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Note: Original post didn't include audio. Fixed. - Jones

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD6U2aemT2A

This week is about playing demos and surprise remasters on the Switch while we keep laughing at or crying about the Super Mario movie cast. Also, THQ brings a batch of old franchises new life, Quantic Dream might be making a Star Wars game, and Titanfall 3 is not not happening.

00:00:56 - Corrections
00:02:52 - Starring Role
00:06:12 - Super Mario Movie Cast
00:22:16 - Nintendo Direct Announcements
00:43:56 - Nintendo Direct Updates
00:59:16 - THQ Nordic Showcase
01:04:47 - Quantic Dream Star Wars Game
01:13:44 - Titanfall 3 hype
01:20:33 - Also This Week
01:25:53 - Game: Touhou or No Bro!
01:29:37 - L&R - Outside resource help?
01:33:21 - L&R - Average completion percentage?
01:39:05 - L&R - GOTY anti-spoiler preparation?
01:39:05 - L&R - Animal Crossing and Tik Tok
01:42:03 - L&R - Bad game, good soundtrack?
01:45:20 - Time For Bets
01:48:10 - Closing

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Thanks Jones


And there was much rejoicing! Love & Respect, Jones :)


oh my god... I was that person Jones.... I heard it and went "...isn't that the Ferengi religion?"


Correction: the pornographic ankha video was not trending on tik tok. What was trending, was a cropped video not showing any explicit content that got viral because of the song used on the original rule 34 video. That video is a few years old and just got into the spotlight because of the tik tok meme. The song used is camel by camel. A real banger. No pun intended.


From what I could tell from the Kirby fans on my timeline--Yeah. It was a big deal. This will be his first major full 3d adventure and they were hyped through the roof.


CORRECTION: While the aesthetic of Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars is undeniably card focused, the actual gameplay of Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars (learned from the Demo) plays exactly like a traditional turn-based fantasy RPG with leveling, consumable battle items, gear you equip outside of battle, and yes Jones, even grinding to level up and learn new Skills for overcoming encounters! Thus, if given a chance, many players who cannot stand "card based battle systems" could still thoroughly enjoy this game in spite of the confusing messaging the aesthetic exudes as there's no deck-building, no RNG of hand draws, etc. that are common among "card games".


Jones keep that sexy Patreon exclusive content coming! Lol