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It’s almost impossible to find a common theme in this week’s Cup questions. They reflect all the different types of content we put out every week, and the multiple directions we could take our shows in the future. It warms my heart to see a name I don’t see regularly on the show bring forward an out-of-the-box idea about a show they’re fond of, whether it’s something we’re capable of pulling off or not. We want to keep producing the stuff you all want to see, so a question/comment/suggestion might not be implemented immediately but the idea is still added to the conversation.

00:06:53 - Business Questions
00:31:28 - Editorial: Marvel Future Revolution

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes. The video version is typically posted just before this one, so scroll down our Patreon page to find it.




Thanks for addressing my question! I. Specifically interested in VO/ NARRATION engagements. I will take your feedback as I try to get more involved intl the space.