking forward to more EZA in the future! L&R!


You made it sound like people went to the bathroom to spend time with Lightning.

Brandon K Gann

Mr. Jones, I'm reposting a question from a previous episode here so I can attempt to get back in the rotation of asking questions: What was the best trailer for you and the Allies at the show? I also asked what was your favorite announcement, but the Sony conference happened, so please ignore that. Happy to see you and the other Allies had such a great E3! Really enjoyed all the coverage and I'm looking forward to getting back in the groove of regular shows. Stay Easy fellow Ally!


We did it!


Hey Brandon, I've got an E3 question for you specifically. What exactly were you doing with IGN and GameSpot? I heard you mention filling in with them, and then saw you interviewing someone in an IGN video.


Congratulation to the whole EZA crew for bringing all of us a fantastic E3! It rly was the best place to be during E3:-)


Loved the mirror selfie at the beginning and seeing Sophie staring up at you confused, because you were holding a big camera. Hope if you guys are still in the garage next E3 you can at least get some kind of air conditioning solution, so everybody doesn't have to sweat it out. I know how quickly it gets hot when you cram a bunch of grown men into a confined space.


Hey Mr Jones! Now that E3 show is behind us, are there some games that you regret EZA didn't cover because you had no time or it just flew under the radar? I'm thinking as examples some indie games or even smaller publishers like Focus Home with some cool games like Styx 2, The Surge or Vampyr. Thx again for your coverage you guys did a great job!


Hi Brandon, I just wanted to say that I really loved this years E3 with all the allies. I had a blast watching the show with you guys and loved your war stories of the show floor. It was a ton of fun and I loved it. Thank you for your hard work and I am proud to be a patreon for you awesome guys!


Brandon Jones VR.


Was an absolute blast to be a part of, sorry I didn't subscribe earlier! Now that that plethora of information is over, we could almost forgive you all for taking a week off and recouping. The next few months will be extremely dry news wise - hope you all get some good r&r and come back fully revved and ready to go! Will you be taking a few days each to recharge the batteries? Even better, there's a question - how do you stop yourselves from burning out, when you are so deep in the rabbit hole of information? Once again, extreme congratulations gentlemen, couldn't have gone any better from a viewer perspective :)


It seems perhaps that you're audience is a little older the average YouTube community. Do you have any data on the demography of your Allies?


little flickery little wrinkly .... all perfection!


You guys were where I got ALL my E3 news this year. What great coverage. Thank you for all your hard work, and entertaining streams.


This was by far my favorite E3, I have to say it was also my first zero hyped E3 as well. I wasn't looking forward to anything, maybe because I've been so deep in making my own game... So I ended up watching 24/7 of Easy allies, even during the conferences I wouldn't full screen them (like I used to during gt), I watched all of them through you guys Stream. It ended up being the best decision, I loved every second of every stream, it was jolly it was hype it was Vikings and Persona all around. 10 outta 10 would never watch a press conference in full screen again.




Yes Brandon thank you for showing your layout, you really know how to make use of spaces . Wow it must have been I bit getting used to looking at that tinny camera , like talking to the wall. All of you are so great at it for sure. You all did such a super job of all of E3. You were all easy going and fun and really get along so well and got a big job done so well too. You all are apart of my day. Thank you again.


"little flickery, little wrinkly" :) loved that


E3 is an exciting time of year, last year I caught my coverage all over the place -- I hopped from site to site trying to get as much coverage and opinions that I possibly could. There's a danger to that, you run into a lot of snark and cynicism and it can take away from your own personal joy of the new games that are on the horizon. This year I stuck with Easy Allies for all of my coverage, I have re-watched the Sony Conference with the allies more than once, the joy and excitement that you bring to the occasion is why I am a patron. You guys knocked it out of the park, I loved the evening streams with thoughts on the games you had seen that day and being able to participate in chat -- until I had to go to bed, I spent the next morning catching up with all of the wonderful content you had created. Thank you Brandon, for bringing so much fun to E3!


Brandon, is your P.O. Box still working?


Jones is a Triple AGENT who is trying to find some information about RED DEAD 3. :P


poor lightning, she sank so low as a ONE NIGHT STAND. :P


I'm curious, with this being the first major E3 covered without the overbearing constraints of a parent company, has it changed your enjoyment of E3 at all? Has E3 possibly moved up the ranks of favorite conventions? PAX still seems untouchable, in terms of enjoyment but from what it looks like, E3 is getting better and better. Great job with all the coverage!


Thanks Allies for another amazing E3. You crushed it again. Since you personally have been to over a dozen of these, you probably saw quite a few games that were announced, but canceled before launch. Star Wars 1313, Silent Hills and possibly Prey 2 notwithstanding, what cancellations affected you the most? Personally, back in the day, the 2 big Blizzard cancellations hit me pretty hard. Lord of the Clans looked like a great graphic adventure and Starcraft Ghost just seemed like a ton of fun. Not really counting Titan, cause we got Overwatch out of it. Love & Respect, Sam

warren blyth

Super cool! really enjoyed watching the whole gang enjoy E3. Was lightly emotional to see the group back behind a desk, with a backdrop, doing what they do. One small itch (niggle) - i felt like the camera was too high. like, it was looking down, with a lot of head room, and then the video overlays had to cover the lower halves of people. Would recommend dropping that tripod, so people heads would graze, or cover the logo, (and they'd be look straight into, or down at the camera) and then you'd have more desk below them to put the overlays on. (on the other hand, I bet yall tried this and it wouldn't work for some reason).


Hey Jones, Great E3 coverage. It was seriously top notch and your guys passion for the medium is electric (watching the sony press conference 'along side' you guys elevated it to a whole other level). Question: Although your coverage was amazing, what was one thing that you would do differently for E3 2017 and what is one thing that 100% needs to stay the same? Respect and Love - Justin


Great episode Jones. I'm so glad we all got to enjoy E3 watching you guys. Wouldn't have it any other way.


E3 wouldn't be the same without you guys!


do you have any plans to make "EZA Best of E3" video? it doesn't have to be a lot, just few video will be fine due to low STAFF. :)


Brandon, Thanks again for all of the great coverage. You and all of the allies put in a ton of work to make this happen, and at least from where I sit it looked like a monumental success. As far as questions go, since you have spent so long in the industry, been to so many E3s, I'm wondering if you have any thoughts about how E3 is changing, whether in good ways or bad (most likely a bit of both)? I've read from multiple places how odd it seemed to be, even though the games were great E3 itself was looking a little sparse and is maybe running out of steam. Does it look that way to you? Do you think E3 is stuck in some tweener state of some companies trying to build pure hype (Sony press conference, Nintendo's Zelda gambit) while others try to lay out a more reserved, business focused roadmap (Microsoft)? Are the winds changing, or is this just a normal ebb and flow?


Hey Brandon I saw you in the Easy Update with an IGN mic, did you guys went to E3 under IGN? Also I hope you guys do well enough so you can get a proper studio with proper equipment :)


When they first started streaming their E3 stuff, I thought that they had rented out a space or something...lol. Just goes to show a little ingenuity can go a long way!


Awesome! Was hoping we'd get a tour of the setup


EZA had hands down the best E3 streams. Last year's GT stream was a bit like the Sony press conference and just like Sony this year blew us away in a different fashion. Thank you for bringing jolliness, love and respect to E3.


Awesome coverage! I hope to see some of you guys at Gamescom!


Awesome, love the behind the scenes! Question: how do you feel about the lack of a "red dead 2 announcement?" Do you think the rumors are true? "Trailer being pulled out at the last second"


Just a quick personal note. I was on a trip to Turkey during E3 this year and missed all of it (had very sporadic internet connection). So when I got back on thursday, I got completely caught up on everything that happened by watching the Easy Allies coverage. Watched all the press conferences with you guys and all your reactions. It was a great way to get my late E3. THANKS!!!


Last week was so much fun, thanks for all your hard work and excellent E3 Coverage!


Brandon, you guys are the best. Such great Easy Allies. I absolutely adore you guys. Wonderful coverage you did. Side note: I'm more of a cat guy, but Sophie seems to be an absolute sweetie. I know you have a cat, can't remember the name, you should bring it on EZA to add some jolliness.


Once again you guys donned the suits and gave us an amazing E3 show. If I may I'd like to ask Brandon about his involvement with IGN during the event, was this a deal struck to help promote EZA or is this some sort of part-time employment that came from their purchase of GT? Either way, I love that you guys have bounced back so quickly and once again rubbing shoulders with the rest of the big boys in the industry.


I'm sending all my Love & Respect to the Easy Allies. As a Nintendo fan, I really missed there not being a Nintendo Direct this year, but all of you really lifted my spirits and helped me to experience the joy of E3. Thank you so much.


Your coverage this year was brilliant, maybe even better than last year if that were possible. I really appreciated the way you guys had the press conferences running during the stream instead of us needing to open in a separate tab, it made things so much easier. Thanks a bunch for all of the work you guys put in.


I love watching "Cup of Jones". It is one of all of your shows I look forward to watching each week. May we at least entertain the thought of making "Cup of Jones" free to all? Maybe I'm alone, but I don't support Easy Allies because of rewards. I support Easy Allies because I believe in you guys and your vision. I feel Easy Allies' voice is valid and important, and no part of it should be hidden behind a pledge-wall. I completely understand tiers relating to Q&A sessions, comments read on shows, shout outs and personalizations. But content? Stifling your voice for the pleasure of 5000 over the pleasure of 60,000? You're not just creating silly podcasts and shows about games, you are building a community of positive and supportive gamers. Please consider making "Cup of Jones" and future content free to all.


Did you expect your subscriber-count to skyrocket like this before E3?


Thanks for showing us the behind the scenes, it was really awesome I can't wait to see what you are going to do next year!


Sophie is so great, I would enjoy more Sophie centric content. Also, I wonder if it gets hot in the garage, is it air conditioned?


Wow! Your garage could pass as a little house! Here's a question for the next Cup of Jones. Will you bring back "Timeline"? You left us off at a Metal Gear teaser.


Nice E3 coverage! It's really starting to feel GT is back in full force! Speaking of which, I liked the first episode of game slueth, but I noticed in the beginning you were talking about GT without actually saying "GameTrailers" or "Pop Fiction". What is the reason for that?


ahaha that was a cool behind the scenes look. The garage is smaller than I thought but at the same time everything looked more professional than I imagined. The space actually looks like an office.


Wait.. Why take it off?


What a tiny space, but cozy!


Love these behind the scenes episodes


What kind of camera is Jones using? And what mics do they use?


The allies were my exclusive provider of E3 coverage and man did I love it. Keep up the wonderful work!


Hey Jones! Thank you for showing the behind the scenes look. I was wondering where everything was located. I was wondering, could you just explain the main differences between going to E3 this year versus previous years when you were working for other companies? Kyle said this was his favorite E3 and I was wondering if most members felt that way.


It was great, thank you so much!


Hey Jones, can you talk Don into doing Don's Design Lab but with Doom SnapMaps, that mode is going so under-rated but there is a lot of fun and creativity to be had! Darren Mifsud.


Hi Brad, could you tell us what you told Sophie about Lionhead Studios?


You all did a great job. I'm not a fan of horror, but the RE7 reveal moment was great just for all your reactions. Loved experiencing it with you all.


Thanks for a great E3 Brandon! Loved every minute of it. Next year you'll surely have that nice studio but this felt more intimate. Happy to be able to experience E3 vicariously through EZA!


Can you add to easyallies.com a list of games that you are currenty reviewing?


If we have something far enough along, it will be posted on the weekly schedule, but often we have a ton of things on our plates and don't know when or if we can finish all the reviews we want to do. So we try not to over-promise.


Your E3 coverage was absolutely amazing guys. It was so good I upped my pledge to 10 bucks and subscribed on Twitch. Love and respect!


Questions: What is your Light/Dark side party in Galaxy of Heroes and does EZA have a Guild? I just started playing and I want to join in on the fun :P


I usually don't care for E3 because it's just a show but I like watching you covering it. I personally like that seb-december timeline better because the big triple a games seem to always cause controversy and maybe backlash. Those backlashes causes new IP maybe I'm hoping for a new fear game even it is as corny as FE4R.

Shubham Goyal

Can we see the return of Pach Attack or something along those lines that involes analysis about the industry?


Thank you for great coverage. I woke up 4 am for the Sony's press conference and you guys made it even more special. Questions: 1) In the future, could we get those massive game discussion episodes uploaded to SoundCloud and/or iTunes? 2) I know that you've answered this before but this E3 might have changed your perspective: where do you want to see EZA a year from now? 3) Loved Ben's interview with Suda 51 and EZA's visit with Naughty Dog. Can expect more this type of content in the future? PS. You don't have a link to easyallies.com on your Twitter or Patreon page. Love & Respect.


A good man once said, "I will sneak on another stream later on guys and I'll play the other two levels on 00 Agent." For GoldenEye, Brandon?

Robert I.

If I won the lottery and donated $50,000 a month to Easy Allies, would you accept it? In an earlier episode you had said that $500 a month was the maximum amount because you wanted to vet the higher tiers’ reasons for donating that much. I guess I want to know: What would happen in that world where an eccentric millionaire started donating heaps of money on EZA? Does that donation change what you currently have set up for EZA (beyond getting a studio, of course), such as handling taxes and needing to form/register a bigger company? Or does that not interest you, so you would turn away that large of a monthly donation and request a smaller amount? ~ Love & Respect ~


Hey Brandon! Could you guys start putting the host of each twitch stream in the title of the stream? For example "JRPG: The Game - Ben". It makes looking at archives and notifications easier to process on our side.


Hi Brandon, I'm sorry if I sound sour but how can you hope convincing people on the next 45k goal if you're not even able to keep your very early and simple promise of one Cup of Jones a week?


Catching up on previous Cup of Jones videos. Crazy transformation of the garage to an awesome E3 set and was nice to see how much you guys had to compromise to bring this to us. Love and Respect - Brad