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It’s almost impossible to find a common theme in this week’s Cup questions. They reflect all the different types of content we put out every week, and the multiple directions we could take our shows in the future. It warms my heart to see a name I don’t see regularly on the show bring forward an out-of-the-box idea about a show they’re fond of, whether it’s something we’re capable of pulling off or not. We want to keep producing the stuff you all want to see, so a question/comment/suggestion might not be implemented immediately but the idea is still added to the conversation.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeInoioqt4s

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - September 20, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! I have yet another question that stems from Easy Chillin’: I was stoked to watch a live rendition of Mini-Game Champions to see all the tiebreakers didn’t make it, but it had me thinking what other shows could fit a live format. So to ask: Do you think it would be fun in the special event streams (which means very sparsely throughout the year) to do live versions of the non-Patreon exclusive shows? I know Mr. Moore does the noodle-and-broth version of Frame Trap, but I’m asking about things like a live Easy Update, Huber Syndrome, a one-off Hunting Huber, etc. Again, I understand this would be at the discretion of the producers of every respective show, but it’s something I think would be fun to change up the pace from going from game to game during those special marathons. That SHOULD be the last thing inspired from Easy Chillin’ from me, so again, thanks a bunch for always reading these and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: Do you think it would be fun for the special event streams EZA puts on a couple times of year to do live versions of the non-Patreon exclusive shows like Huber Syndrome, Easy Update, etc? I understand this would be something at the discretion of the respective producers, but the live version of Mini-Game Champions has me thinking what else could apply.


Hello Brandon. I want to give you a little advice regarding Mass Effect 2 if you decide to play it. Mass Effect 2 is a significantly different game comparing to Mass Effect 1. I will not go into any specifics, because I don’t want to spoil any good changes for you, but I want to warn you that not all of those changed were for the better. Depending on how important each alteration is for you personally you may end up liking Mass Effect 2 more or less than Mass Effect 1 (I liked 2 more in 2010 and I liked 1 more in 2021). I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to get overhyped for Mass Effect 2. I forgot about its drawbacks over the years and when I replayed it this summer, I was very disappointed that it didn’t live up to the image I had in my brain. I didn’t enjoy my time with this game as a result, and I want you to avoid falling into the same trap. In short, if you decide to play Mass Effect 2 try to expect nothing more than continuation of the story. I think, this way you’ll get most out of it.


Hiya Jones, Over the course of the pandemic I've picked up learning Premiere Pro in my free time. I've taken a couple of courses online. Do you have any advice for a new editor as to how to practice? So far I've used clips from movies to cut trailers, and used stock footage to make fake tourism videos. Any insight or advice from a seasoned editor would be greatly appreciated! Love and Respect!

Joseph La Russa

Hi Jones, Thank you for selecting the "Concentrate on Sovereign" option at the end of ME1, I've never seen any of those scenes before, lol, and I'm excited to see a playthrough with a human-led Council. Now that a little less than a week has passed, what did you like most about it? Like the least? Can we expect a comprehensive thoughts discussion on something like FrameTrap? Thanks! L&R!


I still have yet to replay ME2 in the remastered trilogy...but drawing on my memory, ME2 is still, absolutely, with a doubt my favorite (and personally I think the best) of the trilogy. Very few RPGs can find that perfect balance of gameplay & Story; but when they do it's amazing (more so than many other genre I think), ME2 is one those games I believe. ....but then again maybe I should get around to playing the remaster to make sure, LOL...


Howdy Jones! I just have a group stream game suggestion, so I figured here would be the best place to suggest it to you and the other allies to see if it interests you if that’s alright. Some friends from high school released a game a few years ago on Steam and Xbox that I have meant to suggest to you guys for a while because it would be a perfect group stream or tournament stream game but I just never got around to it. But they just released it on Switch this past week so I figured now is as good a time as any to suggest it. Especially since I just found out some of the top streamers on twitch have streamed this game a few times. Like some of those streamers were in the AOC Among Us stream. It’s pretty wild. Alright sorry, anyway the game is MageQuit by Bowlcut Studios and its a party brawler for up to 10 people at a time where you use spells in an arena to knock each other out. It’s somewhat smash inspired in spirit but not in gameplay. TLDR: My friends at Bowlcut Studios made a game, MageQuit, that I think would be perfect for a fun group stream


Is there any long term purchase goal that the Easy Allies are interested in pursuing? I remember back before the studio the excitement of watching the subscribers climb as everything inched ever forward towards the big moment of finally being in the studio. Although there might not be a goal as monumental as that. Is there possibly something that we can help work towards? IE: New cameras, lights, mics, furniture, etc. That will help the long term goals of the business. Maybe we could track progress towards that goal as an event maybe? Just thoughts while driving through the endless flat of western Kansas/eastern Colorado.


Hey Jones, this is message for Blood, I hope his reading. So. Hey Blood. I remember you liked Split/Second, I watched you stream. There is a game on Apple Arcade called Detonation Racing, that has similarities. That could become stream. You may want to take a look on it. Thanks.


Heya Jones, I'm sorry, say that again. Oh no, it's fine. Just, you know, one of those days. But if Easy Allies were getting married, what would it most want to receive from its guests: 27 dinner plates, 37 butter knives, 47 paperweights, or 57 candleholders?

John • Gaming In The Wild

Hey Jones! Long time listener, first time caller. I always enjoy it when Isla is involved in a discussion - any chance of her being on the main podcast sometimes as a panellist, rather than chipping in from behind the controls?