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I say it every year. Halloween is rapidly approaching and it's a great time for spooky content but that doesn't mean you HAVE TO submit something scary. I want everyone to have the freedom to express themselves, but it IS October, and the guest WILL BE Michael Huber. The festivities begin around 2 PM PT on Monday, October 4th. As the days get colder and the nights get darker, I hope you have the time you need/want to finish any projects you've planned or echo any opinions you'd like to share. Thank you for the support, allies!


No submissions will be accepted past October 3rd at 11:00 PM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a reply to your original comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post. You can also message us on Patreon with your submission.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

If you're going to create a safety post, it would help me organize things if you let me know what kind of submission you plan to leave (comment, music, drawing, photograph, screenshot, voice over, or video). That way I can make sure you're all placed in the correct order if I make time to start collecting submissions ahead of the deadline.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hello there Allies, The Fall season is upon us, and with it comes the falling leaves, chilly wind through naked branches, longer nights, and in those long nights, all the best times to play spooky games. Personally, it’s an annually cherished time, and I adore all of what the horror genre can offer, from the slow and psychological to the intense and gory. But pure spooks and horror aren’t for everyone. Some may just be looking for games that they can play to get into the Fall spirit, while others may want something less intense that still carries just the air that the eeriness the autumnal spirit can provide. Everyone should be welcome to enjoy the season, regardless of the amount of spookiness they have on their palette. Here are just a few games you can play through this season, some spine-chilling, some scary, and others just cozy enough to play under a warm blanket after you shut the blinds. Hope all the Allies have a good fall season! I may not be able to make a video for the next month, given we're moving across the country. But hope you enjoy, and find something new and spooky to enjoy! [Jones if you wouldn't mind starting at 52 seconds if you please :)] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGVc-u5sARc


Hey Jones and welcome back Huber! Hope Iceland was amazing. Happy spooky month that also happens to be my birthday month! Anyways, this month's showcase is a continuation of last month’s submission where I’m making a series of posters that’s gonna be part of episode 9 of my webcomic, Summer Days. Only one this month because I was working on this along with the Drawtober prompts I got from Twitter. And like last month, why don’t you guess what the inspiration was for this poster. Answer revealed at the end of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbG9BuvaYa8&ab_channel=SaraKnite Hope you guys continue to stay safe and be awesome to everyone around you. See ya next month for Drawtober! Much love and respect, Sara Knite


Last month when I said I planned on releasing the Unusuals Demo before this showcase, I did not yet know that I wouldn’t have a single day off of work or school for the entire month of September. So around the 25th I decided I was tired of sacrificing sleep and gave up on that deadline. I’m still hoping to release the demo in the near future, but I’m quite disappointed in myself for not being able to get it done as soon as I’d planned. Regardless, I didn’t feel like showing off things that you all will hopefully be able to experience in game soon, so music again. This is the enemy base area theme. (Sorry for the long comment, feel free to summarize for time.) https://youtu.be/UqNiJg7VVno


Hello Brandon and Huber, After playing Life is Strange: True Colours I’m left astounded by how much it impacted me. Alex Chen is a delightful protagonist and how the ending unfolded gave me a new appreciation for what Life is Strange as a series is capable of. I will admit that True Colours doesn’t assuage my niggles regarding the series’ penchant for youthful Americans acting cooler than they really are and trying to be funny, as well as the the tendency to get players to hear what the protagonist is thinking about random objects that spur on tacky anecdotes. It’s cool to hear what Alex is thinking but realistically I wouldn’t be looking at my coffee mat and reminiscing about the time my older brother threw it dead in the center of my forehead when I was about 10-don’t worry I giggled about it right after it happened. Maybe the teenage American accents just grate too hard for me, but then I’m a Brit so I am privy to getting picky about how y’all say tomatoes and yoghurt. Hmmm tomato yoghurt. On the subject of Life is Strange, a few months ago my question about EZA’s favourite videogame child got in the EZA podcast and I said mine was Oliver from Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, but that has since reminded me of Chris Eriksen A.K.A Captain Spirit. I don’t think videogames get children correct most of the time, the tender and sweet aspects don’t come out, but with Oliver and Chris they are just so imbued with liveliness but also an uncertain and insecure sweetness that I feel we don’t see that much at all with children in videogames. Switching to more grimier gears for a bit, Resident Evil: Village has been out for very nearly 5 months now, and I feel like I’m in the minority about it-and considering Huber is Mr Resident Evil I’d like his take on this. I really like Resident Evil: Village, it’s got some fantastic bosses, a tasty shotgun and the unnerving dread. Yet I personally think that Village does a lot more to remind me of previous Resident Evil games than it does standing on its own merits. Ethan Winters hasn’t learned many lessons from RE7 as he’s still surprised and exclaiming “what the hell!” at every evil monstrosity he sees, and stating the obvious continually. Honestly Ethan’s quite stupid for a protagonist. Generally, Village is more 7.9/10 than a 9/10 for me. I think Huber should make a Resident Evil podcast because he’s perfect for it, or at least a series that really delves into his love for the series. I think the same can be done for Final Fantasy and Dark Souls as I feel there’s a special love for those and other series’ at EZA. Lastly, I want to ask what are both of your favourite GT/EZA GOTY presentations? I always loved the 2011 GT GOTYs because the music for it was epic and gave it some grandeur. Thanks for all that you do. Love and Respect

Brandon K Gann

My September had a Playstation feel. Personally, the major Showcase was solid, but only KOTOR, Wonderlands, and Ragnarok were the lone things I cared for, though it was a great stream for superhero fans. But I feel like I’m the only one who feels the presentation as a whole wasn’t exemplary. We saw most third-party stuff several times before, plus the bizarre four-minute commercial at the start. I see it like Sony’s E3 show from 2017: It had Spider-Man and God of War, but not as strong as Sony’s previous showcases. For 2021, it feels like Xbox’s E3 will end up being the best “press conference.” Until now, 2021 hasn’t had much I was anticipating. But within the last four weeks, I played two smaller games I’ve kept my eye on. The first? F.I.S.T (Forged in Shadow Torch). I first saw this during one of Sony’s social media indie days a while back, and decided to make the impulse purchase. It’s a metroidvania mostly taking place in Torch City, a steampunk-like town filled with squalor and industry, and it’s FANTASTIC. The story premise hooked me, as you play as Rayton, a rabbit who survived a losing war with machines and your first objective is to free your fried Urso, a jolly bear who is an inventor of sorts. Technical blemishes here and there MIGHT have benefited from another month of polish, but the gameplay, story, voice acting, soundtrack, style, mechanics, locations, and concept all combine to make the most underrated and unheralded game of 2021. I’m surprised at just how much I loved it. However, the final boss has a difficulty spike so severe, it ALMOST single-handedly undercuts all the good F.I.S.T. does. The other game is one I’ve been looking forward to for over a year: Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Its style captured my attention from the first PS5 Showcase in 2020, and overall, it’s quite delightful in most cases and emotional during major story moments. There are some pain points like jarring transitions between pre-rendered cutscenes and the actual game, swimming in the few times you do is sluggish, and there’s a late game ability that feels kind of pointless, but mostly, it’s a nice 10-12 hour adventure with strong boss fights and exploration to offset shallow progression and combat. To close, a few of us on the Forums decided to take part in our own Hall of Greats. For the first iteration, seven of us participated and nominated Apex Legends, Final Fantasy VII, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Tony Hawk’s Underground, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, and Katamari Damacy. Our first Greats are Final Fantasy VII and Majora’s Mask, with the latter coming down to a tiebreaker with Katamari Damacy. Massive thanks to Capnbobamous for spearheading it, and I’m looking forward to seeing if we continue and if more people participate. Check out the thread in the Gaming section to see our presentations, cross-examinations, and the voting breakdown!


Greetings Jones and Huber, Now that I got my relationship announcement out of the way, I’ve got one more Themis the Catgirl inspiration video left. I’ll probably take a break from talking about Themis and her friends for a while after this, so let’s finish up talking about the inspirations for the Uprisers strong with a bit of………. Huber Bait. Our subjects today, Buckets Half-Tail, the Uprisers’ hulking feline brute, and Natalie Stash, a powerful psychic who will show up around halfway into the first arc of the series. Alright, time to finish this proper. Love and Respect, R.F. Switch (Link below to keep Patreon from eating my post)


I'm sure Buckets' big beefy arms will keep this post from floating away


Hello Brandon and Mike. Last time Huber was on Community Showcase, I’ve shared my suddenly found passion for character interactions in Apex Legends. Unfortunately, that time I couldn’t show you these conversations, because I was playing in Russian. But in July I’ve switched to English, so nothing will stop me now. Today I’ll focus on Loba, who has one of the most dramatic story. Here’s a short recap of events preceding current season. When Loba Andrade was nine, Revenant killed her parents before her eyes. Left with nothing, she survived by picking pockets. Over years her skills improved, and one day she broke into a supposedly impenetrable facility and stole teleportation bracelet. With new tool the most secure and unattainable items were within her reach and so was her dream of living the high life. But when Revenant joined Apex Games, Loba’s past caught up with her. Seeking revenge, she entered the Arenas and quickly learned that the only way to kill this simulacrum is to destroy his source code. Eventually she discovered where the code is, but before she could do anything, Revenant confessed that he suffers and wants to die. After hard considerations Loba decided to take away what Revenant desires and had transported his source code to unknown location. When Revenant learned that his suffering will be eternal, he swore to annihilate anyone whom Loba may eventually love with all her heart. In terms of gameplay, Loba is a support Legend. Her passive ability allows you to see high-tier loot through walls and other obstacles, so you always know where to go to get the best gear. Her tactical ability enables you to teleport anywhere you can throw your bracelet to. This can be used for climbing, crossing chasms and combat zones, or for getting though otherwise impassable small gaps. Loba’s ultimate ability places Black Market, allowing anyone to grab two pieces of gear and any amount of ammo from what’s available nearby. Her active abilities are very loud and leave clearly visible trails however, so you need to recognize situations when it’s more beneficial to NOT use them. Still, since her abilities aren’t combat-focused and you don’t need to worry about using them during firefight, Loba is one of the best Legends for beginner players. Loba is my favorite Legend, because her abilities are fun to use, and she contributes to entire team in numerous situations. Also, I love her story and her personality. In this video, I’ve tried to highlight Loba’s abilities as well as her interactions with Valkyrie, Revenant and other Legends. This is just a small taste – the game has much more than I can possibly show in just 3 minutes. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsxRquOgIVix-xn3Gm6nmUg5t0Qe?e=9xumKb Jones, please download video (for better quality) instead of screen-capturing it.


Maybe it's because I'm a pretty reserved person, or the fact that I've been playing videogames for over 30 years and closely follow news of the industry, so I know what to expect, but I rarely get truly excited or blown away by playing a videogame. Sure, there's plenty of instances where videogame news or a trailer will shock me, or a deep cut reference will make me smile from ear to ear, but I can only think of one time that while playing a videogame, something happened that made me feel pure uncontrollable elation. That moment would have to be the reveal of the final boss from Arkham City. Not only was it a genuine surprise reveal of my favorite Batman villain, but the animation and attention to detail given to the character was like a dream come true. I was so excited that I literally jumped up and down and ran around my house. Luckily I lived alone at the time so I didn't embarrass myself. I guess the times in videogames that truly surprise me are when creators do an excellent job convincing the player that something won't happen, and then when it does actually happen, they go all in, well beyond what was needed or ever expected of them. I wonder what moment others would share if they had to guess what excited them the most while playing a videogame.


I will think of something


Augh! Homecoming! Vacation! Shopping! Packing! Augh! I didn't have time to prepare anything so here's an update "fast and loose"... Hello Allies and Chat Greetings from the Midwest! Huber, I'm glad to see you back. I hope you enjoyed your time in Iceland and are not overwhelmed by the stack of games lining up for the next month. I'm looking forward to my trip and planning where I go when "on the fly" because I don't want to be locked into a schedule and be disappointed if something I want to do doesn't fit in with everything else. I'm excited for the food both at Disney (I wont forget BANGLE BBQ!) and elsewhere around L.A. I'm planning to hit the northern region to first couple days then head south and then the eastern side early next week. On another note, I have really been enjoying all this new Don-tent! Between the Ben Went to EVO and the Soundtrack Club and his continuing Fan-mail Food Reviews I am soaking it up like gravy with a fluffy chunk of biscuit. (scone or crumpet for our UK listeners) I'm at work so I have to cut this short, so I'll just say I love you all and I hope you enjoy the gifts I'm sending your way. Take care and as always, Love and respect and HHHUUUUUUGGGGSS!!!! Jessie Blu


Holdy Holderson


Greetings Jones and welcome back Huber from your vacation! Hope you had a great time with the family and away from the craziness of the world. As we are into October now and the Halloween season one of my favorite things to do during this time is go back and watch the allies do their numerous play throughs of resident evil. Going back into the archives one that has really resonated with me on a repeat viewing is Huber watching you Brandon playing Re1 all the way in first months of Easy Allies in the garage! It’s around Halloween time it’s just you two on the couch and it is just super chill and jolly cozy vibes, both of you swapping stories about your first memories of the game. On the flip side Brandon watching Huber do a full play through of Re2 at easy livin a couple years ago is also one of my favorite. I have always loved the Dynamic between you and Huber when it’s just you guys streaming together so special Shout-out! On a different note I’m not sure if you remember Jones but about a year ago on a showcase I told you the story of how my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and his road to recovery and how during the dark times the allies really helped me get through it. The reason I bring it up is because just last week my dad came back from his monthly check up and received his certificate for 3 years being cancer free! Just wanted to give you guys the great update and say thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I will finish my community showcase post as I always do with my monthly reminder that Hitman 3 is one of the best games of the year and as we draw ever so closer to GOTY’s should not be forgotten!!! L&R as always Sage Mode Q


Hey Huber! Wanna see my first episode in a youtube series I'm making? It's about exploring game design asking the question: What if Pokemon was rebooted? Ok, enough of the pitch. Brandon, chat and the two previous allies who sat in your seat where very supportive of the videos I've shown so far but now I have actually started the series and will likely have about 10 more episodes after it. So the next time you see me, it will be much further along the road in the series. Wish me luck! This episode goes into how one could approach building a world map from scratch to hopefully serve many sequels to come. Let's jump ahead to '7:30' as I really want to show off the fantastic work that my video editor (Silver Stitch) and my artist (Jay Tan) did for this part. I was so happy with how it turned out, so super big shout out to them! L&R Damon - Radioactive Magic https://youtu.be/eyncoUe7oF4?t=450


Autumnal greetings Brandon and Huber! First off, apologies for not getting a spooky themed video this year. I had a plan for one and everything and then September somehow seemed to last about 8 seconds, so I'll just try to do one for next showcase! Luckily I've been sitting on a video that was specifically for Huber anyway. I recently tried my hand at a more synthy approach to a song, and went with the intro to the original Streets of Rage. It's a little underdeveloped in hindsight, but please enjoy! https://youtu.be/e-h-_yfOCUA Ciaran.


Hello allies: I had a non-gaming project to complete this month and so my next perler bead work for you is still in progress. Instead I can share a couple tips on how to get started for those of you who would like to try your hand at a project of your own. It's a relaxing hobby, and you'd be surprised how many beads you can lay down while watching TV. Before you know it you may have some sick wall art. First, figure out what you'd like to try to build. Start small, with just a few colors. One of my first projects was a piranha plant, just red, green and white. Once you've picked your image, take it over to a site like beadifier and they'll map it out in perler bead colored pixels. There are also a lot of templates available on various community sites. You can buy specific colors straight from perler.com where 1000 beads is about $3. Don't forget a pegboard! Avoid the big tubs of various colors. You'll spend more time hunting for colors than anything else, which is not fun. Print out your pattern and start placing down beads. Beads are small. Use tweezers, it's faster! Once the image is complete I like to use the masking tape method, essential once you get to bigger projects. Tape everything down, then poke holes in each one for air to escape while ironing. Flip the whole thing over, tape side down, and cover with ironing paper then get to work. Admittedly, the ironing is the part that sucks, it's quite tedious and takes practice to do smoothly. Put heavy books on the completed sections as you go to keep it flat and give it several hours to cool. I tend to leave it overnight. Once the beads have all fused you're ready to flip it back over and remove the tape. Some people iron both sides, but I like to leave the front totally pixelated, especially for my gaming projects. So it's done! Ready for a frame, or if you're lazy like me you can just nail it directly to the wall. https://photos.app.goo.gl/i84PkNUd97yb1kBR6 I've included a couple pictures for you. The first one is my beads, kept safe and organized in what was originally a photo organizer. Second is my work station, where you can see a sneak preview of my next project. Any guesses?? Then I have an example of a fully taped and hole filled project. Pro tip, fastest way to poke all those holes is to use a second pegboard and poke a bunch of holes at once. And finally, a sample of our PC area with some of my prior submissions displayed. This turned out a little longer than I intended, so hopefully you found it interesting! Best of luck on your future bead art!


Dear Easy Allies Community, I am new to Patreon and have been enjoying all the exclusive content, both new and old. In particular, I admire Jones’ candor and transparency when responding to feedback on Cup of Jones, making me appreciate the effort and thought that goes into keeping the Easy Allies machine running. I have followed the Allies since GameTrailers and was heartbroken when the site shut down. Needless to say, I was elated at the announcement of Easy Allies and the return of my favorite content on the internet. Looking forward to what the Allies do next! For the rest of my word count, I thought I would take the opportunity to gush about one my favorite games of all time. October being the spookiest of months, I have the perfect game in mind. First Encounter Assault Recon holds a special place in my heart. Although I have played through the campaign on numerous occasions, I never tire of the spooky environments and addicting bullet-time action. The enemy AI in F.E.A.R. still astonishes me to this day. Soldiers exchange genuinely convincing dialog as they attempt to find you or comment on their fallen allies. Enemies do not just wait passively behind cover but move meaningfully to gain a strategic advantage, sometimes travelling halfway across the level just to flank your position. Though variety is limited, thoughtful use of special enemy types provides unforgettable moments throughout the game, like seeing a heavy trooper unexpectedly burst through a door or witnessing a replica assassin cloak for the first time. F.E.A.R. also has one of my absolute favorite videogame arsenals. The 10mm HV Penetrator shoots large steel spikes capable of nailing enemy corpses to the wall. The Type-7 Particle Cannon vaporizes foes in a flash, leaving only a charred skeleton in their place. The VK-12 Combat Shotgun sits atop my videogame shotgun pantheon, shredding soldiers at close range. The various grenades and mines emit visible shockwaves upon detonation and devastate both enemies and the environment in equal measure. Even the standard AT-14 Pistol packs a satisfying wallop. Like other survival horror games, subsequent playthroughs become a familiar and cozy experience. I love optimizing each encounter with different weapon loadouts, reloading a save several times to clear a room even just a little better. It’s campy and cliché in all the right ways while having incredible gameplay and an unbeatable atmosphere. Time for another playthrough! Until next time, have a Happy Halloween and much Love and Respect. STATE_KM


Happy October Allies! 9 months down and 3 months to go on my goal of drawing my daughter a picture every day. We dipped into some classic cartoons together this month, and these have been a joy to draw from. Thanks for everything you guys do! -Jethrin https://imgur.com/gallery/DKuNH72


Howdy, Jones and Huber! Hope you are doing well? I saw Huber took some time to visit one of the most beautiful places on the planet, Iceland. I hope he enjoyed it and got a chance for some R&R. This month, It’s been a wild month in Star Citizen! Things are getting ready for CitizenCon, patch 3.15 is coming which fundamentally changes A LOT of things such as medical gameplay, physicallised inventory and loot system. This adventure began an evening a couple weeks ago when I was out exploring the verse. I suddenly got a radio call from the UEE (the “good guys in the SC universe). Some Xenothreat sympathisers are back, worst of all, this time some real life players have decided to side with them. The capital ship Javelin is under threat and what is worse, one of the space stations on the outer rim to the system has gone dark, which contains some sensitive data about the Javelin. I quickly contacted my organisation to try and plan out some course of action. We decide that some of our ace pilots will join up with the javelin and act like an escort and defence whilst I head out to the space station to investigate. I quickly changed ship and made my way to the coordinates on my HUD. As I’m getting closer to the station I got a bad feeling in my stomach. The lights were out on the station and no one answered my radio calls. I turn off the lights on my ship and brought down the power to engage stealth mode and glide to one of the landing platforms, no sign of life anywhere. I snuck in via the airlock only to find the station dark and empty. I turned on my flashlight and began to investigate what might have happened. Suddenly… voices. They do NOT sound friendly. I hid behind some boxes and peeked up. Xenothreat. I took a deep breath before I engaged. Bullets starts flying as I hear one of them shout “run and warn the boss!” I finished off my targets and presuited the runner further down into the dark station… I got into a room full of mist as I finished off the last pirates, but something felt wrong. Suddenly I hear an evil laugh and a player steps out in front of me. “You are too late” “We have hacked the servers and are uploading a virus to the Javelin, which will disable its shields and engines.” “Our great Xenothreat will start to engage as soon as the ship disables and blow it to pieces!”. I panicked and fired my gun, but he was too quick and threw a flashbang towards me before running off. Damn! I ran further in to find the server room and the computer uploading the virus. Nothing I could do at that point. I radioed over to my friends to fill them in on what just had happened, before I dashed out to my ship in order to hunt down the player. A wild dogfight began and I managed to blow him up. I didn’t have time to take more than a breath before I heard “Javelin under attack, all close by ships please respond”. I quickly quantum jumped to the location only to meet a full-on space battle in progress. Thankfully My friends had things under control and it didn't take long for us to fight off the Xenothreat once again… As a new day arose I could finally go back to my exploring. Love and Respect Lotias Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/k1q2znJ


Hello Jones and Huber! Faced with my usual problem of actually making my Halloween-themed submission during October so that it’s only ready for the November showcase, Nintendo provided me with the perfect opportunity to still be spooky this month. That is because I am in a Metroid Mood. I’ve been replaying and in most cases actually finishing for the first time the 2D Metroids this month in preparation for Dread, and it’s been a pleasure to dive back, properly ingest the plot and notice the nice retroactive nods they’ve put in the remakes of 1 and 2 (I played Zero Mission and the 3DS Samus Returns over the originals). So, actual Halloween submission next month, but Metroid right now, with Kraid’s Chamber, a tune from Hirokazu Tanaka that never ceases to amaze me by how beautiful and iconic it is despite the original only having 5 different bars of music (first bar repeated 4 times, second bar repeated twice, third bar repeated 4 times, fourth bar repeated twice, fifth bar repeated twice, go listen to the NES original). My version is not much more complicated structurally, just two added bars of intro and three loops with varying orchestration. Hope you enjoy, looking forward to Super Monkey Ball, the final Smash character, Metroid Dread, Mario Party, Animal Crossing Direct, happy best month of the year! L&R, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/YiHul6P0QNE


Hi Brandon, Hi Huber, It’s October, the season of scares, and what could be scarier than writing poetry on the fly while streaming? Well, today, I challenge Michael Huber to do just that. That’s right - today you get to showcase your very own community showcase submission, as part of a little activity I like to call…Donkey Donkey Literature Kong. Now you may be wondering, how does Donkey Donkey Literature Kong work? Well, a lot like Mad Libs, it turns out. But I promise you’ll have a beautiful poem waiting for you on the other side! Brandon, before we begin, kindly ask Huber to provide: 1) an adverb 2) somebody’s name 3) a plural noun 4) a plural noun 5) a verb 6) a verb 7) a noun 8) a noun 9) a noun 10) a verb ending in “s” 11) a verb ending in “s” 12) a verb 13) an adjective 14) an adjective 15) an adjective 16) an adjective 17) a noun 18) a noun 19) somebody’s first initial 20) that same person's first name 21) an adjective Thank you! Now, Huber, let’s see what you came up with: So they’re [1. adverb] here, performing for [2. name] If you know [3. plural noun], you can join in too Put your [4. plural noun] together, if you want to [5. verb] And let me [6. verb] you through this [7. noun] [8. noun] His coconut [9. noun], it [10. verb ending in “s”] in spurts If he [11. verb ending in “s”] ya, it’s gonna [12. verb] He’s [13. adjective], [14. adjective], and [15. adjective] too He’s the [16. adjective] [17. noun] of the [18. noun] crew [19. First Initial] K - [20. First Name] Kong [19. First Initial] K - [20. First Name] Kong is [21. adjective]! This concludes Donkey Donkey Literature Kong, and I hope it brought us all a little closer to the D.K. crew. L&R, Just Funky Kong (i mean, levelcapybara)


Hello hello. Ran out of time to edit a video, for this month. So instead I figured I’d recommend a game. It came out last year but, me and my friends have been obsessed, since discovering it last month. Roof Rage. Its like Smash Bros but with an emphasis on MARTIAL ARTS and GUNS. Musics great too. L&R Video Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd9VVjkQ9x4


As Jones heavily hinted that he wanted more Halloween posts this month, I decided to do a spooOOooky drawing of Ashley and Red from Warioware. She was a hit with us just as much as EZA during the Warioware stream. Once again, here are three versions for Jones to flip between, Ink on paper, digital shadows, and digital colors. I am planning to do more fan-art in the future, so if anyone wants to see more, follow me on Twitter: https://imgur.com/gallery/JIn3KQN L&R - Ian, @alexander_arts (Twitter)




Greetings Jones and Huber! Since a time of spookiness is upon us, and the aforementioned Huber is joining us, the next entry will be a slightly slower and eerie tune. Inspired by the repugnant creatures creeping in the dimly lit forest, and a giant knife-filled wheel of riddles unsolved, and questions dared answered. Let's march (or crawl) to the melody of mystery and monstrosity... Let your loot bear your luck. L&R from Sweden! Stay Safe! Link: https://soundcloud.com/kimnikhan/riddles-repugnance?si=26efeeeceed741358f8b0f1d55e6394a


G'day Johns and Huber. I've been working on a prototype for a fixed camera, pre-rendered Background, survival horror game. Yes you heard that right. This ones for you Huber. Its actually super coincidental but the world works in mysterious ways. To me, fixed cameras are not enough. Personally I think the cons outway the pros in terms of helping create a compelling horror game. If we are really trying to catch that nostalgia high, I think we need to do it all. We need the camera cuts, the early CG backdrops and the *bloop* sounds when you enter a menu. I wanted to learn more about programming and lay off art for a bit (all 3D assets were found free). It's been really fun and engaging figuring how to get this style without actually render the backgrounds separate from the game engine. There is no magic formula but for anyone interested the TLDR is to render foreground elements separate from background. Lower the resolution of background to something small, limit colours to 64, and then limit framerate to something ridiculous like 16. Please enjoy!


Hey guys, Well, its October now. I was never really a fan of the month or halloween, as I hated scary movies, games, stories, and events growing up. I still do. But, with the month of October every year comes one of the best cereals known to man…. Count Chocula. So it has become one of my favorite months solely for that reason. Throughout September I mainly played tales of arise and Lost Judgement. Tales was a pleasant game to play. Not amazing but not bad either. And getting the platinum was easy as there is no “complete on the highest difficulty” trophy. I beat the majority of the post game bosses on the easiest difficulty to plat the game before Lost judgement came out. Even then though, there were a couple of fights I struggled with a little. I can’t imagine going back and beating them on a high difficulty setting. Tales was a classical story that was a refreshing escape, lost judgement was interesting. I would say it might be the darkest story Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has made, due to how grounded and realistic the majority of it is. I understand how some of the negative reviews took the more serious parts of the game in a bad way, but I don’t think its as bad as they claim it to be. The main story did feel a little short though, but to make up for it they added A LOT of side content. The school stories are fun to play through and tied together nicely as you hunt “The Professor” (the Moriarty to your mystery club’s Sherlock). In the end, I enjoyed many aspects and improvements made in Lost Judgement. But I sadly will not plat it due to you having to complete EVERYTHING in the game to do so, and I just don't want to learn mahjong and grind out arcade game achievements. Still waiting on the Crusader Kings Three royal court dlc, will have many new stories to tell when that releases, Until then, Hope you all have a nice October, Nextgenheff


Oh damn oh shit oh fuck I forgot about the community showcase. So, uuuuuhhhhhhhh. Hello! I went to my first AEW show! It was pretty damn great. It was the AEW Grand Slam show, in Long Island at Aurthor Ashe arena. 20,000 fans had it at the biggest attendance for an AEW show. They really brought it big time with all the incredible action in the ring. And they started off super hot with Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson. One of the best matches of the year! AEW is on fire right now, so I am looking forward to seeing what they can do down the line! I even have two more AEW shows to go to before the end of the year. I am HYPED for professional wrestling. Speaking of which, Stardom finished their 5-Star Grand Prix tournament. A tournament where two blocks of ten wrestlers each all wrestle each other one on one round robin style, and the two block point leaders wrestle each other for the trophy and the opportunity to wrestle for the world championship. Lots of incredible matches! My favorite Tam Nakano was a highlight which was no surprise. But really everybody had at least a couple of great matches! Syuri, my second favorite, was the MVP. She may have had the greatest matches overall. And of course the world champion herself, Utami Hayashishita proved her worth as the champion. And fyi, if the world champion wins one of these tournaments, (which admittedly almost never happens) they get to choose their opponent. The next Stardom PPV is gonna have some pretty damn good main events! I love Stardom! But even I must admit that getting some sweet merchandise is a big old pain. Plus them not being too international friendly hurts too. But on a related note! AEW live event merch booths fuckin suck. At the show I went to, they had six shirts! Six!! I know their shirts are mostly made to order, but c’mon now. I want to feel special and buy a shirt for my favs at the venue! Professional wrestling sure is cool! A small light is the dark blanket of depression. Hope everybody has a lovely day! And go give pro wrestling a try! You may like it!


Greetings Huber and Jones. Been a bit busy month so only did some sketches. Young Chun-Li holding a leaf to welcome Fall A classic scene but for all ages. Finished Horizon: Zero Dawn and Frozen Wilds. Killing animals still felt bad just for upgrades but there were new cool and tough enemies. I have no issues with Sylens like you do but then again I only know him from John Wick and another movie. Pretty fun game overall. Also finished Lost Judgment the other day. This game cut or fixed lots of stuff people didn't like in the first game so it was way more fun to go through. Story's theme hit me since it's what people have witnessed in their youth: The bullying. And the biggest side story got my mystery engine going so I watched Knives Out, Only Murderd In The Building and probably watch Clue and other mystery ones this month. Huber. Did you say you haven't watched Project A? That is definitely a must watch Jackie Chan movie and sequel is pretty good too. Also met with friends I have not seen since February 2020 when we watched Battle Angel Alita and went this time to see Dune. Movie's plot was bit interesting but really slowpaced that made it a pretty boring experience. At least it was nice to see each other for a long time. That's all this month Love and Respect TearjuEngi https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1443203331569209353?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1444354081473155073?s=19


Space Battleship Yamato 2199: "Are you related to the alien?"


Howdy folks! After almost a full year, covid restrictions in Sweden have lifted enough for my local game store to open up again last week, meaning I can FINALLY go there to play Magic: the Gathering again, which is unironically the best thing to have happened to me all year. Getting to go out, meet friends, and play games on a regular basis had become such an important part of my life that losing it seriously impacted me in a negative way. Also last week I started going to the gym, which I enjoyed way more than I thought I would. Here's hoping I have the energy to keep it up, being as out of shape as I am would be bad enough but I've also got a physical disability keeping me back. I'm feeling motivated though, so here's to trying. Anyway, video games. I hear we like those around these parts. I've mostly been playing FFXIV over the last month, catching my brother up to speed now that Endwalker is creeping ever closer. I've also been playing Sky: Children of the Light, which drew its crossover with The Little Prince to a close. I don't think they nailed all of the story beats they went for, but they did succeed in creating some genuinely tender moments, especially at the end of the season. But if you remember me from previous showcases then chances are you know what I am really here to talk about. A game I could not stop thinking about ever since it was revealed back in 2019: Deathloop. My experience with Deathloop started in a somewhat unpleasant way, one which I haven't had to contend with since 2015, the realization that I didn't meet the minimum specs. More specifically I had way less RAM than they asked for, and while I was able to run the game it was a bumpy ride, to say the least, with the framerate sometimes dropping to below 20 in firefights. It is a shame that this initial experience is probably always going to color my perception of the game, because when it worked properly Deathloop was a dream to play. Arkane once again showcases their absolute mastery over level design, creating locales that are fun to keep exploring time and time again. The combat is also the best they've built so far, the guns have a real heft to them, and juggling enemies in the air with Karnesis and shotgun-blasting them, or throwing them off ledges, is some of the most stupid fun I've had in an FPS game to date. But what got me most about Deathloop was the sense of mystery it had, and the way the story slowly unraveled in new mindblowing ways kept me hooked from beginning to end. But when I finally got to see that end, I made the decision to put the game back on the shelf for now. I want to keep playing, desperately, to dig out all its secrets, to go online and fight other players. But not like this. I'll save it all for I can run the game properly. L&R, Small Leviathan

Mellow Felloh

Ello ello fellow allies, Steam Next Fest just started. My backlog is a deep dark abyss but I decided to play some demos Saturday and edited this neat little video Sunday. I left out games like Inscryption and Fallen Aces since we've seen them and I want to go in as blind as possible. I highly recommend these or just checking out Steam yourselves. Hope you enjoy! Love and Respect, Mellow Felloh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agV-oerhovg


Almost five years ago, an animated short film was released that was a tribute to Majora's Mask and was very well done. Fast forward to Sony's Future of Gaming Show, showcasing a variety of upcoming games for the PS5, that had a particular trailer that stood out for me, Kena: Bridge of Spirits. The animation was stunning, the music was captivating, and it was from a studio that had a familiar ring to it, Ember Lab. It was the same studio that made that Majora's Mask short... obviously, I mean why else would I have mentioned that in the first sentence? Then again, if I didn't mention it and just went into thoughts of the game, it would make this seem all discombobulated. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it then? I don't know. It's late. Just finished watching football, so it is what it is. Though that doesn't have anything to do with the game, so I guess there is some justification in the reiteration. No justification for whatever these last couple of sentences were. Anyhoo, Kena: Bridge of Spirits! I was really looking forward to this game and knew I wanted to give it a shot. For a first outing in the gaming medium, Ember Lab did a fantastic job. Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a beautiful game. The animation is gorgeous and the cutscenes are always a pleasure to watch. The music was also really done and complimented the game's environments in every aspect. The combat was also enjoyable and I loved how the bosses challenged you, in a fair way. It made you use everything you had learned in that section of the game with how you defeated minor enemies leading up to it. I think the game was a perfect length too. It didn't overstay it's welcome. Is it a perfect game? No. It is still a really enjoyable game and I'm very excited to see where Ember Lab goes from here. I don't think I really played anything else. I did play the second demo for that Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin game because I must be a masochist. It's bad. The way those cutscenes are written gives Death Stranding a run for it's money. Sure, it may be good for a laugh, but it is a bit disheartening that people get paid to write that drivel. I still don't like the gameplay in the slightest. What else? Saw that new Venom movie. It's bad. Don't see it if you haven't yet. So many other movies to see that are coming out. Really looking forward to Last Night in Soho. I'm also just a sucker for Edgar Wright movies. Really curious to see how Dune is as well. I'm also looking forward to that new Ghostbusters movie. Sitting in the theater, seeing that trailer pop on and when it gets to the audio from the original of the commercial they did... nostalgia is a powerful thing. Anyhoo. That's all. This was certainly a rollercoaster.


This was a disaster, but I'm tired and a bit inebriated, so oh well.


(VIDEO POST) Hello Mr Jones and Mr Huber Huber, I hope you had a fantastic time in Iceland! You’re entertaining stream of WWE Here Comes The Pain during Easy Chillin’ brought back some great memories of when me and my cousin used to play Triple Threat Tornado Tag Ladder match, the word ‘Mayhem’ comes to mind when I think to back to this event, some matches could even last over an hour. I just had to dust off my copy of Here’s Comes the Pain to find out it if it was as good as I remembered and I was not disappointed. This is a video of me playing a few matches, sadly this doesn’t do it any justice, you really have to play it yourself to fully appreciate how chaotic and fun it can be. 3 Teams of 2. The belt is hung above the ring; the winning team has to climb the ladder to retrieve it. I played as my favourite wrestle, The Undertaker teamed with Kane controlled by the AI I teamed up my most hated wrestlers; Triple H and Brock Lesnar The Rock and Goldberg made up the third team as they had the best overall rating. VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/4YnLbOmkbWQ Love and Respect Robert Lee


Hello EZA! I wanted to share a major victory in Pop'n Music this month. I completed a song I had been attempting to beat for 74 weeks straight. A level 45 song I call Frontier. Keep an eye on the Groove Gauge on the bottom. It has to be in the orange for it to count as a victory. https://youtu.be/BN2MqAvWn88


Hey Brandon and Huber hope you had a nice trip. Back again with some fortnite. Got my sis with me this time she just started playing fortnite back in march and is getting pretty good. Check out our symbiote shotgun kills which has been just too much fun this season. Hope you all and chat can catch me and her streaming fortnite and all kinds of stuff on my Twitch and youtube channel GamePlayDismay. Thanks and Love and Respect Everyone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYye5oKmcgM


=Video= Hey Jones and Huber, Hope you're doing well. Unfortunately I wasn't able to record a scary story for this month, in spite of my best efforts, but a tore up throat after a night of Dnd half an hour before the deadline does not make for the best voice over, but I am happily in my new apartment with so much stuff in its place. Also, I got a PS5, and the first purchase I made on it was Skyrim, because I knew that would be a funny story. Anyway, I'm sharing an old juggling video that I did years ago. Arguably one of the first juggling videos I was really proud of the end result for. Apologies if I've already shared this however many months ago and forgotten. The last 30 seconds aren't that great, so no one should miss them when I reach cutoff. Thanks for all that you do, and for being such wonderful people, Eric Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUtQEY0Py1o&ab_channel=EricJackson

Nik Gothic

Is it not too late, Brandon? I made a video about my recent trip to Hungary and my fascination with the demoscene. I pulled another all-nighter and this one was really hefty, so I apologise. The one thing I regret the most, is that I didn't have the time to properly credit some of the demos and artistry that are featured in this video, so I would like to do so here in text form. My shout out and credits to: -Ümlaüt Design -Facet from Genesis Project -Shexbeer from Lamers -Dorcyy -Critikill and Brainstorm from Rebels Lastly I would like to give a shoutout to Gargaj, who's an awesome and incredibly talented guy and I'm sorry I didn't take up on his generous offer when he had given me. AND HERE'S THE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/rKjGoDY9ZeE Also, I would like to say that if you want more details about this eventful demoparty, please visit my website where you can find my blog post about it. You can even see the artwork shown in the video in its full size there, and also see it being made into phases. You can find it at nikgothic.com! There you can see me post about my daily life and view my artwork and comics, as well as order commissions, though the portfolio is due for a makeover. I hope you like what you see! Nik Gothic (@Clownboss)

Nik Gothic

Patreon swallowed my post dammiiiit File this under 'videos'


Sup spooky crew! My spookiest concoction for you is this botched video idea I never posted on the internet. Long story short, my dog was terrified of my RC car with his favorite chew toy Frankenstein style grafted to it, so I had to repurpose it for art. Alas, it immediately broke, and so did the replacement, so the footage you'll see here involved kicking the car downhill to give the illusion of driving. The video is called Nature Tech, as it represents the horrifying possibility that nature and technology team up to destroy all humans. Enjoy! Mike Abbages Private Video Link: https://youtu.be/Dvs7Y_6Yw-I