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Happy Tuesday, allies! Different day, same Cup. There are fewer questions than I was expecting from the last two weeks and an extra day, but every time I say that I end up with three pages of stuff to talk about the following week. This week definitely feels light compared to huge Sony events and Easy Chillin’ but we kicked it off with 2 great reviews and there are more on the way, including Lost in Random which I’m aiming to deliver this week. Every time I have to delay an episode or take a rain check the comments are always so supportive, and I greatly appreciate your patience. That said, let’s go live, baby!

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aczPt9mtz8w

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - September 14, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Greetings, over the years I've developed an interest in voice acting, but I've seen such conflicting information on where to start. Given your experience with VO work, what would you recommend? Love and Respect!

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! While I couldn’t catch most of Easy Chillin’ live, I did check out some of the VODs and I was surprised that my favorite was the Chess stream. The way those games ended were super exciting and Mr. Wishnov’s commentary was awesome, and having the other Allies behind him providing reactions just put the whole thing over the top and it was some of the best stuff I’ve seen in a while. This has inspired me to ask: While I’m biased with Chess as I enjoy it so much, would other games or activities that are not directly be video games be in consideration for streams? I know there’s the Occasional Board Game Show and Isla does a great job doing other tabletop or card games via Easy Update, but I feel there’s untapped potential for Allies to play or enjoy things outside of video games that’ll be enjoyable streams. Just an observation I had after the Chess segments were so fun. Thanks as always for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: Would other games or activities that are not directly be video games be in consideration for streams? I ask because the Chess segments from Easy Chillin’ were so enjoyable and I think there’s untapped potential to be had beyond the Occasional Board Game Show.


Posted this to Youtube but thought I would put it here too. I'm wondering if you could use something like a stream deck for the monitors in the back. Whoever is doing the show can just load the video files they want to the different buttons and write a reminder in their script when to push a specific button to play the vid file. Granted, you would need a pc but it wouldn't have to be a monster of a pc, just one that has decent graphics for hi-rez output of video. This would eliminate the need for someone to be at the control desk.


Just a thought about the screens at the back of the mainstage. I personally don't think it matters that much if those screens show relevant content or not during the podcasts, but can't the host change those videos on the screen with the laptop/tablet that is used by them instead of someone in the controlroom? You might be able to use Raspberry Pi's to control the screens which are relatively cheap and then control those Raspberry Pi's with the laptop or tablet that is used by the host (basically a sort of slideshow that you control). That way, the host can make those changes when needed and you won't need anyone in the controlroom. It does need more work beforehand and it obviously only works for games you know you are going to discus and that have a video or screenshot, but it might be a way to at least show content during some parts. Again, I don't think it's all that important (although it would be nice), but I do think this can be a relatively cheap way so the host can handle this themselves. But to be fair, I have never tried something like this myself, so it might be more difficult than I imagine. Still, I think it might be a solution to this that should be feasible without a lot of extra cost or manpower once it's set up.


Hey Jones. Steam NextFest (demo festival) looks to be coming again in October, specifically the 1st-7th (Fri-Thurs), in case you wanted to try and work it into coverage in any way. Always a handful of gems to be found.


Hey Jones, Is there a particular reason you didn't cover the Wata Games news/scandal on the podcast, or did you not hear about it? Just curious because you mentioned on the podcast recently about games selling for exorbitant prices, and the controversy surrounding Wata ties into that. Would've thought it'd at least make it into the "also this week" segment. L&R

Kraid Belmont

Salutations Jones, Blood and Damiani had a fantastic conversation about Nintendo VHS promo videos in the latest FriendCode. I would have loved to watch these videos before to have better context with the conversation. If possible, a Patreon post for any “homework” the community can do for a video like this in the future would be awesome . Just food for thought. I plan to go back and watch the VHS videos on the playlist Damiani mentioned and can’t wait to listen afterwards. Maybe as early as possible, a GOTY list so the community can listen along and avoid spoilers? I love to hear the debates and hate when I have to fast forward to avoid spoilers. Love everything you guys do. Love and Respect.


Hey Brandon, As much as I enjoyed the chess tournament I want to push that aside and focus on 'What the Dub'. I'm also very late to a lot of things as well so ignore this if its already been done. First off I understand that there's a pandemic so you guys couldn't get together the way you really wanted. That being said I seem to recall either you or Ben asking what can be done to get more eyes on Indie games. During this whole pandemic I feel like you all have been missing out on a great opportunity to give a little bit more shine on games like "What the Dub". I'm assuming that's from Jackbox? I've seen attempts at playing Among Us last year, and while I'm still seeing content creators play this heavily I want to draw attention to other games like Project Winter, Clue, Jackbox (would love to see more of this), and Town of Salem for group stream nights when all of you get together. I'm not trying to be that guy telling you what to play. If nobody likes these games that can't be helped. I'm just wondering has the thought ever come up to play those games and if anything can be done to get you guys to play some of those games? Just group night. L&R


Hey Brandon been a long time Patreon subscriber but this is my first message I on cup of Jones. I was wondering if there are any plans to do more non-gaming shows. Very excited that Gundam streams are back and I love fast and loose but I still miss seeing the allies in more improvised shows like table top escapades and fiasconauts. I know those shows were likely but on the back burner for a reason but I just wanted to reach out as a fan and let you know how much I miss them. Cheers, Zack


Hey Jones. Just a suggestion. Please make 'This week in Stadia' by Blood a weekly thing in the podcast. I was morbidly curious to hear what they were and they did not disappoint. Clearly there are a few segments already in the podcasts and wouldn't want it to become to bloated but just thought it would be a funny idea. Thanks!


Heya Jo-- Oh, wow, look at that! Anyway, if Easy Allies were tramps, would it be because they get too hungry for dinner at 8, like the theatre but never come late, or never bother with people they hate?


Hey Jones, I am pretty sure this might have been brought up before. For the podcast, atleast for YouTube, would it help to have a interesting title in? Or maybe a thumbnail. Lot of craetors i follow do it and I feel like it gets new people who might not know about eza, click it. I know Damiani starting doing it for friend code and I have started listening to it again, now that I know what is being talked about. Curious to know if Damiani saw any uptick due to this change. Keep up the good work, L&R